The absolute fucking nerve of this guy
you must have a google alert set up for this guy
The source :
"We who know Eric, love Eric: a challenging and fiery political discussion partner, an unrelenting yet humble caregiver, and most of all, a devoted friend."
What a piece of shit.
Notice that he never denies that he did it. It's just "The people who caught me are assholes so I shouldn't get in trouble!"
hope he gets 80
He's obviously cashing in on the current media circus where antifa are suddenly being sold as the good guys due to that car crash, I predicted this yesterday.
>since being targeted by the right
Are they seriously portraying HIM as the victim here?
Did he get bail or is he yet due for court?
>"We who know Eric, love Eric: a challenging and fiery political discussion partner, an unrelenting yet humble caregiver, and most of all, a devoted friend."
How lovely, doesn't negate the fact that he whacked someone on the head with a deadly weapon in an unprovoked assault though.
where has norbot been?
They pushed his court day back.
hearing postponed till later in September. typical kike shyster lawyer delay tactic... obstructionist delay yada-yada
It's good to know where that shit is hosted in case someone would want to take it down.
>the people that caught me committing crimes are misogynists.....
Well boys, in light of this shocking new evidence, looks like he's innocent of all charges.
>alll I did was attempt to murder people I disagreed with
cant wait for this buttboy to get blacked and beaten the shit out of by whitey
He conveniently fails to mention the fact that the police verified everything we got on him including his purchasing the backpack the bike locks and such and the fact he was photographed at the event with his mask and hood off and they found all the evidence they needed to tie him with antifa and other anarchy groups as well as multiple bike locks sunglasses and other items that were consistent with the attire of the attacker in the videos at his residences. They also found a camera with photo evidence of him in the same exact attire as the attacker in the videos How many pieces of evidence does he think the police actually need to charge him with the crime in the first place?
What is this kikery? Is he a kike? How do antifags learn to act like such kikes? Kikes!
>I began being targeted by a dedicated swarm of internet trolls known for spewing racism, xenophobia, and misogyny onto the web.
rude af
We failed him
yeah, that totally excuses attempted murder
This. The guy he smacked on the head was kneeling down if I recall. He has absolutely no reason and he used potentially deadly force and attacked the guy.
The guy could have died, he could have gotten brain damage, could have lost his sight or become disfigured, etc. It's no fucking joke.
>This harassment campaign is where the accusations against me originated.
What a lying cunt this guy is, play acting the victim, he hasn't learned anything, clearly not in the least bit sorry for hitting poor onion man.
>they're rayciss, so crimes I commit don't count
Literally the same garbage position the asshole media is taking in regards to Virginia. No wonder this piece of shit released this now, when the media is in full feigned moral outrage and cover-up mode.
True justice will be served.
Can any Burger tell me what kind of sentence he is likely to receive if convicted?
Nothing. The governor would probably pardon him.
I hope he means the gear he had used and kept were found by police in the raid.
He is so fucked.
>I tried to kill a bunch of people and hurt a few of them really bad
>but I'm the victim here because some people told me what they thought of me online
yeah, he mentions that. he got brave because of the girl that died
>Heather Heyer gave her life trying to stop the growth of this hate. She died defending decency, and may she rest peacefully knowing that struggle will continue and multiply. There’s little comfort in words at times like these especially for people directly affected, but love and solidarity to her family and to everyone who is still physically and psychologically recovering from this brutality. We’ve got your back.
He was at the front of the conflict attempting to deescalate the bickering of the hamplanet meat-shields antifa uses as their front-liners.
Up to an including life - California is famous for mandatory minimum sentences and his crimes make it impossible to avoid jail time.
That's a very blown out way of describing someone getting run over by some jackass.
Where is he? What's that pic in op?
>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
Anywhere from 5-20 years in a reasonable court
How can I fuck this guy's life up, since he obviously isn't going to be locked in nigger jail forever?
Is him being Eric Clanton is enough punishment?
Wait until he gets out of prison, whenever that may be, and whack him in the head with a bike lock.
>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
become a lawyer or a cop and round up bad hombres.
Eric clanton is the perfect mascot for alt left. He got pegged, dead to rights bc of the tireless investigation from concerned ctizens.
He violently attacked and hurt people that harbored different political views, under the guise of anonymity. He intentionally hurt people in a way that could have killed those people. If the MSM is digging him up, they are truly desperate.
He will be marked and tracked for the rest of his life by unfeeling government A.I.s
This thread is making me lel while my boipucci is wet with memes.
>The internet did the work for us
Top fucking kek
Now that is rather humorous, I capitulate my sides into heavenly orbit.
Some serene field that assholes like this go for propaganda pieces to make them not look like the evil-doers that they are. I'm sure weaponized autist could figure out the exact GPS coordnates, but like the song is titled It Aint Me.
>Detective Hong
Sage what? Wtf are you talking about. It's a perfectly fine thread.
wow this is unbelievable. The guys being persecuted for standing up and protesting the alt right? Give me a break. Fuck this guy it shows how deluded these commies are he smashed a kids fucking head in with a heavy bike lock.
Lol that Sriracha sauce shirt
Bro I just used sirarchah today that shit is no joke bruh
Go back to where ever the fuck you're from.
>letting full sleeve tattoo faggots be cops
Disgusting and desperate.
>implying he's not going to get bike locked to oblivion if he gets off
Getting jail from the court is his savior.
They forgot
>bike lock connoisseur
Is he still an anti-white thug? He should be paying permanently-lasting White Genocide reparations for the rest of his life.
they do that b/c they know he's fucked. they want to drag this out in hopes the memory hole takes some of the heat off.
At least he showed consideration and class by giving credit to user for his arrest.
Leaf said the truth
Send him books
hamplanet most likely had a heart attack from a fall.
all these left wing parasites are acting like her fat body was dragged and mutilated into one hundred pieces like that little girl in Sweden the news refused to cover.
fucking kikes.
The fucker is going to be the lowest ranking bitch in prison.
>“the internet did the work for us.”
>detective Hong
Archive this shit you faggots
top kek
Foot path in the hills above Berkeley or Oakland. Bay can be seen in the background. There are trails all around the bay near the ridge tops along with many Public Parks.
Yeah it takes a real nice decent bloke to smash someone in the head with a fucking bike lock.
I'd like to point out, there is a comment section on this page.
>alt right furries
Eric Clanton BTFO.
Haha What a faggot i cant wait for him to get sent to pelican bay. The aryan brotherhood wont take him so he will have to sell his asshole either the niggers or the spics for protection
Alt-Left poster boy.
I hope to God this is true.
Probably meant save this.
>detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
The cops gave us actual credit guys
>waffles are heretical
You're hiding your flag so I assume you're Canadian and no way you're talking about syrup.
If true he's an absolute cunt that has learned nothing.
>Original post can be found at:
Hmm, I wonder if there's an LOIC that needs some dust knocked off of it.
detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
This looks more like a memorial page to a dead guy that anything else.
this guys gonna be the little spoon
muh sides
Well I hope you basement dwelling neckbearded faggots are happy. You have destrotyed an innocent mans life. All he wanted to do was make america a better place, and bash a little fash.
Now look at him, forced to rat out his comrades or take nigger dick in the ass for years. And you know the fascists in prison wont protect him. So niggers are gonna use him as a cum dumpster for 10 LONG HARD years ..... so much black nigger poz cum pumped up his ass its gonna be coming out his nostrils.
the poor dear, Look at what you've done Sup Forums
Julian with two ns?
Wew lads we did it.
I honestly think JUSTin has put Oxytocin in your water supply and made you all retarded, docile wankers. No wonder Germany is planning to do this, it's working so well already.
Pretty mich this. Reading what a piece of shit that guy is i enjoy that nigger getting locked up even more
So what happened to this guy, will he do jail time?
I got shilled.
>Special thanks to the Bay Area Anti Repression Committee and the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal for helping build support, the Community Readiness Corps for helping keep me safe
Who are these faggots?
Where the fuck do you get off running your mouth about Canadians. You fuckin americucks are a bunch of dick smoking knobgoblin fairies. You make me laugh with your "tough guy" bullshit. Canadians dont need a second amendment, I AM A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. You fuckin neckbearded bonemunchin latte slurpin, kfc goblins couldn't fuckin win a war in last forty years. If your not too busy chuggin diet Dr. Pepper maybe you could jump on your motorized scooter and come up here and kick our asses ... if you dont die from a heart attack first!
any videos from the trial or was this just opening?
You know what you must do.