Realistically, how close are we to seeing an actual war against communist groups like Antifa. Like not a fucking meme war, but a real war.
Realistically, how close are we to seeing an actual war against communist groups like Antifa...
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if they kill one of ours, we will likely see others continue to return the favor.
I'm old as fuck and I have never seen anything like this. You best start prepping.
I can already imagine some militias are being organized.
It needs a spark
example: a mob attacks a guy wearing a maga hat. He is carrying and kills 5 of the attackers. Both sides then escalate into mob violence
No. It would only be sporadic violence between the Left and Right, akin to maybe '70s Italy or France. Which would discredit both.
It would take far more serious shit than this for a kind of Civil War-esque scenario to occur.
lol you are all just screeeeeing children. muh militias tho!!!! You all make up boogeymen just so you have something to justify your fear. Like children. One second you are defending Russia and the next you hare hating on commies. The fact is you all spray hatred just like your little dicks cum, ineffectually.
Niggers and their enablers are being killed daily and you're pretending this is just some shit on the internet
If you faggots keep sitting on your fatasses and look while the alt left keep destroying your historical monuments, there won't be one.
Are you calling us hypocrites for sypporting Russia involvement in Syria while disapproving of Marxism?
The soviet union ended a long time ago idiot.
We killed your political party.
We killed they're political party.
They can tear down all the confederate statues they want, they'll never tear down the Fasces in the House of representatives.
The fbi is down in Virginia to figure out if anyone was planning legit shit, or if this stuff just got out of hand
If they find shit, you're going to get raids on neonazis, kkk, blm, and antifa.
Sessions don't fuck around
>current Russia = commie
The stupid, it hurts to look at.
Its been brewing for soo damn long.
And now we have some blood in the streets.
Need the space for trump statues.
None. The national guard will be deployed and everyone will just go home or be shot dead.
this. It's laughable that people think they will have any freedom to go toting their guns around if something were to break out. Martial law will scare the living fuck out of most people and they will go home. It will be over before it starts.
I'd buy guns just encase though I think there will be a crack down on antifa at some point before they can start a war. I could easily be wrong though.
The real Antifa are teensty tiny.
But a lot of sympathizers just look at their name:
Antifa = anti-fascist.
And they say to themselves, "well, I'm against fascists, so those Antifa can't be so bad."
But that intsy bitsy tiny real group of Antifa are fanatical and determined.
So they're going to do something drastic and awful, even more awful than what they've been doing.
And they're going to alienate even normie run-of-the-mill liberals.
And then...
Bunker down in your home
Go outside as little as possible
Buy guns and ammo you will need them for defense
Buy canned food and honey, water etc
Buy things that you will need to survive in case the power is cut
Buy things that can entertain you
Get a security camera system that saves to the cloud
I don't think we will see a real war user. Trump isn't afraid to use the military and he will use it pretty even handedly, I believe. Besides civil war in America where its conservatives vs. Leftists....could hardly be called a war. You're talking a massacre.
Probably not. Antifa in and of itself has no reach. They can barely control the town of Berkeley via force, but only because the normies there respect the leftist mayor enough to humor the rioters. If they go the south in Oakland they get their shit pushed in by the police. If they go north they push into the ghetto areas of Richmond and get mugged. The same is true of virtually every college town.
Actual leftist power lies with the mayors, governors and legal teams backing them, not with the useful idiots on the streets. These things developed for campus and urban operations, not straight up militia fights. Although militias on the right would win handily, it would be too upsetting to the normies. I think the best focus right now is on fighting in the courtroom and not in the field. One tactic is to expose their support network, revealing major donors and other figures. Long term, we need to pursue legal means of unseating a huge number of California legislators and judges.
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s personal lawyer on Wednesday forwarded an email to conservative journalists, government officials and friends that echoed secessionist Civil War propaganda and declared that the group Black Lives Matter “has been totally infiltrated by terrorist groups.”
Depends if the right people set enough of the right shit on fire. We are anywhere from like 20-70% ready to rock and roll at the moment.
More blood needs to be shed
We are not because it isn't the 1800s anymore. A war in an integrated distributed industrialized country like America can't be fought like it was in the "old days". Where are you going to send the tanks? Drive one to california.. and shoot all the conservatives there as well as the liberals? There is no central enemy territory to capture, no branded enemy leadership, it's all terror groups covertly being funded and prodded by enemies inside and outside of the country. Maybe you can take down the occasional Yvette Felarca, maybe the US govt will finally uncuck itself enough to stop Soros's meddling (unlikely) but there are plenty more termites in the woodwork where those came from. The only conceivable "war" is one that would be fought against your next door neighbors who you think might be the enemy. Everything is hopelessly mixed up.
At best what we might see are a few enemy units bunkering down on college campuses, committing guerrilla strikes, etc, with the national guard or army moving in to neutralize them, but even then the orchestrators of the left don't really want this, they're much happier just continually undermining and demoralizing the right until they collapse completely. Depression, nihilism, "cucking", this is how they win, and how do you fight back against that with guns when it's accepted as given that the US citizenry turning their guns on their liberal brothers and murdering them is barbaric and evil?
Actually there is a better chance President Trump will simply have the FBI haul their leaders off to Leavenworth. War avoided.
you'd need the central government to collapse. That would take a lot of change. You'd need something majorly catastrophic like nuclear war or something. Even then the government has contingency plans on how to continue the state and keep taking our shekels in the post-apocalypse.
Some1 go walk around at an antifa rally and do this please. Martyr yourself for happening
I wouldn't mind gunning down some commie with my nugget
Yes ironic I know
Not clicking your stupid cia garbage you fucking leaf, but love the headline, "PRESIDENT TRUMP'S FALSE CLAIM", they always have to insert that narrative setting shit early
Do you want it?
It certainly won't be a full scale war, but it could end up being a small guerilla war, like the Troubles.
You got Antifa being Antifa but now they're armed, and then you got right wing vigilantes or militias forming.
The factions would likely be Antifa, some sort of Nazi/White Nationalist militia, a Libertarian militia which is against both Antifa and the WN, and then the National Guard
I can see the beta uprising starting any day now. Could even be tomorrow. Enemies will be vanquished with dank memes.
I don't think an actual civil war will happen, instead political polarisation and its side effects will continue to increase, aka doxxing, protests/rallies descending into violence, and politically-motivated attacks, with the MSM increasingly coming to the defence of Leftist-organised violence
>"The antifa are only attacking nazis to protect vulnerable minorities from Nazi violence"
>"Is it really murder if you kill a congressman that voted to remove the healthcare of others?"
Serious question how are Antifa communists when your glorious leader is so far up Putin's ass that he's eating yesterday's Pierogi?
You need people starving or literally fearing immediately for their lives.
We'll just have more Nazi larpers and Communist larpers killing each other a la last Saturday.
Pierogi? Isn't that polish?
>Trump is a Russian plant
>he is also a raging Nazi
I don't think antifa would fare very well. Maybe at first if they have the element of surprise but once the more hardcore right starts mobilizing I don't see them winning if it came to life or death fights. Also, all those who are on the right but have no place to go to politically should consider green supremacy, versus white nationalism. Just an after thought.
They walked because they are going to lose money and won't be able to sell out the American people any longer. They are trying to not show themselves for who they actually are so they hide behind the excuse that they're doing it for Trump's lack of "condemnation".
Transnationalist companies are cancer and need to get BTFO.
The war won't happen until the left is confident they will win it. That's how these situations work. Having the dominant institutional control over a country means you get to decide when the violence starts, so you pick the time when you know you will win.
Not very close because Trump's tolerance for that kind of shit is zero. He will just jail everybody involved and probably give a speech the next person who uses a club or gun at a protest ends up in Gitmo.
Serious civil unrest happened in the 1960s with daily happenings like national guard shooting hippies, and black power gangs were foreign funded by Cuban agents and literally blowing up shit left and right. The 60s and 70s where red army faction and other leftist extremist groups were setting off carbombs and doing assassinations was way worse than now.
It'll probably start this weekend.
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Don't forget the (((British monarchy))) never thought they would get btfo by the revolutionaries.
The golden rule:
If the media is pushing for it, don't do it.
literally nothing compared to 1968
They didn't get blown the fuck out by anyone except the French. And they were in no position to do anything about it like those on the Left are today. How can you effectively combat something that is 8 months by boat away?
Where's Sam Hyde when you need him?
Fuckin lazy cunt
The left is already beginning to hurt itself, on a long enough timeline the far left will destroy itself, their ideologies don't match the reality of the world we live in. Once their little imaginary world shatters around them they'll see who was right all along. There's a good chance it will be far too late by then though.
Russia is in the state it is today because they let the same people who are fucking up our society fuck theirs up a little over a century ago.
Praise kek for the gets
0% because it won't be a war, it will be a one sided slaughter because antifa has no weapons.
I think most people here go >REEEEEEEEEE RACE WAR NOW KILL ANTIFA but they have no actual military training nor experience, but I fucking shit you not there ARE people running around forests specifically training for an event of communist uprising so they can kill commies. There's no one like that on antifa's side.
BLM and Antifa are already on the scene in Lexington and cites across the nation.
There is still time to stop these mayors if we act. People need to be heard and SPEAK OUT because the left surely is. We all need to do more than shitpost. Call your councilmen, mayors, media, and don't be afraid to give your opinions to peers. They count on controlling the narrative with this calling everyone nazis bullshit.
Except the media wouldn't be pushing for it if (((they))) didn't have something planned. Try to think outside the box. Or assume they will be doing so.
Western men are too fat, beta and cucked for it to ever happen.
They are on the streets for narcissistic attention.
In 10 years, the right will be masculine again, reestablish the patriarch and this will be over.
>thinking all Kekistanis are beta
Jesus fucking Christ one cunt gets hit by a car and these fucktards go bat shit crazy. Meanwhile the last year or so you have Antifa out there smashing people in the head with bike locks, spraying people with bear mace, and beating the shit out of people and they act like nothing happened.
I'm not sure where we go from here lads.
35% chance within the next two years
August 26, right after the Mayweather / McGregor fight
That's a scary GET is this what Kek has planned for September?
Look at all of these pussy snowflake Nazi's posting from moms basement. Nobody is afraid of you losers. You have no cash because you got fired from working at the hot dog stand. Go OD on your opiates or shoot yourselves in the head losers.
The "spark" thesis is crap, and a carry over of bad historiography (history as sequential important events, it must have been _this_ event that sparked it). The recent literature on civil wars indicates a gradual escalation of violence under "protest cycles" like a simmering pot with no overt events. It also indicates that states have a role to play in taking the side of one of the groups in a protest cycle in an overt violent manner. What needs to happen is the cops doing something overtly violent to either antifa or the alt-right over a series of protests. This likely won't happen to the left, as the police in big cities are commanded by democrats. So they'll just pull them out of the violence, just like they did in the dindu riots, and just like they did last week. So the violence will likely be directed at the right, in which case, we are fucked because any response will have to run through the propaganda media system that paints the right as mini Hitlers (no matter if they are or not).
I don't think anyone here realizes how fucked y'all are with respect to the strategic situation. This is salami tactics. They'll take out the far right, through legal and propaganda techniques, then they'll define a new far right, and slice that away. Until the point that anyone not a Maoist SJW is too afraid to say anything.
Everybody keeps mentioning this and Rodney King as if niggers could have competently started a civil war. This isn't the same.
I'm an oldfag too, never seen anything like this, things are pretty tense. For example, my colleagues at work know that I support Trump because my manager likes to ask my opinions abt politics in front of the team and the obligatory vegan leftist feminist in our team has been acting aloof towards me all week, I'd hate to see what would happen if things got any worse.
Found these. I pray that something doesn't kick off because of the consequences, but you never know.
You don't think people like Soros are prepping? Even Clinton donated to the resist movement. It is happening, soon. Question is, how soon? You people that do not own a gun, at least buy at 100$ shotgun and several boxes of shells.
Antifa is a political tactic, not a group, you idiots
We are talking about ANTIFA, BLM type people. Lefties, etc. All of these as a whole. Anyone that wants to remove American culture and history would be the enemy.
You planned Charolettesville for months and got maybe 400 losers out of mommys basement. Saw one bragging like a big boy on ViceTV, then crying like a baby after being exposed and people started being mean to him. You loser snowflakes are incapable of anything, especially making America all white. You're all simply tragic lonely losers with no friends dying for homosexual affection from your fellow Nazi losers. And you have no jobs or money - so pathetically take opiates all day and play video games. Sad.
There would need to be multiple sparks and repeated incidents for anything substantial to occur. In the case of the American Civil War there was violence in Kansas for several years. Buchanan effectively let the people fight it out. Shit didn't hit the fan until John Brown led the raid on Harper's Ferry with the intent of capturing the arsenal and distributing firearms directly to the slaves to foment a slave uprising. His trial and execution effectively set the tone for what was to come as he was praised in the North and vilified in the South. The four way race that ended in Lincoln's election led to the immediate departure of South Carolina from the Union. I have trouble thinking of an extreme event like that of John Brown's failed slave uprising that could set things in motion for extreme polarization.
We don't really need to go anywhere. By merely existing we anger the leftists. Just look around this thread to see how impotently mad they are. And that anger is pissing off the centrists who never cared much about politics.
I think we will see the left's plan backfire spectacularly. They like to talk about order out of chaos, but they never really create actual chaos. Imagine a repeat of the 1968 DNC convention riots. The rioters thought the public would sympathize with them. Instead Nixon won a stunning political victory and the left was forced to pull back into more subversion.
I'm the next Brevik
I'm the next Mcveigh
We'll see how things go when we wont stop killing
To help western civilisation you must be willing to kill
If they dox you, and you lose your job.
Then either rampage at leftist organisations
Or kill a bunch of doxxers and bury the bodies and make it look like dissapreances/suicides
Its only a matter of time before some radical gets the great idea to gun down a bunch of people a rally. All it takes is one influential person on either side to get murdered, and then the other side murders out of revenge and then it spreads like a wildfire.
None of these fucking idiots even realise that the political tensions that exist in america today are on par with the 1930's Spain.
And that's not the kind of war you want to find yourself in the thick of.
Hypothetically certain groups might start killing the crews hired to take down statues.
You losers don't have the numbers. 400 dipshit losers is all you could gather after months of trying. You have fewer numbers than ISIS, although you have the same ideology and mindset. Why don't you hook up with your natural allies, ISIS? That way you can all have gay sex together, your greatest fantasy. Nazi's would be bottoms of course, because they like to say "butt hurt".
No one is removing history though? It would be totally inappropriate for Germany to leave Nazi imagery up, there is very little to this day, but there are vast museum of it and it is written about extensively. No one is erasing history, it's about what you put on a pedestal vs a museum
Realistically what should I own besides guns, ammo, and canned/freeze dried food? That's all I have and desu I've barely got any food, and my guns are NYcuck versions.
This weekend 9 Alt Right rallies are happening so we shall see ;)
So the only winning move is not to play.
Start killing the white guys in the Antifa movement, and then leave the system. With no one to prop up the system but dindus and helpless white women with psychology degrees, society will collapse.
Kill the enablers, and let everything fall afterwards. It lets you kill the "ebil whitey" so the media doesn't crucify you, but it also removes the actual crutch they lean on.
You'll either end up as a parasite in prison, or you'll live in the woods somewhere they don't care about. Either way, you no longer contribute tax dollars or any work to the country.
If they completely replace you with Mexicans...well, then it's not America anymore then, is it? At that point, a guerrilla war is completely acceptable.
the right was so sure clinton was an evil oppressor they blew up 100s of innocent ppl
there could be nutballs on both sides but it's not the left i fear
Breivik and McVeigh's don't win wars. This isn't a fucking Hollywood movie where you can act like rambo or die hard like that stupid fuck in the car. What wins wars is smart leadership, good organization, good financing and resources, good diplomacy, good alliance building, and a good understanding of the weaknesses of the enemy. Sup Forums and the entire right don't have any of these things. If it did, it'd be winning and not continually ass-fucked day-in, day-out whether it is at the policy level of Trump, to street level protests, to the virtual level of being kicked off websites.
This guerilla war fantasy is going to get you guys assfucked. The entire intelligence infrastructure of the west for the last 20+ years is centered around manhunts of guerilla-like organizations. They have the resources, manpower, and training to take you out in legal ways before there is any sort of organized front. Your entire fantasy is predicated upon a single dividing line event, when the literature on civil wars seems to indicate it is not like that. So they'll salami slice you guys slowly over time with a variety of methods, until there is no opposition. Can't go into the hills with your guns, if you've already been arrested for shitposting about the FBI online 18 months before it's agreed there is a civil war happening. You would think the alleged red team planner would have accounted for this in his planning, but given he is a larper, it doesn't surprise me.
>Breivik and McVeigh's don't win wars. This isn't a fucking Hollywood movie where you can act like rambo or die hard like that stupid fuck in the car.
but that's what the right are. they'll tell you they don't give a shit about other ppl. and they do live in fantasies about their greatness.
how many of the nutballs in the last few years though that they would start the race war and be heroes?
>my fucking sides
It doesn't matter how many commies we kill if the Jew survives. If the Jew is not named and acknowledged as the source of this cancer, Marxist tendrils will continue to sprout roughly every thirty years.
Not very likely. There'll be shit talking on the internet and a few scuffles at protests but that's about it. Any chance that things actually escalate police will crack down on both groups pretty hard.