Pauline Hanson dropping the bantz.
Pauline Hanson dropping the bantz
An improvement. And hilarious.
Isn't she that Aussie nutter who is vehemently and dogmatically anti-nuclear?
Haha wtf!
Can't wait for muzzies to flip out over this
Good for her, she got over her phobia of them.
All I see is a bag of trash
She's in her natural, defiled jewess state of ugmo face
Pauline's pretty retarded tbqhwyf
How can 1 woman be so based?
I laughed until I realized it was a woman.
>we are not banning a burqa
>people literally saying "shame on you" for criticizing clothing that is the LITERAL SYMBOL OF PATRIARCHY AND OPPRESSION
these people are fucking jokes
Pauline Hanson is based
put it back on
why is she culturally appropriating sandniggers
A rare and valued based woman.
Maybe there is hope
Onya pauline
gotta rake in that retard vote for ez money
Lmao it's like she does everything she can to make herself a joke party.
that feel when your stunt backfires so badly the LNP gets a standing ovation from the left parties for dunking on you so hard
she looks pretty good in that pic desu
I support this fine woman. Never have I said that about someone wearing a musbag.
holy shit, that gif is hawt
Looks good on her. Finally pauline sister has accepted the truth and reverted. I don't like the burka i usually recommend hijab but in this case she looks much more better burkad. That red head and squashed up aussie face needed to go.