Whats your thoughts on people who like the ideas of communism, but absolutely despise antifa?
Non-Antifa Commie
>Whats your thoughts on people who like the ideas of communism, but absolutely despise antifa?
You both suck. Please go back to /leftypol/ and stay there.
You like communism because you are completely demoralized and separated from the power process.
You think communism is like welfare, and you'll just get free NEETbux for the rest of your autistic life?
>likes communism
>100 million+ death toll
My trick is thusly-- living communally is fine; trying for a communist government deserves death.
reform is a thing
of course not full communist government jesus, i despise any past version, as history tells, it doesnt work
So the fantasy version of communism where you work 12 hours a week and everybody gets tons of free shit?
no, an integration of many different political ideology actually, but overall communist
ANTIFA owes it's birth and existence to communism!
You cannot separate the two.
State the difference(s)
if i'm recalling what i've read in the past, wasn't most of it spurred on by Joseph Stalin, hoping to destabilize other european nations for easier soviet takeover?
neo-nazism is reformed nazism just give it a chance reeeeeeeee
Just another branch of the same rotten tree.
Only a thief seeks to blame and extort from others what he could have attempted to earn himself.
Only good communist is a dead communist
i feel the same about you as i do about nonviolent muslims. i dont give a fuck about you. you'd stand by while communists massacred me like the other 100 000 000 they have already killed. i see you as worse than the scumfucks who will just come out and tell me they hate me and want me dead.
have you learned nothing from the Russian revolution? like it or not, they are your people and after the horde kills its enemies it'll come for you.
>Whats your thoughts on people who like the ideas of communism, but absolutely despise antifa?
You mean liars?
Ovens. Communism is entirely materialistic and Jewish and has resulted in 3000-500 million deaths since its inception. Horrible, insecure, envious and nigger tier ideology contrived completely by Jews who historically never could build a nation because they prey upon everyone, even their own kind.
More like ANTIFA movement roots were in Weimar Republic Germany.
ANTIFA and Nazis ironically competed for the same constituents...the German middle class. Much like any ANTIFA American communists look to wipe out the American middle class.
Hi guys.
Which side more friendly for pynya's russia?
Who abandon sanctions?
Commi or alt-right?
We are traitors of lenin but we kill hitla...
Go full soviet or go home. If you want to pretend that communism doesn't involve killing Jews, niggers, and homosexuals, then you're just a larping faggot. Otherwise, please go cuddle up to daddy stallin 6 feet under and decay.
Alt Left = ANTIFA = Filthy Communists
I think they are kids that dont know how the world works yet