Is this is how every election is going to look like starting in 30 years when whites are a minority?
Is this is how every election is going to look like starting in 30 years when whites are a minority?
>thinking that the communists will still hold elections.
no, it'd be all blue. at that point there would be no point in having a red party. they have to be competitive or it just doesn't work.
>Population of the states still the same
>No party realignments
The two parties by that point will be the Social Democrats and the Communist Party
Political views aren't a product of race, they're a product of wealth and power. Right now whitey and chan are "I got mine" and tyrone is "gibs me dat" and jorge is somewhere between "gibs me dat" and "I got mine". Once Hispanics start getting richer and get saddled with providing the gibs and maybe even getting cucked by affirmative action, then they will go hard right and either the republicans will recenter around hispanics or a new party will be created.
Also, both black and hispanic subcultures are very socially conservative compared to democrat ideology, if a party offers them a conservative slant that is to their benifit, they will ditch the dems like a dime bag during a drug raid.
Basic politics people.
GG no re
I really don't think there will be a Republican party in 30 years.
No because such a pointless party would disappear and be replaced with a more competitive one. There will always be 2 main parties. Our country has evolved into a dichotomy of politics, what the two sides will be in 30 years, who knows.
What makes you think the country is even going to exist in 30 years?
Once niggers start moving more into the northern states they will start voting right wing. If anything all of the south+Arizona and Texas are blue, while all the northern states except for New York is Republican.
Real talk, I want to get rich and live isolated in Montana. Glacier Nation park looks amazing.
Also, I doubt Alaska will ever turn blue. They're so removed from the bullshit that actual American values haven't been corrupted.
Maybe in the white mindset. When minorities invade a white country like Canada or USA, they all coalesce into an anti-white vote. The Democratic Party is the anti-white party. It doesn't matter what the GOP does, it's too late. America is lost forever. Can you believe it only took 60 years to make it like this? Now America is looking more like Brazil everyday. Public school classrooms in California look more like Mexican or Congolese schools based on the population.
ancapistan will secede or all die trying
Hispanics will vote left. Only places in all Latin America where they vote center right is Chile and Peru. The rest is socialist and leftist.
By the time demographics get that bad the Republican party will have began pandering hard fucking core to the Hispanics. They will drop every single platform they have now and shift so far left your neck will break.
>acting like Sup Forums is conservative
We want white nations. I don't care if foreigners want big families and love their god, that belief is the enemy of my race. Their belief in conservative family structure leads them to outbreed us. That's not a strength.
We don't want conservative brown people replacing us. WE DON'T WANT TO BE REPLACED.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
The next Dem President will flood it with refugees. Obama filled Minnesota with Muslims.
i dunno man, they're like freaks from another dimension
politics will be reduced to which ethnic group gets the gibs, like Commiefornia
>north dakota EVER being blue
Not to worry. If that happens, there won't be a country left. Just another third-world shithole.
the whites (all the ones with a binary gender anyway) will have left the country for Russia and Eastern Europe at that point.
No, Idaho will be blue and in reality, there will have been a military coup long before then
Even Texas is on the verge of going blue. The democratic process is a failure, voting will not fix anything
It didn't even start with immigration, the battle was already over by the 1965 act. It started with giving women the right to vote and then contraception and abortion. It gave them just enough of an edge that cucked men and women had a majority, so women get there way and produce mored cucked men and their majority grows and with each increase in the cuck/female coalition, society degenerates another level
>implying mexicans and blacks wont eventually vote republican
look, once ol' Drumpfy is out of office it really wont matter what party you vote for. don't you idiots get it? this is your "last hoorah", so to speak. you get all of this nazi/alt-right bullshit out of your system during the Trump terms, and eventually he will no longer be able to run, and this whole infatuation with "Make America Great Again" (a task that will take more than 8 years) will be over. you might, MIGHT get lucky with a one-term Pence presidency, but just like the Reagan/Bush years, he'll fuck it up and start a military action with someone like North Korea, piss off the entire moderate republican base and you will be saying hello to President Cory Booker in 2028.
again though, in like 30 years like you intially asked, it really won't matter. the whole "alt right" part of the American Republican party dies when Trump is done. you aren't going to be able to find someone else like him to say these ridiculous things and get away with it. Actual politicians are held to standards.
Don't post this Jordan Petersen garbage. He's a centrist liberal and doesn't care for racial politics.
You're right that we win the race war by winning our personal struggles, but to act like we should be thankful to live in white countries while niggers are dying in mud huts is a low bar.
The right will completely cave and reinvent its self after one or two of these elections, guaranteed
Probably true. And this is how American cities will look once this happens.
Sure they were cucks and whores. But at least they were our cucks and whores. Black savages and mestizo hordes are a totally different story. They are an invading species. At least if we had a homogeneous nation we could sort out the internal problems and focus on them 100% but now we have so many different factors leading to the downfall of western civilization. I'd kill to live in the 60's and just walk down the street and not be forced to see tyrones and pablos flooding everywhere making good-hearted white people afraid for their lives and forced to fall in line and lower their heads. What a disgrace.
pretty much, there might be a thin hope that a conservative supreme court can turn things around, maybe a constitutional convention but they would have to basically go back all the way to the fourteenth amendment and start over, but it is pretty much a pipe dream. 95% chance it will go to either a communist or fascist dictatorship within the next 100 years. Democracy won't survive. There may be voting like in the old soviet union bu there wont be a choice.
a non degenerate society would have never permitted hordes of aliens
>implying that the US will even exist 30 years from now.
you wot?
You're thinking too hard. They won't get rid of democracy when all the voters are minorities who'll rubber stamp everything they want. It's the perfect victory. They get to keep liberal democracy while still eliminating any opposition from white people.
>as if the general population had a vote on the 1965 immigration law or in Canada where the first Trudeau's govt. passed the immigration law and basically didn't publicize it. White people didn't have a referendum because if they did they'd have struck it down. The only way they could pass such a law is through indirect democracy where the voice of the people could be snuffed out because the money was on the other side. This is why liberal democracy as a system is flawed. It gives the illusion of choice.
Remember, if you can edit your own genome, it is in your own self-interest to become an intelligent caucasian. Don't let the elite prevent the general public from buying gene editing, and don't let them engineer intellectually inferior slave races! We can carry forward equality in the future by focusing our development on the genetic lineages that are most competent to thrive in civilization.
>as if the general population had a vote on the 1965 immigration law or in Canada where the first Trudeau's govt. passed the immigration law and basically didn't publicize it.
White people didn't have a referendum because if they did they'd have struck it down. The only way they could pass such a law is through indirect democracy where the voice of the people could be snuffed out because the money was on the other side. This is why liberal democracy as a system is flawed. It gives the illusion of choice.
>as if the people who own the technology will allow us to just create more white people when the goal of the elite for the last 50 years has been to wipe them out.
I'm hopeful too but it seems bleak.
That image made me wonder what Stalin exactly thought of gays, so I looked it up...
>In 1933, Joseph Stalin added Article 121 to the entire Soviet Union criminal code, which made male homosexuality a crime punishable by up to five years in prison with hard labor. The precise reason for Article 121 is in some dispute among historians. The few official government statements made about the law tended to confuse homosexuality with pedophilia and was tied up with a belief that homosexuality was only practiced among fascists or the aristocracy.
>. They get to keep liberal democracy while still eliminating any opposition from white people
Liberal democracy was literally invented by white people schlomo
By then we'll be in a civil war. It's inevitable, white males are the only demographic that produces a net surplus in tax revenue. If our population keeps declining the shitskins will run amok and kill their golden goose. The gibs will dry up and they'll rise up in riots. Once the house of cards collapses there will be a long race war, but most of the actual fighting will be black vs Mexican. Whites will fortify their last areas of refuge and can hopefully weather the storm.
I'm still hoping they'll fucking wake up and notice it's in their own interest to have an intelligent middle class. Wiping out the bridges between themselves and the general public doesn't make them more special, it's just going to make them more poor and insular. Success would set up a long decay.
Dude, I have this feeling it's gonna be just like that film Elysium, right? Where the rich whites and some chinese just wall off their perfect society off from the black and mestizo slave class and hoard all the scientific advancements for themselves. That or they just kill all of us off.
us being the middle class whites
I'll be almost 80 by then, and well enough off in the mountains somewhere.
You can wreck the nation all you want at that time, it won't matter. Enjoy your brown and black shithole of zero productivity, I'm sure you'll have a great time.
>all the polls said hillary would win
>all the studies said the white man would lose his country
>black culture is conservative
By the time the social security and pension funds run dry and the welfare system collapses it'll be Armageddon
>>all the studies said the white man would lose his country
the demographic change is hard science. Polls are variable.
Lmao a mudskin who thinks he doesn't live in a white built cage already, controlled by a Jew. LMFAO right in your low IQ face.
Not even that senpai. I expect 'The Great Cull' to commence when absolute weaponized nanotech is proliferated, maybe in 40 years.
Actually commies will be the new red party
No. If the republicans collapsed the dems would split and fight it other out.
Probably either more moderate dems would create a new party rid of all the crazy bullshit to appeal to republicans and add their votes and win, or progressives would go full retard and split the party
So either a new party system with Democrats x Progressives or the new very progressive Democrats x Moderate Party or something like this
I used to work for the census bureau and I can tell you without hesitation that the demographic shift is an illusion.
It all started with gathering data on "hispanics".
It confused the fuck out of ordinary people that there's such a thing as white hispanic.
Basically USA is still vastly more white than people think.
It's much more likely that in 30 years the democratic party will only just be beginning to win local elections.
You all know this don't you?
You won't see a democratic president for at least the next 3 elections.
You're going to have to rebrand yourselves.
And distance yourself from the alt-left that says worthless things like "you can't be racist against white people".
This is a possibility too. White progressives might go to overboard and a new coalition of religious whites, blacks and spics might form a new party that is socially more conservative and economically moderate, like what you have in Europe
you didn't read my cont. I am white. I'm saying the white elite and da joos are gonna separate themselves from the rest of humanity and maybe kill us off. You're probably mentally ill anyways whatever. good night.
They're highly religious, value money more than almost anything else and hate fags more than the Westboro Baptist Church. Pretty damn conservative if you ask me.
What the world will look like when whites are the minority, enjoy.
They will kill all the smart Asians and whites and use the rest as a slave race.
and yet they vote overwhelmingly for liberals.
which ethnic group do you think wants tax increases
Crack head, 20 something professional students never get real jobs.
Did you not read ?
i did. tell me why any of their professed ideals matter if they elect people who go against said ideals?
spics and niggers love authoritarian governments that murder them left and right too so they'll just go along withi t
They already are doing so
When you have a monopoly gained from force rather than iq, iq is the most potent threat to your power structure
Cuz they're getting free gibz from the dems. If the democrats started pushing for affirmative action to start giving whitey more money at the expense of chan, tyrone, and jorge you better believe they'd win the white vote every time.
except niggers hate the cold, fucks their skin up pretty bad.
coincidentally, actually thinking about moving my family from Texas to Wyoming. shits getting realllly bad here. especially now that all the white neighborhoods are being infiltrated by non-working section 8 welfare niggers.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA top laff homo faggot nigger
There were elections in the communist bloc, but there was only one party running
tough call man. Texas is worth defending, but your position is going to become more and more indefensible. I know there will be Texans that will die to the last man Alamo-style
Yes, until the rise of Jethro Khan.
nah, 8 years demican, 8 years republicrat, thats the deal, the dems are majorly fucked in the ass at the local level and they are lubing it up for more. Obama was the worst fucking idea they could have come up with and I guarantee you they will do it again with Kamala Harris or Corey Booker
but it will still have to be an authoritarian state. they cannot tolerate any real dissent, just like it is now, anyone saying the jew word in public is immediately excommunicated. And the list of proscribed topics will only get bigger as their power grows
If Gold Peak iced tea predicted it.... it must be true. Race war now
blacks can dump out kids because they know the "white state" will support those niglets. Take away that system is the surest way to secure a better future
Civil war when ? its seems unavoidable