What is the verdict on Richard Spencer?
The perfect leader for low-IQ amerimutts.
Who cares?
Daily reminder
nice ad-hom faggot
Professional LARPer and not 'controlled' enough to be C.O.
this homo is always eager to go in front of cameras and makput more fuel into a "drumph is nazi" narrative
either he's a retard or a plane
Good guy, not the best leader. He's also being buttfucked and strawmanned by the kikes.
(Not SIEGE-pilled neither, thinks le work within the system will ever work)
He's done far more than 99.99% of the shitposters on Sup Forums. Not his fault he got set up in Charlottesville.
He's openly supported judaism more than a dozen times since his campaign speech
he has only hurt white people with his antics.
Blame BigKK (Faggot furry) for that one. Who tf autistically plans a political march and displays said plan publically?
>He's openly supported judaism
And homo crap. There is an old video of his wife and I thought "looks like a tranny to me" and sure enough others thought so too in the comments but I don't ever comment on jewtube. Nor am I saying that's really the case. Not sure. But it's something to ponder.
controlled opposition
Well, I think he was useful. Don't hate the guy.
Piece of shit corrupting the right with Zionism and fag tolerance.
He is a jew media-created villain. A lispy pussy who says grandiose ebil nazi things which makes the normies and nigs think of whites as both evil and easy meat.
He needs to disappear.
"Pussy" doesn't begin to cover it.
Wonder what rocky would say if he was alive today
Needs to be killed by a Trump supporter. That'll throw the left into a loop for a while