Why aren't you promoting Alt-Left with all of your energy Sup Forums?

The way the MSM and Antifa are recoiling from being branded Alt-Left is stunning.

This stings them more than you know. Lumping all leftist violence into one group forces democrats to disavow them. Shareblue have been given their directions to stop it from spreading. They desperately want to keep antifa as a separate entity to them but its too late for that.

No more antifa, no more 'counter protesters', no more 'lone wolfs', no more BLM.

Its all alt-left and they fucking HATE IT.

Other urls found in this thread:



Retitle your youtube videos for this more accurate moniker. All "antifa" riots include feminists, BLMers, DNC people. It's the ALT-LEFT.

Alt-left attacks CBS 6 reporter in Richmond


This is why we are being raided right now. This is why there are twenty to thirty illegitimate threads in the catalog right now.


Stupid term when you can just call them communists or anarchists, which they are.

Observe the integers.


Finally an user with a decent plan that isn't "hurr durr let's tear down statues too"

You are wrong. Feminists are not anarchists. There is no benefit to specificity. There is clearly a big reaction to this term, they're terrified of it.


Because Ctrl-left is better

Because people who fight nazis are different than literal nazis. Fuck off.

The Alt-Left is promoting itself; they re-branded themselves as well. Now they're targeting another sit-in on Wall street because Trump hired ex-Goldman Sachs employees and they're street soldiers for Soros.

Ctrl-left is wittier. It has also been around for years to zero effect. Alt-left generated a raid.

So as long as I declare you to be a Nazi, I can do whatever I want to you, and nobody can so much as criticize me? Why do I think you haven't gotten around to reading 1984?

Also, can someone try to comment on that video and tell me what happens?

It's the only video I have ever posted that gets barely any comments and I'm wondering if it's in some kind of limited state.

the average person is politically clueless, the the terms communist and anarchist mean nothing. americans also for whatever reason try to see everything in terms of duality - if there is one extreme there must be an opposite and equal extreme. they have been fed an idea of what the alt right is so it only makes sense to them that there should be an alt left. use their own terminology against them.

>Stupid term
>Shareblue literally directing 100% of their resources to stopping alt-left from spreading.

Their reaction is all you need to know.

The term alt-left also hurts the alt-right which is what the coward white nationalists call themselves.


Alt-left chokes and drags Black Student into the street at a Charlottesville vigil in New York.

This is not a coincidence. Trump knows that Soros is targeting him and his presidency. Soros stands to make big bank if he can crash the stock market, so he is organizing another OWS.

Somehow Trump knows.

It will happen just like it did with fake news. After one week, we will turn yet another one of their epithets against them.

Sure thing alt left

You should add the Facebook torturers, Micah X, and the group that dragged the guy out of his car and beat him to an inch of his life.

King nigger was Bush's third and fourth terms where were his riots?

we need to use the pic of that girl lighting another girl's hair on fire

This. But the image will easily get too large for effectively spreading on twitter, etc. It should be a series.


Keep it up, the Alt-Left doesn't like being labeled like this.

This is a good point

Your average normie doesn't equate communism with government mandated murder and starvation, they just see it as some kind of fringe political party from Russia

Alt left is way more offensive to liberals

is lumping tranny shit into the "alt-left" moniker too soon, too big a red pill to swallow for normie baby? I think it's important we draw the lines firmly, the left are more likely to accept the lumping of them all together if there precious trannies get tossed into the mix.

>delicious alt-left tears

I need some more boys to spam. This is whats needed to redpill normies, shils will hate these threads

Well said
Good bread here
I like the scheme here
If I were a kike I would be rubbing my hands together

Alt-left activists Shouting 'Black Lives Matter' Beat Up Seven White Males

Early Sunday morning in Akron, Ohio, a group of men chanting "Black Lives Matter" allegedly attacked seven white males, throwing bottles and punches and kicking one victim in the head several times until he blacked out.

"A group of men chanting 'Black Lives Matter' was accused of viciously beating up seven white victims in Akron early Sunday morning," reports Akron's 19 WOIO.


Never forget Zemir Begic. Beaten to death with hammers by alt-left murderers in connection with an alt-left/BLM riot.



Yes but Alt-Left caused a bigger shitstorm. They don't like it, so we use that one.

Moar eyez
This guy should have been our martyr, should have kicked it off then

This should be a digits thread for easy bumps. Fucking look at them all.



>so he is organizing another OWS.

Bullshit. OWS was sabotaged by Soros, that's the last thing he wants. It wasn't until OWS started that the Alt-Left went into overdrive.

I was beginning to have a few doubts about Trump, but then he goes and does something like this and it's just like the election aftermath all over again. Pure genius and courage..

Hey don't forget about this guy:

he was right on the money. he waited watched and saw what was happening. the chess boards back out and its time to throw it back at them


I'm just flat out calling the MSM the Alt Left media on every social media platform and every conversation IRL.
The triggering that ensues is comedy gold, but a lot of goy are getting woke too.
Also opens a conversation about how the MSM is actively encouraging violence against anybody guilty of wrongthink in a way that fake news never did.
First they lost their credibility.
Now they got caught out spreading outrageously dangerous far left propaganda for a terrorist group.
I'm not even tired of winning yet.
The MSM own Antifa now.


its seriously working. trump gave us the key to fighting back without exposing powerlevels


They'll get away with it because the media supports them though.


It doesn't exist.

He only gets a small line in
>On November 30, Zemir Begic, 32 year-old unarmed Bosnian man was beaten to death with hammers by at least three black teenagers at 1:15 a.m. in St. Louis in front of his fiancee.[140] The local community saw the event as a hate crime,[141] and the victim's family believed the teens "were affected to a certain point from the situation in Ferguson".[140] Hundreds of protesters rallied for two nights, with many chanting "Bosnian lives matter".[141] However, the event saw little mainstream media coverage.[142]


Just like Hillary right?

Fuckin' meme that Oswald was an Alt-Leftist

Antifa and the like may espouse anarchy and communism, but they are not working to that goal. They are working with and for global corporations for the purposes of stabilizing international capitalism.

In order for alt-left to stick there has to be a face for the alt-left. Without their version of Richard Spencer it won't ever go anywhere.

/leftypol/ has memed alt-left for years now. They have youtube channels/people. But I don't remember their names.

Antifa is the face. The alt right was a blanket term no one knew the NPI or R.S. You see left wing violence you call in the alt left. Thats all we needed to get to where we are today. However, intellectuals that call for violence, teachers that say white genocide now, BAMN Yvette. They might make good ones.

Zemir Begic was white near an alt-left riot.

He was beaten to death with hammers in front of his fiance.

The murderers of Zemir Begic shouted "FUCK THE WHITE PEOPLE. KILL THE WHITE PEOPLE" before carrying out the hammer murder.


I was locked out of 2 accounts today for commenting on the fattie dead chick. This is the first time I personally experienced YT censorship as my comments get scrubbed.

because there's nothing "alt" about them. This is what the left has always done. Trump winning the election when they expected to steal it threw them into overdrive.

You don't see the big picture.

Alt-right was crafted and memed so that literally all right-wingers who aren't left-wing RINOs get boxed in with neonazis. Its purpose is to move the Overton window leftward.

True. But the average brain dead normie can't see that, not yet anyways. But they can understand the simple meme of "alt-left" and thus it is useful.




Share & mirror this video, I don't use Twitter but I do see a lot of people claiming the alt left isn't real - this video has narration over clear, undeniable footage. More people need to see it.

>Why aren't you promoting Alt-Left with all of your energy Sup Forums?
Because the alt right is stupid and unorganized and doesn't know how to use even the basic tactics that the left has already mastered 100+ years ago.

I suppose they'll call it a one-off and forget your name, nothing to worry about.

Should there also be an "alt up" and "alt down"?



You can also download it as an mp4 via hokotube hooktube.com/1JjJ3pA64ew
and spread it on twitter. Twitter doesn't like youtube videos for some reason but will click on and retweet native embeds.

Make sure to include the blatant lies that the MSM is perpetuating. Denial + evidence

>made up to create a false equivalence between the far right and "anything vaguely left-seeming"
Holy shit can they lose any more self-awareness at this point

theyre fully aware, and they are scared as fuck

anybody else getting HTTP ERROR 403 when trying to open a new Sup Forums page?

They know exactly what they're doing.

that or they WANT to disavow them and this gives them an excuse to pretend it was all grassroots and not funded by the party itself

I don't understand why the left is so mad about this and conducting a fucking raid about it? surely everyone knows if they start complaining about it that just makes it even funnier to say?
Just do what niggers and tottenham hotspurs did and own the insult and then it loses the power...
there is more to this but I am too drunk to put my finger on it.
in other news GoT episode 7 is gonna be leaked in the next few hours.

>a "study"
>counting Islamists, pigeons and kitchen sinks as right-wing

>Other organizations seem to count many religiously or racially motivated crimes as terrorist offenses, an overcounting that I attempted to avoid.
So he excludes the mass murdering by BlackLivesMatter, an alt-left faction. Alt-left murders are often motivated by antiwhite sentiment because antiwhite sentiment is at the core of their ideology.

Because it offers a distinction between "left" and "alt-left" that frankly doesn't exist. It is simply "the left", and there is no "alt-left", because they're all violent, stupid, mean, nasty Bolshevik vermin, but they delegate tasks and roles to establish deniability between cells. The wine and cheese technocrat puts on suits and runs political campaigns, the Jew evangelizes the left's Bolshevik message through mass media while masquerading as a "fellow white man", the high-verbal-IQ but otherwise useless Negro agitator foments unrest on campus, and the occasional tattooed white guilt sociopath goes out to crack "Nazi" skulls and maybe even pull down some jail time, and they all pretend that they aren't part of the same organism. Many of them even believe that they aren't.

You're not going to finesse this conflict with word games and equivalency whining. People are either both morally willing and intellectually able to see and understand the truth, or they are not. Most are not. Don't think for a minute you're going to take on the propaganda establishment without their resources and win the fight for the minds of the public. That isn't going to happen. There is only one way out of this and if you have two firing neurons you already know what that is. I hope you're ready when the time comes.

Please see We can't have a situation where leftist violence gets boxed off and forgotten while anything bad on the right gets pinned on everyone except a few RINOs who concede on every point.

what is the bloody point in deleting stuff when everyone uses 4chanx and can see the posts anyway? kinda like an archive

For some reason they hate it.

Seriously hate it.

Good enough for me.

Why is it all white people? I mean the current fucking feud is between all whites. I saw very few niggers in Charlottesville

There is an undeniable, finite, discrete and distinct gang that has been running around astroturfing at demonstrations that regularly border on rioting for the past ten years, and even normies are aware of it. That's the alt-left. That's what we are clearly talking about.

Totally understand that, scro. Totally explained all that, scro. That's why it's just "the left". The term "alt-left" suggests there's some kind of distinction between these scum, and there isn't.

This is a good one because they're attacking a sacred minority AND someone who was mainline conservative and not involved in Unite the Right in any capacity.

Nice picture.

But you're an idiot.

There's a reason the left hates this term so much.

Same reason they love it when larpers show up wearing nazi kit.

Poke them where it hurts.

Yeah, you're still not getting this. It's a FACTION of the left, not an element in any way separate from the whole.

>everyone who disagrees with me is shareblue
I just think Alt-Left is a bad term, but with Trump using it, it might catch on.
In my opinion you're better off calling these people what they call themselves. Call them "ANTIFA", call them "Commies". Tell them they're giving into the same mass hysteria after 9/11 and they're being played.

Yeah, no, you're not understanding this at all.

Suggesting that the left is divided between two discrete entities simply offers moral cover to the more visible elements of the left when they are in fact one entity.

Nobody cares about those two terms; This new one is new and bitter. Alt-anything has a negative connotation now, alt-left (bad left) would be their new title: Renegade violent radicals that align with the left but not embraced by them

But that's the situation we have. When it's "the left" then it gets categorized as BlackLivesMatter, or antifa, or whatever subgroup and the left as a whole keeps getting off scot-free. It's not a slur on its own because that's unreasonable, just like "the right" would be unreasonable and ineffective as a slur to everyone except leftists themselves.

It's a battle for centrists and the mandate of the mindless masses.

You'd think altright.com would be working the day and night getting their story out about Charlottesville, and you go to the website and they're feuding with... Katie fucking McHugh.

These people are incompetent to the max. If someone sensible like Ramzpaul or Matt Forney was running the show there wouldn't be these strategic mistakes.

Mark of Cain???

never really noticed it before the bike lock attack Eric Clapton now I think about it...whatever happened to that twat anyway?
Sup Forums gave them enough evidence to convict ages ago and no news,maybe time to remind the masses?

MSM is still trying to answer what the alt right is. was a valid question. muh stormfags.

Doesn't matter.

They hate it because "alt left" indicates that there are equivalent leftists that are as "evil" as the "alt right".

That makes leftists insane.

Inside their minds they are special snowflakes who have the right to beat their enemies to a pulp.

Telling them that they are even comparable to the people they hate burns them inside.
