If the local governments choose to remove Confederate statues then what is the problem...

If the local governments choose to remove Confederate statues then what is the problem? Does the land not belong to the people? States Rights? Wouldn't those statues be better off in museums? I know most of you come from the South and Midwest so couldn't some all white town take these statues off the hands of a local government with a more diverse population?

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It wasn't voted upon, it's being done in the dead of night.

And on that line of thinking, if the government chooses to remove white people from the country, then what is the problem?

Perhaps you should read some of the inspiring words of our first president on how it is our job to keep the government in check.

>And on that line of thinking, if the government chooses to remove white people from the country, then what is the problem?

That is literally not a possibility Stormfag. This country couldnt send Blacks back to Africa so how the fuck will we get rid of the majority population?

Sure. When the choice is made by an unruly mob without due process, however, it is called a FELONY. The statue in Charlottesville wasn't merely removed....it was mangled. Not the same thing as a simple relocation. I oppose even the relocation of monuments, because doing so is still caving in to pressure from the liberal PC police, whom are responsible for the rapid self-immolation of our once-great country.

>Perhaps you should read some of the inspiring words of our first president on how it is our job to keep the government in check.

The government is ran by the people and the people want the statues gone. Don't be a sore loser.

> local governments have a right to do it
> people can protest and petition to get it removed
> people can protest it being removed

what you can't do is be violent

And 'the people' may soon want whites gone. Taken a look at the demographic trends lately?

They could send blacks to Africa and Lincoln was doing it, but then a redneck sperged out and shot him and the mandatory 'colonization' plan was scrapped and became voluntary. Thus, Liberia was born.

Charlottesville city council voted to remove the statue back in February.

>I oppose even the relocation of monuments, because doing so is still caving in to pressure from the liberal PC police

So the government should stop doing it's job because it hurts your feelings? You sound like a SJW.

A valid question,but you would need a vote for something like that. Does antifa seem to be in a voting mood to you?

Why would a white majority want themselves gone?

People want to be left alone. Nobody cares about whites enough to institute a mass removal. You're being willfully stupid. Blacks are a minority in this country and whites hold the most powerful positions. Why aren't blacks being removed?


Have you not been paying attention?
Whites are a minority.


The city councils who have jurisdiction over these statutes do. If any of you live in hicksville just get involved in your local government and see if a statue can be transferred to your town? Oh wait that would be rational and you cant feel like a victim that way.

There are a lot of people, especially in the BLM movement, that want white people gone.


And then if I chime in how blacks are going to take over, you'll get mad and start screeching about how whites still own this country and you'll kill all minorities.

Don't believe me? I'll start a thread if you want?

>A fringe group of inviduals with radical ideas

Wow that really activates the almonds. I'm sure glad BLM is the only group that suffers from that. Christians, Muslims, Democrats, Republicans, etc are safe from that nonsense.

I oppose the concept of moving monuments. If it is voted on and I lose the vote, then I will abide by that because I am a law-abiding citizen who believes in and respects the democratic process. Just like I was prepared to continue my life if Hillary had won the election.

The question I was answering is the retarded maple nigger who thinks whites are still a majority in America.

I used Joe Biden's own words to show that we are now a minority as of 2017.


You make up 73% of the population. You're not a minority. Have you been to the Midwest? Nothing but all white towns out there. Heavily populated areas such as cities are the only areas in the US where whites have a chance of being minorities.

>If the local governments choose

Baltimore is run entirely by niggers.

They do belong in a museam
They are costing tax payer money to keep up
The problem is that people are tearing them down and destroying them
They are history
And we must protect history no matter what

>fringe group

Don't make me laugh. Take a guess at how many blacks think they are living in a systemically oppressive system of racists who are holding them down?

You think they're going to be polite when they get into control and give whites affirmative action programs and scholarships and talk about closing the income gap between the races? Give me a break. It'll break South Africa 2.0

It's not a fringe group, retard, almost all blacks believe it.

Ok and? Why would you want a statue there instead of a museum or in your own area?

Are you saying Joe Biden and his census statistics are incorrect? Wow that really gets me going to hear you call our old VP a liar.

By the way since you are so scatterbrained I'll help you not embarrass yourself in the future. The race you are looking for is not "white" it is "non-hispanic white"

None of this shit is happening anywhere near me, so I still care more about federal issues like Hillary Clinton. The local statuary is mostly stuff I'd be happy to see meeting a similar fate.

Blacks make up 13% of the population. They are mostly anti-social Christians who want to be left alone. Thinking they live in a racist society is not the same as hating whites. Stop projecting your stupid hysteria onto people. The average black person couldn't give two shits about you.

>non-hispanic white
>63% of the population

Wow totally white genocide.

>blacks believe in systemic racism
So do scholars.
>You think they're going to be polite when they get into control
Black people aren't becoming the majority or even the plurality in any realistic scenario.

>thinking they live in a racist society is not the same as hating whites

Do you know how humans work? Are you daft?

Go to your nearest black church and ask if they hate whites. Ask any black person who's not a hoodrat if they hate whites. There is a reason why blacks tend to self-segregate. The majority of them want to be left alone.

First of all, I don't believe Joe Biden is lying when he is talking about census data and saying whites are an absolute minority in America as of 2017.

Secondly, here is the data he is referring to:


Read your article.

>"When that shift for the U.S. as a whole takes place by 2044, the Census Bureau predicts no one racial or ethnic group will dominate the U.S. in terms of size," NPR's Hansi Lo Wang reports. "Overall, the U.S. population is set to grow more slowly over the next few decades partly because of declining fertility rates. It's expected to hit 400 million by 2051."

Glad to see we have another 27 years before whites are not the majority anymore.

I guess Joe Biden did lie.

>Why would a white majority want themselves gone?

Are you fucking retarded? Look around. White guilt is everywhere and it is put into people in the schools. There is an entire complex of people in universities, elementary schools, media, NGOs and government that literally want to use immigration to make Western countries non-majority White. If you don't think this is true you are a fucking clueless idiot. Just look at Trudeau. He is the culmination of 40 years of this. The very Prime Minister of this country is on a quest to transform Canada into a country made up of non-Canadian foreigners.

why the fuck should we have so many beaners in this country, that is my only question. they have their own country, let them stay there. the reason they came her in the first place was because of NAFTA as it allowed the landlords to kick all the peasants off their traditional lands, but why they fuck don't we stop them at the border

>The city councils who have jurisdiction over these statutes do. If any of you live in hicksville just get involved in your local government and see if a statue can be transferred to your town? Oh wait that would be rational and you cant feel like a victim that way.

The statues are being taken down as an explicit attack on White identity and history.

Universities are now idiot factories that pump out legions of morons indoctrinated in critical race theory and a whole host of anti-White ideology.

and where does the white guilt come from? that's right you know (((who)))

>white guilt
If you feel personally attacked in the rare instances your privilege is even implicitly called into question, that's your problem.
>white genocide
Do you have proof of a conspiracy to make white countries non-white?

>The statues are being taken down as an explicit attack on White identity and history.

How is moving the statues of traitors to a white country to a museum an attack on white history?

It's called the war of northern aggression for a reason.

Lincoln was way out of line by forcing federal statutes onto the states.

>It's called the war of northern aggression for a reason.
Yes, it sounds more legitimate than calling it a rebellion.
>Lincoln was way out of line by forcing federal statutes onto the states.
Can you be more specific?

Lincoln was going above his authority and removing state laws about slavery.

When the South decided that this was tyranny and beyond the scope of what the federal government had the right to do, they threatened to secede.

Then Lincoln spoke this quote.
Now you tell me who you think started the war.

Unless I've got my Civil War timeline mixed up the first states seceded before Abraham Lincoln had the time to go above his authority and do anything about slavery.


BLM and Antifa are already on the scene in Lexington and cites across the nation.
There is still time to stop these mayors if we act. People need to be heard and SPEAK OUT because the left surely is. We all need to do more than shitpost. Call your councilmen, mayors, media, and don't be afraid to give your opinions to peers. They count on controlling the narrative with this calling everyone nazis bullshit.