Is he worth listening to /pol?
Is he worth listening to /pol?
Only in spurts. Talk radio is very much like cable news and print news. It is agitation propaganda and meant to change the way your brain works.
Buy more tin foil hats, the sky is falling.
absolutely yes
He's spot on on mostly everything he talks about
" a refined gentleman of taste will listen to literal virgins on fucking youtube drone on and on about nothing"
"pfft. only in spurts. the mind of an e-celeb sage can only take so much of the most influential conservative of all time before it begins to crave visions of men who sodomize themselves with bananas"
The faggot just talks about iPads now. I swear to fucking Christ, every time Apple has another keynote, the old queen talks about it for weeks before and after.
>what do you guys think?
I honestly think you should read the rules.
I've been listening for a couple years now. He's the only talk radio I listen to. He's very articulate and explains Trump well, and he's fucking hilarious
and if you listen closely and read or 'listen' in this case between the lines, he does drop redpills. Runs circles around the libs and commies
Mark Levin is way better
>Is he worth listening to /pol?
If I invited you to a restaurant, and you asked me what's worth on the menu, say u tried none, idk pick somethin have a taste.
Michael Savage is fucking Based. He's been using the slogan Borders, Language, Culture for decades
he's one of the better AM talk radio hosts.
I'm fucking shocked how neocon kike Mark Levin and the other Jew are
Democrats are the real racists. Tax cuts for the (((rich))) make everyone prosperous. War is necessary because Israel is our greatest ally. Fetuses are good. And niggerball! USA USA
I only ask because I want to be an educated american on shit that's going on and I know that the MSM is pure dog shit. I just wanted to know if I was getting reliable news.
Ehhh - he kowtows to the neocons on war and tax policy, but he occasionally has some incisive takes on PC libtards
30 minutes of Rush, 45 minutes of Michael Savage
>((kike tier))
is he a pot bellied pedo that alex jones talks about? does that explain the kid's books
>the antifa fascists
I cringe every fucking time
Remember people, authoritarianism does not equal fascism. Fucking idiots with no understanding of ideologies acting like experts
>michael savage
>a kike
A secret liberal maybe, but he's not Jewish
he shilling to end obamacare knowing most of his listeners are poor white trash was downright disgraceful.
he also shilled for gang of 8 -- until they all got caught and suffered serious backlash
It takes you that long to orgasm getting fucked by two dudes? They must have small dicks.
>not Jewish
you don't need to be
I like Mark's content, it's his voice that drives me nuts. It's that whiny jew sounding voice that is like nails on a chalkboard after about 10 minutes.
Yes. His evaluation of leftist behavior and tactics is dead on balls accurate.
But he yells and it's funny
>Michael Alan Weiner
>one of three children of Benjamin and Rae Weiner,[10] Jewish emigrants from Russia.[10][11][12][13]
>not jewish
God there's some stupid people on POL
Michael Savavge real last name WEINER, he's a kike
..........implying savage hides he's a jew..............he uses yiddish slang literally every 5 minutes
>This pasta I got at the old Italian place was delicious
>the old Italians that came here, honest, hardworking people not like these bums on the street I see every day in San Francisco
>Pizza gives me gas eat beets
Limbaugh is corporate owned
can't argue worth shit either, all his "debates" are to a hung up phone line.
Never said that
limbaugh, savage, intentional or not are divisive regarding the working class. Jones is also to some extent but less so.
Limbaugh is more of a corporate tool than the others. Never hear him talking about vaccines or diet like Jones. Savage does a little but no one redpills personal health like Jones.
Yes. In addition to covering and editorializing the news of the day, Rush has the odd bit of fun (music skits) but they don't dominate the program.
He often sounds curmudgeonly and flustered but his audience knows him and that's just how he talks. He regularly prefaces questions to callers asking them not to take his bluster the wrong way, as he proceeds to honestly pitch a question or two/'analyze' the caller a bit, and the caller usually laps it up since they know that's just how he talks, so they put in their two cents to whatever's under discussion. He's genuinely polite with his guests, if a bit bluster-y, which is more than can be said for many other talk radio programs. But then the whole thing is built as a small cult around him so callers also regularly fawn when they actually get to talk with him.
I listen as I am able on the car radio, here and there as it might be, turning down the commercials.
He's doing an excellent job of explaining antifi to the masses.