Sup Forums how can you ever recover lol
Sup Forums how can you ever recover lol
>not the soviet union
>implying soldiers would get mad at being called violent
its like the point of the military
Put a kike behind him
Why isn't that US soldier a PoC?! Seems problematic.
I've seen too many pictures of Antifa burning American flags for this kind of shit to be funny.
>the left is gleefully labeling themselves
Glorious, fucking glorious. I hope you all realize what a massive PR victory this is. Every instance of leftist violence, from BLM to Antifa, is now all being committed by a single group: the Alt-Left.
Anons, help them to embrace this title.
oh heavens to Betsy, flag burners??!! That is totally equal to neo Nazi gatherings
i saw it on facebook i don't give a shit about antifa desu
I still think taking down statutes is retarded.
This. American footsoldiers are disproportionately black.
I just don't far left agitators compared with American servicemen.
I've also never, ever met an American veteran who thinks the Confederate monuments are racist and should be pulled down.
Pretty much, antifa is exact same shit as neo nazis.
>Antifa burns American flags
>Antifa hates and kills police
>Antifa supports our current overseas enemies, including North Korea
Seems to me that people are forgetting Americans fought communists more often and longer than they fought the nazis.
Does anyone buy this? It's completely ridiculous.
I dont care. You lost
get a third color on your flag and maybe youll have a useful opinion
What soldier is a lefty?
>implying a WORLD FUCKING WAR is comparable to domestic disputes waged between groups of retards in Charlottesville
fuck this moronic gay earth
That hasn't been true since the post-Vietnam era when the Draft ended. Modern combat arms roles are predominantly white, even as the rest of the military is slightly overrepresented by blacks and hispanics.
At this point it's not funny anymore. I want off mr trumps wild ride.
>In any way comparable to a muscular soldier who loves and fights for his country
We're talking about a group who burns American flags here. If you want to have the moral high ground, stop wearing masks, and start showing a little bit of fucking patriotism. You don't have to love your government to love your country. But Antifa does not love this country, it would rather see that country collapse in favor of some anarcho-socialist dystopia.
But the Nazis were left wing
I see this sentiment all over faceberg.
well this is antifa.
>Implying Russia would have won if it wasn't for usa aid.
Uh no honey
pick one faggot
Wow, look at those patriots. Brings a tear to the eye.
Antifa sets an muslim immigrants limo on fire
What exactly is the problem with us gathering and expressing our political opinions?
You might be forgetting the part where they assault random people, destroy public and private property, light cars on fire, loot local businesses, etc.
In reality, Trump pointed at both sides and said "you're all fucking retards".
But instead, both sides take it as a direct insult and scorn him.
>US Soldiers
Should be a Soviet.
Its actually fucking embarrassing that they're comparing 100 lb antifa trannies to ww2 soldiers
>mfw braindead leftists spend the last 50 years shitting on America and its military
>mfw those same braindead leftists see themselves as heroic soldiers that fought the nazis
Socialist flags are just as bad as leafs.
proud patriots!, it brings a tear to my eye.
Alt Left hates American soldiers.
>the left is trying to coop car veterans
disgusting desu. Are they physically capable of not virtue signalling? Can we have a week without it?
you snowflakes really are triggered by getting actual media exposure, aren't you?
You lost. Fuck off, no one cares. Nazis go home. KKK go home. There will be no intellectual rebuttal. There will be no hooking easy bait. No one is confused about who the Nazis are.
Post your views on facebook for your friends and family to see.
Military is Left?! bahahaha
taht could be done by anyone
The only reason these folks are trying to liken themselves to WW2 soldiers is so they can justify their use of violence.
So does that mean you're signing up for the Marines? What job listing are you going for?
>Implying the world would have won if it wasn't for the USSR
Uh no Jewey
do you support burning police officers alive? yes or no?
ive seen this spammed multiple places already and it still doesnt make sense. It's missing a sentence or concrete correlation. What the fuck is trying to say?
Fuck off you violent animal.
fuck that, I'm not getting killed halfway across the planet for corporate profit. I'm currently looking for work.
Implying the United states didn't send tons of aid and supplies to the USSR throughout the war.
Add some faggots holding a communist flag next to the others and this image and it will be perfect
>implying I haven't already redpilled my whole family
You'll be burning books next huh?
Unlike the Nazis, I don't support mass murder based on physical characteristics, no
now we are getting somewhere. do you support antifa?
tl;dr but checked
that image was made in the last 30 hours since alt left is literally a made up word by a mentally ill president
>Nazis rounded up Jews because of their big noses and curly hair
>There will be no intellectual rebuttal.
Oh, we know.
why is that corporals (and i mean, who the fuck is a corporal in the army) rank upside down? why is he in OD green when that hasnt been the uniform in about 36 years? why is a soldier in uniform beating a private us citizen, who he has sworn an oath to protect his freedom of speech? its almost as if this cartoonist has never served a day in his life and is projecting so hard that IMAX is about too sue for infringement.
Fake picture, utterly fake picture.
You guys are soooo desperate hahahah
I have no problem with this. Frankly all rich people should be hanging from lampposts.
I dont even know who they are. I dont care. I support science based decisions in government
Fuck off you violent animal.
>No one is confused
You are most definitely confused. In this country EVERYONE has a right to speak and gather peaceably. You and your commie friends also have the right to get the shit kicked out of you for disrupting a peaceful rally. Everyone knows Antifa started the bullshit no matter how much you want to cry about it, your narrative is still failing. Im not even complaining really, I want you to continue your shit starting so we can see how high we can get the death tole of anti-american communist agitators. The funniest part about it is -
white nationalists = 1
anti fascists = 0
>le tiny miniscule microscopic mini hands orange cheeto pursed lips toupee oversized suit long tie drumpf ;)
the limo belonged to a muslim immigrant. it belonged to his company.
Disinformation also uses selective evidence to support false conclusions. Good reasoning may proceed from false premises, fallacious twists of logic are used, or reasoning is discouraged and the conclusion asked to be taken on either the emotional appeal or authority of its purported source.
For a bunch of faggots that hate insensitivity, they're being pretty insensitive and insulting here
>"Who are the alt left? They are violent people. Checkmate"
wtf i hat ethe alt left now
>That toxic masculinity
It's obvious, antifa is put on a patriotic pedestal for fighting nazi's.
but they are not patriotic
They're really trying to push this narrative that antifa is a group of American patriots instead of commies, aren't they?
>10 posts by this mentally ill ID
It's only because it's a way to justify and encourage their use of violence.
Alt Left scum are not the military, if it's OK to be violent against the Nazis, it's OK to be violent towards BLM.
> snowflakes really are triggered
You can't just throw around terms without any understanding of what they mean.
nah, fake news
The government guarantees free speech, and they did.
The government also protects all citizens. They shut down the event because other people were prone to violence, and the organizers SAID ON CAMERA they were bringing guns with them BECAUSE OF THE EXPECTATION OF VIOLENCE.
so, they still had their first amendment. Calling for the genocide of everyone but the master white race becomes too difficult to prevent violence.
All of the Alt-Left looked scrawny, weak chinned, with little arm muscle or fatasses with double chins with little arm muscle
nazism is literally the far left so that comic doesnt make sense
you want to hang muslim immigrants?
So, I can lynch niggers and beat up fags and trannies as long as I don't have a nazi-flag? Sounds good to me!
can too, cuckstick
the Nazi's where within a few miles of Moscow
the USSR was and always will be a failed state
they where just cannon fodder to give Germany 2 fronts so we could rid them sooner
How can anyone possibly this fucking retarded?
>get a third color on your flag and maybe youll have a useful opinion
Thats the best you could come up with?
Yeah it's kind of weird the way they've started spouting off "snowflake, triggered, safe space, cuck" at right wingers lately. It's like they realized how absolutely asinine their own beliefs are and that our insults actually had real punch behind them. And so they try to throw it right back at us but it just doesn't stick the same because that's not what the insults were intended for.
Not gonna lie I used to be a nazi but it's funny watching them crash and burn haha. But in all seriousness we can't let flunmmpthh get the gender codes
the dnc was demoing the word about a week ago as a way to de-legitimize the bernie wing of their party.
My issue with this image is that it implies that those on the Alt-Left are "American patriots" of any stripe.
Which is fucking bullshit. Faggots who are on the left are so anti-military that they would commit sudoku before they E V E R take up arms against an oncoming threat from afar.
And beating your fellow countrymen with sticks and rocks because they disagree with calling you your preferred pronouns, or not just 'stepping aside for those darker that you' is absolutely NOT the same thing. It is, factually, the opposite.
Show are your real flag Chaim
is that what everyone is upset about?
Antifa are a bunch of unbearable spazzes from like california universities, from what I understand. Everyone here is just booty blasted that they the media is painting them in a positive light because they punched Nazis? Maybe the Nazis should have stayed the fuck in the closet then, eh?
>Alt left is 40s America
So they support racial segregation and putting minorities in internment camps?
>antifa? never heard of them!
>water? what is that? i've never heard of this "water"
Why the fuck would you represent a bunch of flag burners, people who literally advocate for killing cops, and people who want democracy, capitalism, and America to be destroyed and replaced as something else AS A FUCKING SOLDIER
These people openly insult soldiers
99% of soldiers are right-wing and oppose these rejects
I thought our U.S. military were on Trump's side. I come from a family of G.I. and most of us voted Trump. Not out of any loyalty towards him, is just because he was the Right wing canindate.