What does Sup Forums think about the mgtow movement

What does Sup Forums think about the mgtow movement

What does Sup Forums think of rules?
If you care, don't let these threads fly.

they're not helping

more like your a giant pussy who cant get anywhere with women and now has made them the enemy when its really just yourself . Most mgtow dudes are hugeee pussies and or just plain old unbearable

What i've been divorced and lost my kids and had to pay alimony? Yeah i really should get married shouldnt i?

Next time make better choices on how and who to marry.

pathetic bugmen incels

its history.


t.logical male

get real dude

Unless you're Tesla or Nietzsche,
please explain why I should take a genetic dead end of their own volition the definition of a biological mistake at all seriously?
The global economy is about to crash divorce courts will be gone soon.
buy some silver be rich buy a bitch
What's you're excuse in pissing away 4 billion years of genetic history

A misguided movement filled with good men who are sick of women's and the court system's bullshit.

A better movement would be one that seeks to eliminate the divorce rape that currently happens in our courts.

It's pretty much the only way forward, these days. I've given up on Western women. They all want to be with the top ten percent of men anyway. Time to forge a new path and go our own way!

Being less tryhard makes men sexier anyways


I gave, but not for sociopolitical reasons

I think mgtow is the only rational solution for the alt-reich. You don't need those whores and coalburners.

4th time ive seen this thread in two weeks.

probably grotesque, obese, or overly skinny 5/10s and under who won't come to grips with the fact they have to date something that looks like them

guys that think they are making a difference not marrying or dating, meanwhile CHAD is having his threesome while you stay at home and complain about women

>blaming others for your own shortcomings

gee, i wonder why you keep winning

Only chads get to call themselves MGTOW.

chads are their own group

Women are good? MGTOW it is

Always enjoy the larpers worried about their genetics who assume everyone else is a basement dwelling, misogynist virgin.

There's a big chunk of the MGTOW segment that enjoy women for companionship and cum dumping. They just won't sign the marriage contract and set themselves up for financial rape.

That's all it really means to me.