She did it
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rest in peace austrailia
inventor of capped shitty internet
Looks like a bitch in a garbage bag
She's an ugly bitch anyways. Whats wrong with women covering their heads? I know only jews bow to them and cover theirs instead and chop off dick heads. With their herpes teeth. But she an ugly crazy bitch anyways. Just like farage
>the absolute sandwoman
I just looked at her without one.
She should keep it on.
Leave it to a woman to fuck up such a simple uniform.
why is there a body bag on a podium?
This country's politics is so fucking juvenile.
does your parliament not have any rules about acting like a civilised human being?
Is she trying to prove something? I thought she was a nationalist
lold my ass off. where are the bants like this in our congress?!
That is fucking awesome. If I was her I'd make my assistant attend all of the bullshit while I napped.
She is a an anti-islam anti immigration politician. This is pretty hilarious stuff.
You nigger she was doing this as bantz, Pauline is anti-Islam
she shouldn't be talking if she's wearing a burqa. women don't have the right to speak in public in countries where you have to wear one.
What an idiot.
What does civilised mean?
Holy fuck. That's the dumbest shit.
yeah I'd shitpost too if that woman represented me.
Why do I have such a Burqa fetish
Australian senate so progressive as to allowing trash bag, alongside the Emu's, to have open discussion regarding future of the local human population (2017, colourised)
>now they'll take me seriously.
This is a brilliant move. Other politicians have to pretend that they are outraged by her cultural appropriation -- but really, it's the burka that's scaring the shit out of them. Fucking kek. Top troll.
she represents the rednecks of Australia. She's our trump.
Its brilliant trolling , and has the desired effect forcing them to act against islam without looking like anti woman cucks.
Based aussie.
>She's an ugly bitch anyways.
Honestly, this is a pretty massive improvement. I hope she wears it every day from now on and also desists from speaking in public. Maybe David Oldfield can be her spokesperson again.
>There were audible groans in the Senate as she entered and someone was heard saying "What on earth?"
Top kek
Pauline with the bantz, good god I can't stop laughing.
Did only like 5 of you actually read the article or are we just larping illiterate morons today? She's an anti-islam nationalist and this was a pro ban the burka stunt.
>when the virtue signal is too bright
She was right about the Chinese, and she'll be right about the Muslims.
Removing White Australia has paved the way for us to turn into another violent and anxious copy of the US.
I voted for her. Getting my money's worth. Is this real life?
>the absolute state of australian politics
is this a terrorist attack to kill me with laughter? why do i find this picture so funny
My sides are the first casualties.
>Its brilliant trolling , and has the desired effect forcing them to act against islam
She's a laughing stock and got mocked by literally every other senator in the building except the two retards in her party sitting behind her
Not really. All I usually see of Australian politics is people sledging each other in parliament
absolute madman
thats because she is signalling the end of the 2 party system in australia. everyone is terrified of the populist vote.
Literally the first burqa wearer to participate in any government anywhere.
It's a good look on her. Hope she wears it more often.
It'll never happen.
Pauline is too dumb and incompetent to get a substantial percentage of the population to vote for her.
The 2 party system is deeply entrenched in Australian politics, small parties normally only win seats in the Senate because of the proportional system of representation, rarely ever scoring a seat in the lower house.
Kek Born to Shitpost...even IRL
>white polo shirt
>faggoty torch
>posting on Sup Forums
hurrrr your gone now whites!
This why we need to get behind her.
I'd rather rednecks get a vote over those two parties in power now.
Neither of the two major parties controls the senate and government itself is on the verge of reverting to a minority government
We don't have your shitass absolute 2 party controlled system here.
Fuck i love Aunty Pauline.
I have been spamming the A-Biased-C all day. This is awesome.
would have been even funnier if she sent in someone other than herself.
Are Pauline
Where's Jacinda Arden when the Aussies need her?
>please ignore this obvious detail that enforces that fact that our ideology forces women such as me to hate myself for being a woman and be less than an object to the men of said ideology. We are your friends!
Thank god she and Cory are unspeakably stupid and a black hole of charisma respectively
Who the fuck is this turd and why should I know her?
Australian Senator, Queensland I think. Kebab remover true and true.
What's the aussie opinion on her? I never see her shilled here
>TFW live in a jungle asian shithole
>still better ping than Abostrallia
>yell putang ina
>they disconnected before yelling back
>putang ina
lmao based Pauline
No, but I always swear in Tagalog for extra salt. sometimes with broken english mixed with mandarin.
Very favourable generally but she has an iq of about 70 and it shows when she speaks
>Australians are the best shit posters on the planet only limited by their access to the interne-
The absolute, unadulterated, madwoman.
wtf, I honestly thought the seat was empty for full 10 seconds. She is literally a fucking ninja
Somebody tell me what I should think about this.
My first instincts are to be disappointed in Pauline and to think she has confirmed she doesn't have the weight or intellect to be the nationalist Australia needs.
>NSW Muslim MP Jihad Dip
Straya, I...
So its clear, when the PM wears a yamukah its fine but when the Senator wears the niqab its NOT. OK.
The reason is because you can only LARP as religions you love and respect totally. LARPing can only be used by politicians to promote religion, not criticise it.
Fuck Id love to shout Pauline a beer
Pauline-D Chess my friend.
>"It is vital for their intelligence and law enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the Muslim community, and to ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on what you have done."
Why is it so offensive for a not-Muslim to wear it? Are these people just seeking a progressive avenue to vent their feelings of rightful repulsion on seeing this 'clothing'?
What the fuck does civilised even mean, how on earth would you enforce such a fucking ambiguous rule? Fucking EU poofters I swear.
>A person incessantly mocking and demonizing views that are antithetical to your national identity isn't fit to be a nationalist party leader
wtf is shout a beer
>that MPs name is literally Jihad
>Labour party member for Lakemba
Like potterg
Ghost is coming back in September.
>Some EU faggot
>talking about shitass political systems when your governing body isn't even elected by the fucking people
I'm genuinely confused with the state of affairs. The campaign with same sex marriage has been promoting that marriage is nolonger a religious pact and infact is devoid of it, thus dismissing the whole notion of what the Bible says about gays.
BUT Pauline wears a burka...
What? So does religious traditions matter or are we beyond them? If Pauline can't wear a burka then gays can't get married by this logic.
Especially dumb since they dont sit on Fridays...
you pour a beer and yell at it for an inordinate amount of time
>KKK is illegal
>this is not
roger that skipper, i figured as much
>Jihad Dib
Fucking awesome.
All these idiots that don't realize she did it because she's against it
Why the fuck is everyone getting so assblasted about this? Every fucking day some cunt is telling me that the burqa doesn't represent Islam or oppression of women blah blah blah, now suddenly it fucking does and is offensive? Comon now
why the fuck do we have an MP called Jihad?
That garbage bag made her more sexually appealing