Should Google be nationalized?
>has monopoly on the internet
>can steal your domain if they don't like what you say
>extremely political
>is pretty much a utility, since most people's jobs require access to the internet.
Should Google be nationalized?
>has monopoly on the internet
>can steal your domain if they don't like what you say
>extremely political
>is pretty much a utility, since most people's jobs require access to the internet.
Hand it to the government and it will become worse overnight.
I feel that your problems could get even worse.
We need better laws on organizations' political expression.
>be stormfag
>don't want to bake fag cakes
>want to nationalize a private company because they cut ties over political disagreement
Really activates the almonds my friend.
>be google
>have monopoly over the internet
>able to track every human being with a smart phone
>knows everything about you
user: nah m8 let em keep doin what their doinn
With a government as incompetent and corrupt as America's, you guys should really be downsizing government, not expanding its power.
>monopoly over the internet
Do you know what a monopoly is? Just because you use Google doesn't make it a monopoly. You could just as easily use Bing or Yahoo.
>track every human being with a smart phone
Literally anyone can track you as long as your phone is communicating with a cell tower.
>has monopoly on the internet
that's not true, that's ISPs
>can steal your domain if they don't like what you say
no they can only stop you from accessing THEIR domains
>extremely political
ill definitely give you this one
>is pretty much a utility, since most people's jobs require access to the internet.
there are other search engines and similar sites which provide the same thing google does, google just has the best version of most and is bundled together
you're talking about nationalizing a private company on the free market when there is not inherent need to... terrible precedent
... sauce
This picture has me. I have a weak spot for red heads. They are white and different than the usual american white thot.
Shut it down.
Agreed , but a non corrupt goverment must control it . Maybe after emperor Trump drains the swamp. (If) . Now it will just be transferred between jewish hands
Man that ass.....
On the contrary, Big G should absorb the government.
Google should be regulated.
She's Kanye West's white side piece.
but muh freedums and muh individualism
fuck off left wing cucks, google can do whatever it wants.
Not on this side of heaven lad
muh dik would like to nationalize Kacy Hill
I think Google should be nationalized so there’s less red tape when an intelligence or law enforcement agency requests information from it.
we need a bill of rights for the digital age
How many old dick did she suck to get the shoot?
1000% by now Google should be taken away from Private hands and turned into UTILITY company just like electricity
>You could just as easily use Bing or Yahoo.
Do you use Bing or Yahoo? Do you know anyone that does? Stop being a spastic. Google for all intents and purposes has a monopoly.
>since most people's jobs require access to the internet.
And, pathetically...
Just one, that's amercan aparrel shoot and everyone goes thru the boss
This is the type of girl to get blacked.
Kacy Anne Hill for American Apparel
They should be fined heavily for campaign finance violations (free services to Hillary). That will teach them to adjust their business model.
The whole economy ought to be nationalized, bucko. If you disagree you are a pawn of the capitalists who are largely jews :-)
>be stormfag
>give all that power over to Washington
Really gets the ol noggin joggin
(((Larry Page))) and (((Sergey Brin))) of G. The triple parentheses tell Sup Forums everything they need to know. Yep (((they))) are
What about the US government? What do they do other than bomb foreign nations and fill Maine and Dakotas with somailian subhumans?
>American cucks and mongrels
In reality attractive White women don't even breath near shitskins. Those rare who do are not even White and mark themselves as dysgenic trash for the healthy tribal members. Dysgenic and Darwinism. You know, the opposite of American mentality
what the god damn shit. that shit isn't fake at all, i typed that shit into google....and....fuck. that is fucking ridiculous, nothing but black american inventors show up. suck a fucking dick, google. i thought it was just going to be normal Sup Forums bullshit.
Yes, this is the nest big project. They are illegal, clearly behaving like trusts, and they are explicitly political. There can be no pretense to a Free Market with Google controlling every door.
It's another shill, NatSocs aren't stupid.
The fault is with the US government. Google is only reacting to incentives, trying to protect itself from lawsuits from USG. The whole push for diversity is USG mandated. Nationalise Google and it will be 10x worse.
Not that I'd expect a stupid American to understand all this. Just saying.
Yes, but the amerifat government is corrupt as fuck so it might not be that great of an idea
fpbp underrated
>I don't know what algorithms are
Yes. Everything should be nationalized. Full communism now.
Let's have this discussion after ISPs are nationalized.
How? Are you going to wait until they forbid you from posting your (very idiotic) opinion?
who is this semen demon -- this foam gnome?
This is why companies have to be regulated... so that you don't have monopolies like google. Lolbertarians are cancer. Private monopolies are in practice accountable to no one.
Just add that private companies have to respect free speech and things like that. The gov shouldn't have too much power and no single company should have too much power. You have to make sure that monopolies don't form.
Google should public all data it collects, except passwords. Their main adcantage over other companies is the massive amount of data.
It should be destroyed.
google is already secretly nationalized, and your nation is secretly globalized. the goblins run everything. REAL TALK
No, but Google should be forced to ban linking to pornography.
None. She was just working at American Apparel, like most of their models. It's how they get such a natural look. They just encourage their employees to let their sexiness shine.
should be broken up using antitrust
google is pure evil and antihuman
A "monopoly" is fine,—whatever that means; it sounds like an oxymoron—and instead the company should be from committing its worst excesses like I've proposed here, user. See >
here's a question for you: we all know that google could pull up your entire life history knowing just your IP address, which we all give google willingly with every captcha, but ... why dont we have a right to know what google knows about us? why cant i ask google to show me the profile it has of me? google is making money off me and yet i have no right to find out what information it has inferred and stored based on my interacting with it?
that is one law i would like to see - a terms of service requiring these internet monsters to divulge their records to their customers, with the option to delete it.
google only exists because it is too big, government cannot infringes rights,so they use contractors like google for it.
>split it up goyims
>20 years later it is like A&T where the remerge again
THat sure showd em
That's the craziest post I've seen on here all day!
Hand it to the ISP like they always wanted. As it is now, Google and Twitter aren't going to let you speak anyway, it is essentially the same.
Good luck getting them to give up that gravy train. It generates billions for the ceo.
I've been pretty pro free market for quite some time but yeah, Google has hit public utility status and needs to be regulated to stop it controlling the narrative of the world.
We'll see how well that works out when AT&T and Comcast-Xfinity demand their cut.
Net Neutrality was a mistake.
I want to believe in god again
Are they both jewish? I knew about Brin (and Eric Schmidt, the Chairman) but Page ?
Of course they remerged breaking up monopolies isn't a one time 'ok we killed the dragon good job everyone now we can do nothing ever again'.
Post more.
Google should be broken up. I saw that on Tucker too. Very good idea. Literal communist tier jew niggers running it anyways. Fuck it, plus we live in a marxist society at this point, basically. No need to talk about principles, when women screech to continue aborthing thier own children. America is dead.
Every IP address comes from government you top retard. ISPs buy from government.
Why do they have monopoly? Because you don't compete, but instead support big corporations. Stop being a capitalist, write laws that limit reach of companies to one town. Problem solved.