Blacks are laughing at you.
Black dating expert laughs at you
how do u liek dat whit boi?
u liek dat whit boi?
what'chu gon' do nao whit boi??
Wow so original xD
Are we?
Don't wife left leaning women. Go for the right wing ones. How hard is this to understand?
Do you realize how many women laugh at coal burning whores?
Wh*tes dick is expensive
Thinking this will effect us shows how pathetic and immature you are.
90% of whites only date whites,
I know that series and let's just say, it doesn't end well for the coal burner
>never does
kek desu
>implying anyone in that webm is actually black
A spic beats up a lefty white girl, what's there to see here?
if your wife is not locked up in your basement with 3 chastity belts on she is cucking you goyim
Jokes on you I'm a virgin! Remember?
If anyone watched the livestream, women were discouraged from participating from the torchlight rally.
And if all the niggers have is the tired old coalburner meme... this seems like it was a bigger win than I thought.
>mfw I cant even tell girls from boys anymore
Just kill me now senpai
Alt-Left comrade, black + white is now considered racist.
Please stop doing such.
All they have ever had was "muh dick" and thats a myth. I would know my black girlfriend told me I'm the biggest and thickest she has had and how tight her pussy is around my cock proves that.
t. race mixer
Not race mixing if I don't have kids.
I like to think of it as conquering other races women.
Blacks laugh at everything because they lack the mental capabilities to understand both simple and complex situations, lad.
Are you literally making fun of the retarded, you fucking bigot shitlord?!?! How dare you look down on our black brothers because of their inability to see things for what they are, shame on you, I hope that Antifa throw a brick through your windshield for being so intolerant.
Whites fucked up you gave these niggers an inch and they took a mile.
Once Spics and gooks take over this nation these niggas are gonna run crying about how they want the white man back.Unlike whites they have ZERO tolerance for niggers
>white girls love black gu-
blacks simply cannot compete
>assuming these alt right bitches have girlfriends
Aw you ruined it
My gf told me that and I have a small dick kek.
Quit providing Sup Forums with fap material
>projecting because you look like this
is it not accurate?
it's one of the reasons I never go to those rallies
I have better things to do than hang out with a bunch og kissless NEETs
>90% of whites only date whites
it doesn't mean they don't cheat
Who said anything about dating?
>I have better things to do than hang out with a bunch og kissless NEETs
yet you browse this shithole? you are a hypocrite
Does it matter if its accurate? Its not intended to be accurate its intended to insult a group. Problem being we aren't insulted.
less than half say whites only if you control for the ones not stating a racial preference.
And yet, no blacks say "no whites"
You are suggesting that although a woman would not date a man, she would be willing to have sex? Do you not understand that sex to a woman is a bit different mentally? They like it, sure. But most are not willing to fuck a random guy, like a guy would pound a random girl.
You don't seem to understand that women don't usually cheat because of wanting "better sex." They cheat because they need emotional security and stability. Niggers don't provide that. They only women who fall for the nigger's sweet-talk are woman who are below average intelligence.
It's because not all white women are fit and athletic. It's the uggos and fatties that mix it up.
commies lose again
This user: is a virgin
>They only women who fall for the nigger's sweet-talk are woman who are below average intelligence.
So 90%
Change your ways, it is not too late.
>muh dating site stats :((
how much of these idiots have children they bitching about being replace but only want to blame others
no mate, since that sauce is princeton, you should look up the study they released in 2016 which is by far the biggest study every done on racial dating and sexual prefrences.
The study was conducted in the EU (including Switzerland and Norway) and USA, Canada and AUS/NZ.
White american women were at number one in IR dating/marriage and approval rating of IR relationships (i'm excluding non-white women here) followed by CAN and UK (and Switzerland for some reason) In no other countries are white women dating more often outside of their race and approve of others doing it. By far the lowest rates of IR dating and approval ratings for it had Spain, Germany, Poland and Italy.
>no argument
looks like he won