More Stars & Stripes, Less Swastikas

Nationalism is based around glorifying one's nation. It is so successful partly because humans have a natural, tribal tendency to side with things with which they already identify: their families, their football teams, their countries. Now, while I understand that plenty of the CVille and Unite the Right folks are sympathetic to Nazis, I was a little surprised to see so few American flags, and so much Nazi paraphernalia.

First, let me say that I understand Dixie nationalists and why they'd prefer to wave the Stars and Bars. But if the American Nationalists and White Nationalists want to appeal to the Nation... surely it's better to wrap oneself in red white and blue rather than red white and black.

Be 88 in your hearts, but it will be much more effective for redpilling normies (even if the lying press still calls you Nazis) if American flags and American symbols, like Washington, Columbia, and the Bald Eagle (not fashy eagles) are used. Our goal should be something like pic related, not Hitler. Our nation is America, not Germany.

I agree, though a new nation should be new. Even U.S. symbols can keep us down.

George Washington>Adolf Hitler

Keep the 14, but drop the 88.



I'm not gonna go around countersignaling Nazis if we're fighting for the same cause. I'm offering advice for making the cause more successful.

You're average Trump fan will not respond to edgy, real-life, Swastika-posting. I might find it hilarious, but I'm a deranged Sup Forumsack. Instead, we should have the same talking points, but fly the flag of our nation.

Part of fascism and nationalism in general is a romanticized history of the nation and a love of country. Nationalism and romantic history are embedded in the hearts of most Americans at birth. It is only through marxist education systems through which this good work is undone. But even in plenty leftists, a love of country remains. And in "le enlighted centrists"/conservatives, it is vibrant. Play into this edge we have over the marxists and BLMers against whom we're fighting.

This this and this.
14 is the goal

That's why I suggested those which wouldn't.

Washington - a white man and English Cincinnatus who espouses the greatest elements of England and Rome.

Columbia -- the personification of America as a beautiful white woman (sometimes culturally appropriating from indians)

Bald Eagles -- close to fashy eagles but an undeniably American symbol.

If you think we need our own flag, then go with the Bonnie Blue Flag/Somalian Flag. A white star on a blue field. It's striking and simple and reminds normies of Captain America, even if it's originally the flag of the Confederacy.

Yes, but I don't mind the 88ers if they can hide their powerlevel long enough to win.

I agree. Founding fathers were racist as fuck, hated Jews. If alt Right wants to larp, wear colonial shit like a coat and tricorn hat. If you have to be edgy throw a fucking gas mask on it. Normal Americans love colonial shit. Every girl I know watches Sleepy Hallow and Salem.

The mere existence of nazis at our rallies and meetups countersignals us. They're toxic.

Hail Columbia should be our anthem again.

I don't think they really need to wear colonial shit. Especially because that looks nice and I don't want to see Antifa cover it in piss, shit, and paint.

They can stick with the polos, khakis, shields, and helmets. It's effective for protecting against projectiles.

Still better than the Nazi stuff for optics.

I'm just putting it out as an option for people that just have to larp at rallies. Attacking "George Whashington" looks bad compared to shooting "Adolf" to the masses.

Colonialist optics would work very well

America is finished. Pretending that the United States can be salvaged as a white homeland is just as delusional as nazi larping. We are part of the global pan-European ethno-nationalist movement, defunct states and constitutions are meaningless to us. We can always erect new states and write new constitutions, it is only our blood and soil which remains constant. The third reich is the only institution which successfully rolled back the kike onslaught, and as such, I have far more respect for the Swastika than I do for the American flag. It is become increasingly clear that the United States must die for the European race to survive.

For the love of god, don't listen to this fag. Baby boomers did this shit when the Tea Party/Glenn Beck movement was big and it was cringy as fuck. Follow the Generation Identitaire model and just wear clean, contemporary style that is presentable to normies

Nazism is tarnished. It will not be able to rehabilitated. It is antithetic to even the ideals of many hard-right Americans. The only reason it appeals is because it is consistently painted as the bad guys, which gives it a kind of taboo appeal.

What is needed instead is something distinctly American, but not stodgy. The Alt-Right movement in the US needs to abandon or sideline its totalitarian urges and instead try to tap in, aesthetically and politically, the frontier spirit that forged America. Liberty, Self-Reliance, Pride in Heritage, and a hard-nosed, outgoing drive. We need to free these things and ideals from the confines of patriotic-grandparent tier kitsch.

We need to uphold the legacy of the pioneers and explorers, mountain men and cowboys, poets and inventors. The focus should be to reject shame for our past, and to focus it and the ideals that forged it as a path forward to something else.

There will be fags that wear stupid shit no matter what. I agree with you. I just think it's the best option for tard wrangling.

" yeah bob, your tricorn looks way better than the Hugo Boss knock off."

If you're not okay with emergency totalitarian or racist measures then you're just prepping the bull of white genocide.

A lot is needed to roll back the decline of America. Deporting all illegals, of course, but also a new immigration system which is tailored to increase white percentages and a purging of communist traitors from the academy (which will look very Naziesque with the amount of Jews getting taken out).

I'm with you on this part:
>We need to uphold the legacy of the pioneers and explorers, mountain men and cowboys, poets and inventors.

So you say.

>These are shill threads designed to make nazis less fringe so that the media can easier lump the entire right in with them.

Trips means true

You didn't get shit. Fuck off, newfag.

The entire Right has already been lumped in with Nazis.

What is needed is a Cultural Revolution from the bottom up. Not a takeover and top-down purge. The various movements of against the Marxoids need to ferment more to become a stronger, more coherent counterculture able to subvert, tear down, and hijack the culture away from the left-liberal status quo.

We already see this to some degree with the present Alt-Media apparatus. But it needs to grow further to last longer, and to more deeply expunge the '60s Hangover from our collective system. It needs to become a movement with youth, energy, and rebellion, a generational conflict in many ways to RESTORE a path back to tradition, instead of throwing it into the trash.

Removing right-wing politics' stodgy image and feel is paramount.

>I'm not gonna go around countersignaling Nazis if we're fighting for the same cause. I'm offering advice for making the cause more successful.

Those Nazis are a millstone, anchor and kitchen sink chained around your neck. You cannot win as long as there is a single autist walking around with a swastika or reichsadler. You have zero chance at winning unless you straighten those idiots out.

They do not care if you disavow. You are a Nazi. Any form of Nationalism is just a stepping stone to Nazism. It's why democrats countersignalled Patriots for the entirety of the Bush years. Patriotism is just a veiled Nazism to them.

It goes back to our boy Theodore. Leftism is a political philosophy based on an intense inferiority complex. The Leftist feels like a loser and sympathizes with the losers. He hates the winners. He hates success and anybody or thing who is successful. He hates whites. He hates men. He hates America. He hates western civilization.

It's why so many leftists are moral relativists -- or just relativists in general. If one version of the facts is true, then they are superior (i.e. more successful) to the false version of events. If one morality is good, then the other morality is bad..

>when the Tea Party/Glenn Beck movement was big and it was cringy as fuck
So much this

I'm in favor of the sharp polos -- but I don't like white that much. lol I'd go with navy-blue color.

Good thread

But shields with runes and Nazi flags were great looking. People that get bent out of shape with rallies looking like American focused Renn Fairs that you can take the kids to, are not people we should concern ourselves with. We need to be fun and American. If it feels a little geek, so what. We live in a world with fucking fidget spinners. I think a movement with some tricorn and coonskin caps will be fine. It's an option, not a mandated dress code.

I'm fine with runes. I'm fine with weird shit on shields. I'm even fine with swastikas.

Middle america grandma who voted for Trump isn't okay with the swastikas. If we want to make this movement more palatable to the normie Trump supporter, the higher power levels stuff needs to be kept hidden.

Even if that is what liberals believe, you lose fellow conservatives with this Nazi bullshit.

Many conservatives are proud for fighting and defeating the Nazis in WWII. If anyone actually expects them to go along with all the sieg heil bullshit then good luck.

Stop worshiping a failed government and leader. We were above the krauts then and we are above the krauts now. Don't know why anybody has more faith in them than in the men that actually kicked their asses.

Read the OP again, dumbass.


The US Bill of Rights is well worth protecting, preserving, and carrying forward. Recent events prove that more than ever the first and second amendments are absolutely vital.

>the higher power levels stuff needs to be kept hidden.

we joos now

But of course. The United States of America are a crystalization of everything good and true about Englishmen which Britain has now forgotten under a flood of mud-colored migrants.

Honor and loyalty, rulership with consent of the governed, an armed yeomanry making up the military. It's all there.

The First and Second Amendment are evolutions of English tradition going back to Magna Carta. The High Middle Ages -- fuck this age of enlightenment shit. The Second Amendment even has its roots in the fact that so many Yeomen (not knights) were needed for England's secret weapon, the longbow, and so common men were all expected to be armed. The jury system and judgment of one's peers goes back BEFORE the high middle ages, BEFORE the Norman Conquest, to the Danelaw (viking rule of England).

America is amazing. It is literally the best country on Earth. And we're watching it get destroyed. We do not need Nazi symbols to communicate our nationalism. The saga of American history is already full of worthy idols.

Yes. This is essential. If you don't want to imagine you're a Jew, look at South Africa. The Afrikaner Broderbond was a pseudo-secret society of Dutch-descended Afrikaners, infiltrating the British colonial government, steadily taking over the institutions and turning them to the purpose of elevating the Afrikaans people and gaining independence from the British Empire.

We actually need to be. They don't run around screaming "We want to kill off the goyim!" They talk about 'diversity' and 'inclusiveness' instead.

what are the advantages of a white ethno-state?

Less women getting BLACKED for one

This is the message i got from Trump's conference, he wants to be on our side and defend us but he can't when we show up with swastika's and shit like that.

American flags from here on out.

Less crime and more money.

Solidarity, high social trust, more respect for laws and institutions.

There you go.

>We do not need Nazi symbols to communicate our nationalism.
But we do need nazi symbols to communicate our Anti-Semitism. If we didn't have Jews in this country, people wouldn't care about swastikas. Slavs lost millions fighting Germans, and yet public swastikas hardly elicit a reaction in eastern Europe. This is because swastikas are an ancient European symbol, and the presence of the swastika only truly alienates non-whites, especially kikes.

There isn't even a need to exclude all immigration, or to explicitly hate minorities. The goal should be to annihilate everything, but our standard European American culture. Genocide doesn't need to be a part of this.

Mexicans not integrating = mandatory cultural centers to turn them, etc.

No need to use the stick when the carrot will do.

Seriously, what happened to the Tea Party? We need more of them. I know it's cringy but it looks much better than being Nazis. I mean, it's harder for people to believe the MSM when Antifa is attacking ppl wearing American shit than German shit.

Use the ones that less people know about. Jews themselves know about them & it freaks them out but normies mostly don't so it flies under the radar.

Another cool one.

No fashy Eagles or swastikas damn

Dont you think we need to foster a nationalist movement and a real right wing movement with institutions before any of that will work?

>Dont you think we need to foster a nationalist movement and a real right wing movement with institutions before any of that will work?

Just rock estoteric fash shit. Who cares. Avoid the swastika & the KKK white hood & we're fine.

>what happened to the Tea Party

The Republicans and Media killed them.

So we gave em Trump.

If they take him out, the next one they'll love even more.

The Iron Cross is used by bikers and custom car community.

You have no idea what level of cringe it was to hear the tiki torch carrying neckbeards chanting "Jews will not replace us." I'm not even convinced they weren't fucking actors hired to make white nationalists look bad.
To normies, Hitler is like secular version of Satan, but much more evil.
I have no problems with 14 words, and I have no problems with any person of any ethnicity who wants to adapt those 14 words to themselves. 88 has to go.

That's fine. American symbols will still be more powerful for recruiting normies.

You don't overdose on redpills all at once. You take little purple and pink pills, then more red pills and more and more slowly ramping up. Throwing swastikas in people's faces is like stuffing a bottle of pills down their throat. Why do you think "I just wanted to play video games" is a meme?

>Dont you think we need to foster a nationalist movement and a real right wing movement with institutions before any of that will work?
Movements and institutions are a mirage, what we have now is all that we are going to get under these circumstances. The only thing to do is to gather our strength and clear our enemies from the streets, only then will institutional power come our way.

"Guys, what if we bottle the same nasty shit, but put a brand new label on it! Would that make it more appealing?"

>Be 88 in your hearts
Blind followers of the 88, as if they're all right. I never cared for the precepts I know about'em.

"Nasty shit." This isn't New Coke

It's more like McDonalds before the branding and expansion expertise of The Founder.

I may not agree with them either. I'm saying that if they aren't open to changing their minds, they should at least consider changing tactics.

National socialism is the future and offers the template we need to fight the Jew and preserve our people. We live in an era of mass awakening, the lies that were keeping us ignorant are collapsing and natsoc stands like a beacon of truth to all those who have swallowed the redpill. The truth about what happened to Germany is coming out like a tidal wave, there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The Jew fears this and will stop at nothing to prevent it. If natsoc was just a controlled opposition LARP than (((they))) would have passed holohoax denial laws and they would not be shutting down TDS and other natsoc media.

But McDonalds was great before it was corporatized, and still pretty tasty into the '70's.
Then it became soulless mass-extruded dogshit.

how about this?

Nazis larpers have to go ...

>Push My Agenda
Fuck you. It's a politically incorrect board moron. By the way, I'm not into thinking in the first place and identity itself is overthinking.

As if the liberals don't consider your flag just to be just as toxic.

They do. But the normie conservatives don't. And thr goal is to convert more of the average trump supporters

Natsoc is the past. This coming from a natsoc

Just as toxic is a stretch.

People could handle stars and bars better than you autist larpers and your hitler obsession.

The point is to win over conservatives, while simultaneously making liberals look bad.

If you don't get that then you are more autistic than I thought.

Because Nazis and KKK have used it out of context.

We will have a special place on the cotton plantation for the nazi larpers mark my words

I don't know how it's so hard for some of you guys to see this. I'm watching from up north and what you do effects us, don't fuck this up.

LARPing or not, Hitler still did nothing wrong

Also blue = opposite of red. Very important graphical leverage.

Natsocs will always be strangers and enemies in the minds of americans (and everybody in reality).

Also torches transmit a sense of implicit violence (POWERFUL PHOTOS), which is something that photojournalists love.


>go to unite the right rally thats intention is to bring together the newer moderates and libertarians with the older conservatives and religious repubs

>the donald shows up wanting to be special snowflakes calling themselves "alt-right" instead of just assimulating within the republican party

>alt-right is attackable by the left without scrutinizing the whole repub base

>media ascends a leader for "us" ie richard spencer even though he doesnt endorse trump

>one person gets out of hand and everyone is labeled alt-right despite the whole point of the rally was to unite republicans far and wide

>lefties riot and loot and its just considered a individualist group

>alt-right do something bad and the whole republican group is considered responsible




>but muh alt-right tho
youre fucking repubs you idiots

Stars and stripes and eagles are gay

We should try to find something that is American, but also unique and not boomer

Modernize the Bedford flag, first American flag, dates back to colonial days, not associated with ZOG regime, says win or die

Why are we borrowing another country's movement to begin with?
The clothes don't make the man.