Be Safe out there boys!
"Mother of All Rallies" - CBS News
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I'm not convinced ICP or Juggalo's are anti Trump
I can't imagine them being pro Clinton.
Why would Trump supporters and ICP have a conflict? I don't see why they would be enemies.
The right should stay home and watch the eat themselves. They'll be so rabid that they'll start rioting because of the police presence without the alt right there.
They have songs about hunting the KKK with hatchets and ninja stars. Ya fucked son.
Very Dangerous!
>Paid agitators and a few retard Nazi LARPers vs Juggalos in DC
shit this fucking timeline
they're probably Bernouts considering they're all welfare leeches
The KKK isn't really the people that show up to Trump rallies, they've been around for generations. Most of the Southern separatist groups are not really supporters of anything in Washington, they want a separate union.
Confederate Separatists, KKK, NeoNazis and White Supremacists are not really Trump's base. For the most part, these groups support replacing the existing Government completely. None of these people are going to show up to his rally.
The only reason they showed up to the General Lee statue event was because they were all invited with the intention of causing a scene.
Recent clips of Juggalos fight... They know nothing about fighting...
This shit right here from slick user
Maybe, but I've been thinking about this for awhile
>Universal Basic Income
Who does this benefit?
The rich.
The recommended way of paying for this is to cut funding for all other social assistance programs. This will basically stop all food programs, and child benefit programs and just give people a lump sum of money. The people at the bottom would receive less value in cash because this money is now spread evenly.
Basically, educated children of middle class and rich families would benefit, because they could barely live off basic universal income while leeching the benefits of having employed parents. The poor would have all of their benefits cut, and receive potentially less money each month.
>Free Education
Who benefits?
The rich.
See attached.
Most students who have been going to school come from middle class and wealthy families. 35% of tuition is paid through parents. To get a loan, you do require some level of credit or a cosigner, generally a parent at well.
If you make tuition free, the middle class and rich will save on spending at Harvard.
However, most poor students actually use grants and scholarships to get into school, they also generally attend school less because of financial responsibilities or lower grades. They would actually lose the grant and scholarship living expense money, even though school is free.
>Clear Student Debt
Same as above. Poor students use grants and scholarships, because their parents don't have high enough income/credit rating to sign for a student loan (even if the standards are dropping). Most students with debt will already be from middle class families, not the poor.
remember when the alt-right did a hitler youth march last week? Now some normal Trump supporters are going to get beat up by violent clowns for being "nazi's" because of you. Then you'll have more propaganda for your cause.
who set this up ?
they have to be controlled op
Anyone got the Howard Stern clip where they said they will fight anyone and a guest caller says he is outside the studio and would like to come up and fight and Howard offers him to come up and fight if they accept and they shit their pants and back down likes bitches?
Was fucking gold but I cant find it anymore.
its a friendly match stupid.
They are from DETROIT
Someone link this
Found it
Juggalos are mostly white trash, so... yeah, you're right. At least a significant amount of them align to the right.
>Down syndrome Juggalos vs FBI nazi LARPers vs antifa
Fucking wew.
If ever a community of people other than niggers deserved to be gassed, it's the juggalos. Absolutely fucking degenerate.
Right. We've done it haha
Sounds to me like you'll have ample opportunity. Go on earn that awoo badge boy.
Are you implying they look harmless?
Its trailer trash...the have a propensity to stab.
>(((They)))are using famous people to promote violence.
>Making a passive aggressive tweet about carrying hatches to disturb a legal march.
I hope everyone that attends this march will be in full body armor,and will have several weapons.1 Knife,1 Gun,1 Bat-Metal or Wood,1 nice sized stick,and 1 shield for bashing people into corners.If you feel you need more types of weapons,go for it,but you should keep it to 1 each.
Kek, right wing vs juggalos
Please let this happen
Jack Wagner is a hipster troll