Why the fuck does Sup Forums tolerate nazism if it's a far-left movement much like communism...

why the fuck does Sup Forums tolerate nazism if it's a far-left movement much like communism, but does not tolerate communism?

or was I taught wrong? is nazism far-right?

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*inhales deeply*

Democracy was a mistake.

Nazism is center-authoritarian.

It's not even so much that it was a centrist movement as it was the various extreme ideas happened to even out in the middle. Fascism is center-left, though.

It was authoritarian centrist maintaining a 1930's society status quo.

Nazism was nationalist centre.

>>Non geoflag

nazi economic theory is basically corporatism with massive welfare spending, its not 100% left wing but its rather left wing influenced which is why its typically put in the middle between capitalism and communism

they still belong in hell with the other socialists and communists

Nazisim didn't fall into the false left/right paradigm. It was the 3rd way. It recognized that the Communists and the Capitalists were in fact allied and colluding with each other to destroy National Sovereignty. It was a rejection of the primitive transgender surgerys being performed by Dr Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, the prostitution of it's citizens just so they could have a loaf of bread.

The reality is that the left-right scale is retarded.

National Socialism doesn't fit anywhere on it. People claim it was about "left wing economics", but the economy was market-based with a top personal tax rate of 13.7%.

It's just a German Volkish movement that combines ethnic-nationalism with anti-capitalism and anti-marxism.

Don't bother with labels of "left" or right as they are vague and abstract and don't actually represent anything but someones feelings on a matter.

Because it keeps the normies out

One leads to dead Jews.


National socialism is third position you fucking idiot. It's not (((capitalist))) or (((communist))) not (((left))) or (((right)))

You're not fooling anyone with that shit, libercuck.

it fits in the fucking scale you fucking dingles

its in the middle, it used aspects from both communism and capitalism in a synthesis of sorts

you had hostility twoards the rich to remove class conflict a tenant of communist ideology

you had massive coorporations with large amounts of capital and a powerful(actually fraudulent but thats a side note) central bank, tenants from capitalism

you had keynesian influence from the public works projects another tenant of capitalism

you had massive social welfare spending another tenant from communism/socialism

its most certainly a centrist economic policy just because it pulls from everything


>(((left right scale)))

>it's a far-left movement

Communism's central concept is equality of outcome, taking the egalitarianism inherent in Liberalism to its logical conclusion. Nazism (rightly) rejects egalitarianism as being the one of the worst of falsehoods.

Nazism fails on other counts, though, mainly on the basis of its quasi-materialist worldview. But that's neither here nor there.

>nazism rejects egalitarianism

EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH not really, a central component of nazism was ending cultural, racial and class conflicts to have the whole ein volk ein fuhrer ein reich meme


It's a right wing movement. It's capitalist in nature, but has deep socialist values aswell (thus national socialist). It believes that the government should control all the major industries(coal, steel, oil, etc.) while small bussinesses and stuff like the arts are controlled by the people. Also, these companies are all private and not state owned which makes it right wing. However, the states control over it makes it socialist (similiar to how the auto industry was nationalized in the 40's in the us to make tanks).

>a central component of nazism was ending cultural, racial and class conflicts

Creating harmony between possibly conflicting interests for the benefit of the country isn't "egalitarianism". It's pragmatism. National Socialists didn't attempt to remove their identities, didn't remove competition between groups, didn't remove meritocratic economic and social hierarchies. Just claimed that the most important thing of Germans should be their people and their Reich, with the other differences taking a backseat wherever necessary.

Fascism is further left than Nazism, retard. Mussolini was a marxist by his own admission and remained an advocate of socialism until he died. Lenin sent him a congratulatory letter after he took power.

get out of here molymeme

when something it "too big to fail" then it needs to be nationalized or liquidated and divided.

the problem is the people in power have no love for their nation and it's people.

The left and right dichotomy was used to differentiate the equalitarian republic regimes coming out of the enlightenment and the ancien regime monarchs. The leftists regimes supported universal rights such as right to private property, enhanced suffrage, and free speech. Essentially it was egalitarian enlightenment regimes versus heirarchical aristocratic ones.

People here get confused because in the cold war the USSR was considered left because it was the more egalitarian regime. Right/left doesn't mean private property versus collectivism.

The Nazis nationalized a lot of their economy but they eschewed enlightenment ideals and the society was deeply hierarchical. That's why Nazism is a very far-right ideology. Actually, it's as close to the "right" ancien regime monarchs as you're going to see in the modern day.

All nazi and fascist countries is just capitalist countries who uses totalitarian mechanisms for preparing for hard times and wars. Capitalists and Government working together for their interests and prohibiting any opposition. They need brainwash people for war and economy mobilization and for that purposes they use some ideologic constructs like German Nazism. In other countries they can use other variants that better suited to the inner situation as example it can be Religious Fundamentalism.

Those reasons are obvious but people are stupid and they see only ideological part all the time and cant understand materialistic core of processes. They see banners, slogans and torchlight processions but cant see why all this shit used for.

The right term for "nazi" or "fascist" regimes of middle 20th century is Totalitarian State Capitalism.


Nazi = National Socialist

Its on par with communism yet its considered right wing

Leftist bullshit. If Hitler valued big business and concentrated wealth over racial and cultural purity he wouldn't have banned usury and locked up merchant bankers.

well Sup Forums is always ignorant in many things regarding national socialism, they cant get out of the jewish political game

The standard 4 quadrant political compass does not take into account history, and doesn't take into account dimensions of left/right beyond economics

Nationalist movements are inherently right wing, going back to classic monarchies. Up it up a notch to ethnic/racial nationalism, and you get even more right wing

Nazism is the most nationalistic movement of all time, therefore is right wing


Totalitarian movements should be eliminated with whatever amount of violence is necessary.

Natsoc believed in solidarity between the members of a race but not inherently equality. They still respected heirarchy and recognized its utility in society.

They also explicitly excluded anyone not part of the race from participating in society so obviously they weren't egalitarian even if (let's say) they believed all Germans to be equal.

Totalitarian State Capitalism implying capitalist and state working together and using necessary economy regulations. What if capitalist doesn't want to work together with other capitalists and the state and follow the rules? He will became an enemy like any opposition.

I bet you are a Jew apologist who wouldn't care if your son was a faggot or your daughter fucked a nigger.

National Socialism is Third Position

This whole "battle" we are witnessing isn't "Right VS Left" like many believe. It's "Third Position VS Everyone Else" when you really simplify it. I think you, a guy with a Crusader flag, should be well aware of this by now

The German style of government was a hell of a lot closer to that of the Soviet Union than it was to the United States. The Soviets didn't defeat Nazism, it was more like they absorbed it.

>public works are kenysian economics

Did your mom feed you formula growing up?

>Totalitarian movements should be eliminated with whatever amount of violence is necessary.

Eliminating "wrong" political movements with your methods implying restrictions, repressions, control and brainwasing. This is attributes of totalitarian regimes. Fighting with dragon you become a dragon as you can see.

I'm getting too old for this site... all these damn newfags that you just know have been in highschool within the past couple of years (or still are)

Natsoc drifts towards libertarianism and vice versa. The two are based on natural hierarchy and producer oriented capitalism.
Libertarians need Nazis
Nazis need libertarians

so i guess we should just let mudslimes run rampant amirite?

Go back to stormfront. You failed here.

whatcha doin rabbi

You speak about totalitarian part, isn't it? Yes they were both totalitarian regimes and they both mobilized society for total war. But Germany is still capitalist country like the USA and main difference between them is only sizes of hard regulations. Germany used stronger totalitarian mechanisms because this war was much harder for them and brainwashing ideology, economic mobilization and brutal eliminating of opposinian was necessary for them.

But how about USSR? They was communists and thats why they diffferent from USA and Germany in materialistic core of the state even when was used same methods with them.

kek you aren't from here nigger

>Literally never read a book
>Gaps to greatest story never told

Oh you must be lost, this is a whites only board of peace. Hitler wanted to create a new Germany with a new foundation myth.
>Hitler appropriates the ancient swastika
Haha guys he just wanted to maintain 1930s status quo XDDD

I hope you get raped to death, tortured by Niggers.

Pol is a christiaancap board.
Pol has always been a christiaancap board.

>is nazism far-right?
The idea that nazis are far-right is a lie manufactured by far-leftists. It's used to promote two other lies: 1) You need far-leftists in order to stop totalitarian fascism from rising, and 2) You must not try to be too different from the left, or else you will become more and more like a Nazi.