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I wish God would just come down from the heavens and disintegrate every single parasitic leftist strain of cancer from this world.
I want to bathe in the ash of commies.
What the fuck has the world come to
too bad he already said he wouldn't
t. bibble pro
Feels good
wAAAIT, We should get them to do more of this.... this... this would be hilarious. can we find a list of things like this and trick them into believing they are racist? I
good point user, we can easily subvert this false flag by dividing and misdirecting the easily misled kids that think they are the pinnacle of righteousness
The events of the last few days make me think we're going South Africa tier before I'm died Sup Forums. Will I be saved if I have 1/8 native blood?
This is just what mass madness looks like - see the French Revolution.
been this way a long while now
Nah no L's we're getting raided by hefty lefties for calling them alt left.
We didn't take an L nigga
This battle is far from over, and to think the MSM gets to declare who loses is cucking yourself
Remember that American leftists who are currently aged 18-25 were kids before Obama set foot in office.
They've never experienced things not going their way. So they throw a shitfit, like the spoiled little brats that they are.
Really activates my almonds
Kek I'm 1/8th injun too bro, we're White. "Wait my grandma was a native" won't work.
I just got cancer
check yo bronze privilege
tar is the new clay
the absolute state of these morons.
t. also 1/8 native
You're white to the left, and a mongrel to the right. We only got each other dude
*half native
The amount of fucks to give are really low
Oh no!!! I hope the left does not continue to destroy monuments and statues or people will start to realize that the left are nothing but a bunch of Commie Anarchist!!!
We should definitely ***NOT*** encourage the left to continue doing this stupid shit.
We should totally ***NOT*** act like they are causing us great pain and anguish and make them think vandalizing is really making us mean old Nazi think again next time we call out the Jew.
French Revolution exactly. I remember that one of the Royalists who was a cousin to Louis XVI actually supported the revolution and even changed his name to Citizen Capet and surrendered his royal titles but they still beheaded him.
This is why it's not worth working with these people in any capacity and Trump is absolutely right for calling them out. No matter what, if you are any bit right of their opinions then they're going to treat you the same as Nazis.
Then all the statues at MOMA are safe. They don't vaguely look like anything.
>We take a L
Do we?
I love how everything related to the West is equated with nazism, white supremacy, kkk, etc.
These idiots haven't thought this through
I-it's different! Lee was racist!
Most Anglos in this country have injun blood in them. All the leading families during the colonies (Washingtons, Jeffersons, Lees, Pinckeneys) all have ancestors that were injuns.
i hate to sound like a nazi but if you want to identify the most violent and crime ridden cities in america just look for the cities with the most african americans.
it's cuz they have lower iqs and higher testosterone.
I think G.E.D. would be more applicable here.
The alt-left years down statues. That's what they do.
>South Africa tier
Negro pop is 13% and declining, bro. Not that the beaners who will take over the country care about "Anglo" history.
yeah i live nearby and went to the park the statue is in next day and all the vandalism was on the angel part of the monument. godless hordes did it in the dead of night and couldn't see, they don't even know wtf they're tearing down anymore.
im here for the mutt group huddle
you dont need to trick them into believing shit is racist. to them, everything is racist. now that crumpg said that shit about washington and jefferson, theyll be after those monuments too. just sit and watch you dont need to do anything to make them do this
They've been brainwashed. They're doing exactly as they were trained to do all of their lives. "Fuggin kkk nazis. Mu'uh fuggin confederate fat white male fuggin pig nationalist fugga" Is about all that goes through their heads as they commit these atrocities. This is what they were taught, thus they are being good little boys and girls by carrying these tasks out. I was born and raised in California and I assure you, the average young Californian has this cartoonish stereotype beaten into their subconscious from a very early age and this is what they think they're fighting against.
You see, all you have to do is leave them alone, and they will dig their own graves. Don't even get me started on Robert Lee. If everyone was not such a dumb asshole, they would know that he was not, and never was some sort of
>Symbol of hatred
But since the fake news writes the narratives, I guess we just say fuck history. I honestly can't wait for them to start pulling down statues of the founding fathers. It will be upsetting to watch, but the payoff will be well worth it. There's no narrative that can spin that nonsense. And statues can be rebuilt. I am somewhat glad however that Baltimore pulled their statues, so long as they go into storage, or a museum, to be pulled back out at a later date so they don't get mangled.
its going to be ok bros
The left fucks up again and I love every minute of it
It was not a mistake.
God is a fucking cunt.
Huge if true!
Go figure. I live in Atlanta, and everyone here is a moronic leftist, not to mention a shitty driver.
>you dont need to trick them into believing shit is racist. to them, everything is racist.
The issue isn't even racism. It's an excuse to act out, and break things for the pure sport of it.
The technical term for this is "Chimping Out".
Is there any way we could trick them into knocking over the Lenin statue in Seattle? Maybe send them into a purity spiral over something racist he did.
I wonder when they'll tear down a figure of Jesus. Middle America will totally lose their shit.
Oh, and we also should meme them into book burning. They need to keep ramping up the apeshit, the more they ramp up, the more hated they will become.
youre not going to have to wait long, my brother. things are already proceeding at a rapid pace and each one that they get away with and praised for they will only gain more momentum. this is going to turn into a frenzy far worse than it already is. buckle up ameribro.
Wait until the first nigger is killed by a statue of a CW General falling on them while toppling it.
It will be called a hate crime because a black will have been killed by a white guy, and sue the city.
Niggers literally proving they're too dumb and violent to comprehend peace.
kek why are these fucking retards allowed to roam free shitting up everything?
can they even read?
theyre openly declaring war.with everyone
>Is there any way we could trick them into knocking over the Lenin statue in Seattle? Maybe send them into a purity spiral over something racist he did.
No. Just tell them that the Lenin statue is a statue of General Lee. They won't know the difference.
Just like all Swedes. Post 1990-2000 Normie Swedes are just told from birth that you need to tolerate everything and anyone, anything else is racism and intolerance.
Most people over 30 are pretty based unless they've been leftified by communism or feminism back in the days.
Even attacks made by the religion of peace turns into some "anti racist manifest", to convince the rest that they're really the good guys.
please nuke Atlanta. it's going to turn my state blue in less then 10 years
Wheres the fucking police why are these scumbags allowed to enter any city and tear down whatever they don't like?
i like watching the chaos and all that bullshit but this has got me legitimately spooked lately. im not one to normally buy into the panic but this has some creepy parallels to stuff in fiction and history. 1984-tier shit going on right now. it only takes a small mob of fanatical people to take over and browbeat everyone into submission. public denouncements, tearing down of historical monuments, next it will be the books and media then next the laws. the hungry gullet of the postmodernist radicals can never be satisfied until everything is deconstructed, and there is no end point to it, thats inherent in their thinking. the media needs to burn for this.
b...but seeing historical statues get destroyed really does cause me great pain...
They are going to smash up the Lincoln memorial next, because white male in a suit, in seat of authority, and symbolism and feels. It sort of makes sense even. LOL lets see how far this goes.
Judging by the tones in OP's picture, maybe at a third grade level.
Why not just buy a gun and shoot a couple you limp wrist faggot.
>tfw the south rises again
daily reminder never trust your police. I fucking swear American police is the most useless police force
>No. Just tell them that the Lenin statue is a statue of General Lee. They won't know the difference.
I can believe this
I dindu nuffins bra, jus tryin to get my lyf on track, goin ta church, aspiring raper
Stay calm and they will destroy themselves.
The retards are already vandalizing it, so you might be on to something. I can't fucking wait.
You brought this upon yourselves
Now start pinning that the alt-left are a violent and crazy group like the nazis. DO IT FAGGOTS MEME THIS SHIT, SHARE IT ONLINE!!
Trolls should just point them in random directions and see what they will destroy.
>Is there any way we could trick them into knocking over the Lenin statue in Seattle?
Ask any nigger how many blacks were in Soviet Russia?
When they say none, tell them Lenin was responsible for that.
What pains me more is this demonizing of the soldiers and generals that died in the war, who ended the war in honorable surrender and who Abe demanded should be treated not as traitors but americans.
Fucking hell I'm not even american but if we had these insidious forces trying to demonize all of my ancestors wholesale like this I would never forgive them.
Can we do something about the media.....it acts as their vanguard and without it, the left would crumble overnight
>When they say none, tell them Lenin was responsible for that.
might I say how much I enjoyed you're post good sir, I rate it 88/14
>Can we do something about the media
I think the google etc censorship is more of a threat, (((legacy))) mediais dying, trust levels of 10%
And then they blame the white people for it.
We need to take advantage of this stupidity and impulsiveness - watch for Antifa protests to pop up and when they do, find completely benign or even left-wing monuments and art pieces in the area to incite them to attack, claiming they're racist or fascist or whatever.
spread this around like wild fire to fuck with the left. would love to see tucker use this and give his blank face appearance when he fucks with his lefty guests.
Canada would be as useful and relevant as yellow snow with out the United states
Perhaps we can fins a particularly skilled Wordsmith to convince them than Lenin was racist and that his statue should be destroyed? It would be quite funny to see.
Fuck, I'm tired...
And """dox""" libtard sympathizers (not leaders) as Alt-Right Nazis. Let them hunt down their own kind. Fabricate compromising social media screenshots, they can claim whatever they want, the libtard hools will say they were just deleted.
BTW, pic is from 2015. The whole thing isn't new. Don't forget.
>white communist privilege
That would be really funny. Marxists tried to reboot their horseshit by making their doctrine race-based and it ended up eating itself.
The problem is that if we trick Antifa into fucking up some dumb Lenin statue, the only people who are going to care are commies.
If you REALLY want to fuck over Antifa, trick them into vandalizing stuff that, while not irreplaceable or historically important, are still beloved landmarks. You want them to vandalize shit that a city can reasonably repair or replace, but which will seriously piss off a lot of people.
the trick is to let the left hang themselves
let them destroy themselves with identity politics. the world will see how hypocritical they really are.
when BLM nigs out, they will be forced to respond.
Stupid Nigger