What do we do about the national SOCIALIST problem on Sup Forums?
What do we do about the national SOCIALIST problem on Sup Forums?
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Eat rat poison
Nazis aren't socialist. Please read a book.
National Socialists aren't socialists?
Go away faggot this argument doesn't concern you.
The Democratic Republic of North Korea isn't a democratic republic?
That's you. That's how stupid you sound.
I'm telling you that Nazis are die-hard capitalists and are on the same side as you.
You sound like a fucking retard. I'm a natsoc and we're fucking socialists. We taxed German industries outrageously, like 40% of their income before expenses. You're insane, retard.
Nazis have always hated us, they're just appropriating and exploiting our free speech absolutism to the detriment of the libertarian cause. Don't think for a minute the moment they really take over they won't turn into the gun-grabbing wealth-seizing censorship-loving stalinist totalitarians they've always been.
We have to purge them in a way that is consistent with our own principles.
If you admit they're on the same side, then you admit this has nothing to do with you and you need to fuck off and kys.
Quote from 1930s German industrialist:
"These damn nazis, all they care about is redistributing wealth"
>still not socialist
This is like a Jew saying "As a white man, fuck white people"
Fuck off.
>I'm telling you that Nazis are die-hard capitalists and are on the same side as you.
>marxist can't in2 hegelian dialectics
Fucking pottery
there's literally nothing wrong with socialism
>Nazis aren't socialist.
Taxes aren't socialism.
Nazi Germany systematically reprivatized huge sectors of their economy.
The point is that this thread is pointless because Nazis aren't your enemy.
Yes, I'm sure Henry Ford was a raging socialist and was very much looking forward to redistributing his own wealth. That's why he loved the Nazis so much, of course.
this plus white nationalism with a rejection of racism, anti-semitism, neo-nazism, fascism and white supremacy. Exclusively a pro-white movement, not anti-anyone else
Wow, you're actually retarded. Please read a book.
>gun grabbing
No. A white citizenry should be armed, although for obvious reasons there would be ideological screening to prevent leftists from doing anything against whites.
Only kikes and shabbos goyim. Land appropriations in the formation of an ethostate. But not redistributism.
Not so much censorship. But any activities resulting from speech against the white race, or in the case of conflict, commies would be shut down.
I'm getting so fucking sick of you /leftypol/ faggots swarming in here and trying to get the two core ideologies of the board to hate each other. I wouldn't be surprised if some alphabet agencies were in on it, too.
Just gonna drop this here because of all the political illiterates.
Hopefully will end this inane conversation.
>pro white
>rejection of racism
>thinking marxian socialism is true socialism
lol, fucking commies coopted the name
Wagner called himself a socialist before Das kapital was even written
Based gommie
National Conservatism?
>starving the people
pick one, commie scum
Have you literally never heard of Proudhon or something?
Socialism has always been anti-property.
dumb picture, faggot op. the person who made that pic has no fucking idea
Read your sources, NatSoc is true socialism. Not your gay hippie sharing shit.
>he actually thinks hitler wasn't a socialist
Oh wow, good lord you commies are retarded.
it's not even gay hippie sharing, that's only the discourse
it's actually violent confiscation
For once I agree with the commie
Too socially inept for Sup Forums
fuck off you dirty commie. the nazis were socialists, just not the faggy hipppy kind of marxists you lefties have become
>we're not gun grabbers, but we're gun grabbers!
>we're not wealth-confiscators, but we're wealth-confiscators!
>we're not censors, but we're censors!
I'm not /leftypol/, I'm a libertarian who is legitimately pissed that support for free speech is at an all time low.
The deranged subversives in media aren't helping, the shills running the daily stormer aren't helping, and I'm sure you're right that the deep state would love to divide the alt-right.
Here's the deal.
Stop making free speech unpopular, take care of the shills running the natsoc side, and this civil war ends now.
>still larping as ancap
we can see right through you and your reddit spacing you lefty faggot
>I'm telling you that Nazis are die-hard capitalists and are on the same side as you.
this has gotta be fucking b8. Here is your (you).
The civil war's going to happen anyway, but, the SIEG HEILING idiots will need to be... taken care of... so they aren't a liability for the good guys that they've been trying so hard to get in with.
Of course I mean "taken care of" in the most kind and peaceful way possible, like they can go back to Stormfront or something and leave socially normal people alone.
do you even Hoppe?
based Hoppe would do all that and label it "physical removal"
The people who are NatSoc in public are mentally unstable and have nothing to lose. I'm NatSoc, but not stupid enough to scare off the normies by labeling my beliefs in the one way that is guaranteed to scare them off.
let them go to civil war with commies?
collectivism, cracking down on individual liberties and property rights, centralized planning... obviously an extreme right wing ideology, duh! Just like Ron Paul.
Also: Hitler confiscated guns, which is a common program for fascists around the world.
So when the civil war starts, we should probably go ahead and confiscate the weapons of white nationalists, nazis, etc. It's for their own good, of course. As is the entirely justified and necessary violence that will be needed to pry the weapons from them. Just try not to damage the weapons too badly while removing them from the nazis. (Unless they're shitty AKs. No helping that.)
>let them go to civil war with commies?
I am very sorry but that's not in the cards. The reality is that everyone is going to be the loser in what's coming, so we just have to adjust and make the most of it. The Nazis are already causing serious problems so we may eventually have to get more pro-active in removing them from the battlefield.
>“If we are socialists, then we must definitely be anti-semites – and the opposite, in that case, is Materialism and Mammonism, which we seek to oppose.” “How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-semite?”
>We must “find and travel the road from individualism to socialism without revolution”
>“Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings.”
>“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions”
>“What Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism failed to accomplish we shall be in a position to achieve.”
Hitler sure sounds like a Socialist to me.
>“How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-semite?”
poor shilling attempt
White nationalists aren't the problem, they are the solution.
Just for (You)
then i guess you're just a faggot
Checks out, look at the anti-semitic book in the upper right.
>legends of the ferengi
>i read some books and bought a shirt look I'm not larping
You could try doing something different.
Like actually having an argument that has any merit.
Collectivism is a scourge upon humanity, and we must distance ourselves from the buffoons who feel so emboldened as to make anti-semitic chants in broad daylight. We must also make clear to the public that they cannot use the logic of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" to de-villify Antifa and their ilk. The public should be educated that no matter which socialist group is protesting, they are our enemy. BETTER DEAD THAN RED.
of course the nazi proves me wrong.
nice 7's
lol thanks
I hadn't noticed them
>The public should be educated that no matter which socialist group is protesting, they are our enemy. BETTER DEAD THAN RED.
Well, the hitler-leaning collectivists are doing a GREAT job of making the public hate their guts, so, that's actually progress on one side. The media is covering for the commie side, but people who are exposed to their real nature are fucking horrified by them, so, we need to go around the media and keep working that angle.
The real shills are the faggots who go on TV and say "WE'RE FUCKING NAZIS AND WE LOVE DONALD TRUMP :DDDDD PS: KILL NIGGERS"
> Implying that Judaism doesn't imply the concept of a religious race + nepotism
> Implying that your mindless relativism will endure.
At least you can convert to Islam. With Judaism you literately have to fuck a Jewess and it's only your kids.
>A fucking leaf
O I am laffin
im just here for the memes
Aye, let me help you with that.
>you are either a capitalist or a socialist
t. babby's first encounter with syncretic politics
they were anti-capitalist and anti-marxist.
You are me but you made noone take us seriously because you hate roads.
>muh roads argument
The government you envision cannot exist in reality.
Libertarians and Minarchists are the reason why libertarianism is the laughing stock of the political sphere, above communists but below the Big Two.
Rome had small prefectural administrations that took care of fires, safety and infrastructure maintenance. Anyway I'm not about to argue with you obsessed fucks when there's commies alive.
Ancient Rome, in the beginning, yes.
But eventually, the evil crept in under the rug.
Which is why it cannot exist in reality, because no matter how much good you want to do, there will always be the next guy in line who will stab you to death in your bed to hold power.
However, yes, I don't like to argue with someone so ideologically similar.
We have enemies, let's focus on them.
>national socialists aren't marxist
FTFY you illiterate fuck.
Not left-socialists, there used to be more than one kind before the war, but the Left won the war, so now there's just one kind of socialist all the bluepilled lemmings learn about.
t. uneducated retard that never read Spengler
kys immediately
>S-s-s-stop trying to divide and conquer, we love our libertarian brothers!
Thanks fash, love you too.
>implying bants isn't love
You sound a little bit too lebbit, friendo.
I recently saved the perfect pic for this
What do we do about the (((individualist))) problem brahs?
Trips demand your death, nigger
Convince them that proclaiming themselves on political Left is not only more accurate and honest, but also would be extremely fun to watch all the progressive's reaction when Nazi's try to side with them.
Show that there may be incentive for their cause as well if they take the Left approach, aside from trolling progressives.
Underage get off this board
>derailing the thread with your fucking digits
Not any better, Trennen.
Let the bantz continue
>implying retarded ancap lolbert keep status quo and exterminate the Europeans threads dont deserve to be derailed
Maybe I'm just being autistic. Here's my issue. Stop making free speech unpopular and poisoning the well for not just Libertarians but Trump also. Literally only shills do this and you need to remove them.
I mostly don't disagree with you, but digits are a waste of derailment.
Be constructive!
I like AnCaps though.
My ideal form of government would be a two party system with Libertarians and National Socialists taking turns.
You'd have NatSoc using socialist programs to benefit the nation, and you would have AnCaps/Libertarians come in and repeal those social programs if they aren't working.
The thing about AnCaps is that you have no future whatsoever unless the ''far right'' wins. We are the only ones willing to listen and argue with Libertarians, for the rest of the world you're just ''dumb rednecks''.
Libertarians are great, I just don't think the free market is going to deport niggers and put jews in ovens.
But you have your second amendment and believe in it, dont you? So what do you have to fear? :)
>stop making free speech unpopular by making use of it
the absolute state of lolberts
On the off chance you haven't abandoned thread out of sheer embarrassment, I just want you to know you are legitimately one of the stupidest people I've ever come across. I know that comes with the territory of being a commie, but you supersede that and went straight into full on, next level retardation with your posts here.
I'm not sure if congratulations are in order or if I should be fuming that people this defective are allowed to exist in civilized society instead of killed as soon as your unique brand of denseness is showcased. I'm going to sit on this and stew about it until I fall asleep. I'm going to ruminate on it further on my morning commute to work.
You mother fucker.
An ancap would never go with a government, that's kind of the whole idea.
We just wait until your retarded system collapses (not yours in particular, any system really) and make things alright again.
However, I really like the idea of the authoritarian and libertarian right joining up. The differences between us can be set aside to deal with the rise of socialism in the world, and I'm all for it.
>Nazis aren't socialist.
"To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole." -- Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, National Socialist German Workers' ("Nazi") Party
I always try to post sources on quotes, because it's very easy to make shit up.
>Escape from Freedom by Erich Fromm (1941) p. 223
"...we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men." -- Adolf Hitler, 10-7-33
"The unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of the interests of the individual." -- Adolph Hitler
day of the snek
>We just wait until your retarded system collapses (not yours in particular, any system really) and make things alright again.
how do you do that when this system is decimating the population capable of such things so much till it collapses that just a couple of them are left and will be overrun by the nigger hordes?
When a government collapses, which it inevitably does, the citizenry is left in a void. That void can go one of two ways, for the most part: Fascism or Ancapism.
So no matter what, we're going to have troubles ahead. Would you not rather manufacture boots than to lick them?
Are you licking the boot of nature when you realize that you must bow to the urge of hydrating your body with water after some time?
>An ancap would never go with a government
Why wouldn't an AnCap do anything in their power to reach their goal? It's like being against voting, and then not voting when there is a vote on whether or not voting should be abolished.
People get so blinded by their principles and semantics they can't think pragmatically.
You're never going to achieve anything if you just stubbornly refuse to make change to the government that would allow you to get closer to the abolishment of the state.
When the US government eventually collapses, no one is going to go ''oh, let's just be Anarcho Capitalists'', no one knows who the fuck you people even are. You need a strong Libertarian movement to reform the government and prove their arguments right before anyone is even going to consider Anarcho Capitalism.
>We are the only ones willing to listen and argue with Libertarians
And we likewise are the only ones who tolerate you. The problem is that this relationship is beginning to no longer serve us. You were always nothing more than a simple stage prop to prove our devotion to freedom of speech.
>stop making free speech unpopular by making use of it
NatSoc's disingenuous embrace of free speech has turned our beliefs into white supremacist dog-whistles.
Someone's boot needs a tongue lashing, unfortunately. You can have it be your fellow man, the planet you stand on, or the vice that kills you. Sometimes a combination.
The difference between kneeling at the feet of nature, is even the authoritarian you pray to follows the same laws.
Don't be tsundare. Admit that you just don't like kikes and niggers because they fuck up your ideology.