When did this whole "alt-right", white supremacy shit pop in to MSM?
Seems like it happened over night.
When did this whole "alt-right", white supremacy shit pop in to MSM?
Seems like it happened over night.
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>Seems like it happened over night.
it happened once one idiot decided he was going to run into a crowd of protestors for the glory of waipepo.
>he wuz a good boy he dindu nuffin he was just trying to get to his 5th job so he could afford his driving school
>study finds
Alt is short for alternative, right is short for right ring
White is a color, supremacy means dominance
>Study finds
You don't need a study to figure that out am I right xD
No link, no vote.
The same time they came here shilling Richard Spencer.
They took Nazi pepe jokes and ran with it.
Now we're all white supremacists. Which is weird, because I'm certain at least 30% of you faggots are Filipino.
Muslim drives into a crowd of euro's, dozens killed. Happens again and again #notallmuslim
One autistic fuck drives into a crowd #whitepeopleareterrorists.