Why would we libertarians ever side with natsoc? not only are they authoritarian, but they're lefties. Only retards think natsoc are right wing
Why would we libertarians ever side with natsoc? not only are they authoritarian, but they're lefties...
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Libertarians barely exist, you are irrelevant.
Minorities doesn't care about libertarian ideas
Truth OP.
They only thing they have in common is that they stand against globalists.
But even then they disagree with us on who the problem is.
Many of us limit it to the Rothschilds, Soros, the Media owners, in an alliance with white, arab, asian and black globalists. But see globalists as being an ideology.
Nazi's only focus on the Jewish globalists and only care about the Jewish globalists, and then blame all Jews for it.
>people caring about who nonexistent libertardians align with
Pic related, even captcha knows
The only reason why a Libertarian would side with the NatSocs is because we hate the Commies and it seems like its them who are instigating all this.
We are against alot of the NatSocs because of their Collectivist Philosophy, but sometimes you have to get dirty in a fight.
Libertarians are fundamentally left wing.
The Marxoids are the greater threat. That being said, some manner of mutual toleration might be needed. Out of necessity, more than anything else.
In America at least, Liberty and the ideals behind it have more appeal than the more European NatSoc traditions. Unless something really, REALLY fucked up happens, Libertarianism will have the upper hand. Honey, after all, attracts more than vinegar. Which most individuals would see Nazism is.
Left are Commies, Right are Fascists.
You guys are Collectivists.
We are Individualists.
We're not leftists, you fed shill.
And you're another shill trying to divide the Great Right-Wing Alliance.
See Only a nationalist, moral (free of cultural Marxism) state can adhere to libertarian principles, and the only ones capable of that as a group are whites.
So Hoppean sneks need a white ethnostate to achieve their ideal of freedom, while us NatSocs see the white ethnostate as a goal in itself. Honestly, as long as there were environmental protections, I would be perfectly happy in a libertarian system as long as it was explicitly white.
>centrally planned
It's called a war economy.
>state controlled capital
Yes, because otherwise you'd be giving (((them))) an opening. Fuck off with your bitcoin meme. That would only work if everyone adhered to the same principles.
>high trade tariffs
I don't see a problem with this. Trade with China undercuts American workers and business owners alike. A country should be as self-sufficient as possible, so it cannot be beholden to others. That is, free.
>expensive welfare programs
Work programs that were needed to get Germany out of the usurious death spiral it was in. If you didn't work, you got jack shit.
I've always been saying that the only way to defeat an authoritarian threat is with an authoritarian response. NatSoc is the most efficient way of organizing it, in my mind.
The different between NatSoc and Marxian socialism is that the latter is by necessity totalitarian, while the former is not. Marxian socialism FORCES individuals to do certain things FOR the state, while NatSoc PREVENTS individuals from doing things that harm the people.
In Marxian socialism, the state is used to destroy distinct peoples, as cultural identity is a threat to the state. In NatSoc, the state is only legitimate if it supports and protects the people it is an outgrowth of.
Nationalism, aspects of capitalism.
The DNC is lobbying for dick sucking while we're about to extend retirement age to 70. They are basically a non party and I wouldn't mind them being replaced with actual nazis.
You can't enforce social capital without a government.
We should not.
Anarchy is a ideology of far left and is utopic. Free market is utopic too.
Ancaps are autistic and retards and defend everything we does not like.
I used to be a libertarian. Then I realized some people hate being free, and a peaceful, small government can never reach that point without force.
NatSoc opposes globalist influences
Libertarians oppose globalist influences.
Next question
In reality both teams are united under the banner of "common sense".
And anime.
>I am a shill not willing to compromise for a common goal
We don't have to side with them, but we also don't have to fight against them either. We'll each hunt commies in our own ways.
fascism may sometimes be needed to heal a nation that has lost its sense of direction, and foundation.
Because they are fighting the same enemy.
Ancaps and natsocs
Pagans and Christians
Even Aryans and Africans
must all band together against the Enemy.
Its sick but Hitler made groups like the SS because there were people who didnt want him to.
A lot of alt-right are post-libertarian. They become so when they realize libertarian ideas only make sense for white people.
What goal natsoc and ancap have in common?
Physical removal.
White ethnostate. See
>TFW neo Confederate constitutional purist libertarian
Just give me back my states rights and small government. Fuck commies and fuck Nazis. The world isn't black and white you fucks.
>"there's only 2 sides"
>Why would we libertarians ever side with natsoc? not only are they authoritarian, but they're lefties. Only retards think natsoc are right wing
Because after the Marxists are done attacking the fringe "Nazis" they will come after you. Their Marxist rhetoric is anti-liberty. If you don't protect the NatSoc right to free speech, yours is next on the chopping block.
I see what you did there
Better a nazi than a commie and to be fair, the Nazi is only around because the kike commies force him to exist.
>Why would we libertarians ever side with natsoc?
We don't. Nazis get the helicopter too.
Because, only white people practice and care about Libertrarianism.
There is no point in arguing over libertarian economic policies, when you have a massive non-white population. These arguments can be had when you have secured the borders and have a high IQ population that can handle the freedom of libertarianism.
On a personal note, I think that outright individualism/atomization will lose out to a group acting as a collective everytime, so I prefer a degree of collectivism.
>only whites can be libertarian
Proof please.
This is not to discount the token blacks and Jews such as Rothbard and Friedman
I require information on pajeets.
What non-white country has ever been a bastion of libertarian thought?
Not to be that guy, but Ancient India was very libertarian, including freedom of religion, separation of church and state, low taxation (the Gita calls for the maximum tax rate to be 1/6th).
Don't get me wrong, libertarian thought has had a true renaissance because of white men; but let's not pretend like only white men can enjoy free expression.
According to Gottfried Feder's works, which were endorsed by Hitler, Natsoc's were working towards the ultimate goal of a state without taxes, which was to be accomplished through abolishing interest and usury. The Natsoc state was also to protect private property and protect the right of citizens to own private property and businesses. Only a few industries related to common utilities were to be nationalized, primarily the banks to put an end to the exploitation of the nation by those international companies and thieves. Do you as a libertarian have any grievances against the Federal Reserve? To latch onto the "socialist" part of "national socialist" as evidence of leftism, clearly shows a lack of knowledge of what the Natsoc's really believed. Even the emphasis on personal responsibility, as opposed to the lack of personal responsibility in the modern democratic decision-making process, should appeal to a libertarian. Would Hoppe approve of a constitution monarchy that is not hereditary but rather elected each time, and who is dedicated to the protection of private property? The truth is, the more you actually read up natsoc ideology, the more a lot of it intersects with a lot of libertarian thought.