ITT: Anti-Drumpf ms-paint.
Effort posts only, low effort paints will be ridiculed. Post at you're own risk
ITT: Anti-Drumpf ms-paint.
Effort posts only, low effort paints will be ridiculed. Post at you're own risk
My dio brando edits are better than this shit
drumpf and his band of racist putinbots need to be gassed
ok desu ne please post them thanks
i appreciate cute girl threads but please post the memes you think are better thanks
hilldawg yes
is still winning
we prezident now
Done in MS paint
its over for senile racist drumpf
Literal rapist whose entire company revolves around tricking people into being raped and killed by strangers...and paying for it.
Not a real company that actually makes a real product, sorry.
Nigger who rips people off
100% owned by asians
>Under Armour
OH NO, THE FAGGOT WHO MAKES UNDERWEAR AND T-SHIRTS FOR WEEKEND WARRIORS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
cry more putinbot
How did these people even get successful if they abandon partnerships over irrelevant differences of opinion?
get out RACIST
Trump is a racist, bigoted man
We do not deserve such a leader. We need someone as good as Stalin.
fresh from ms paint
Holy fucking shit, you are PLATINUM MAD
>not a real company that makes a real product
These are way too wordy, Tim Buckley
These are gold
Got a larger version of that? That face/character has so much potential.
That was unironically me tho and I still got fired
Dravidian Albino. the roots of the white man,
long story short, 12k years ago the flood happen,
asteroid impact on the north american ice sheets.
the places that was least affected of this catastrophe was places you can find elephants and other mega fauna today.
India and African high lands.
after the flood, albinos settled in the north, just as they did before the flood. whit time they created there own culture. they wrote in runes! German,Slav and Turk all wrote in runes some 1000 years ago.
one last thing, chines are not native to asia, they are from africa. look up the san people
Try again
I already know brother but thank you for sharing.
Yakub is the same Jacob from the bible. He mass bred albinos in the Island of Patmos because G-d commanded him to the same way he did abraham. To make us different. To test us.
Who are you? What was your job?
SAGE kike Slide thread...
That's clinton aND bernie voters
So it's true. The left can't meme.
Why can't the left meme?
these are fucking amazing
please don't stop my sides are getting less amerifat by the second
Who's this even supposed to strawman? Wtf, you are so bad at this I swear.
Boring, more Mspaint OC