You are literally pulling a ''WE WUZ GREEKS AND SHIET''
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself nibba
lmao, almost no whites or germanics have curly hair unless they are mixed with med or niggers. Good delusion, even my father had that curly hair as a youngster.
>"Hurrdurr greeks aren't white"
>"hurrdurr olive skin is not wihite"
just kys
The goddess Hera (according to the description on the cup); tondo of an Attic white-ground kylix from Vulci, c. 470 BC
Also, the jaw doesn't fit at all. Your example is super thin and tringular, while the Greek is wider and shorter.
Greeks considered blondes to be the color of prostitutes, lmao.
Nazi larpers on Sup Forums were unironically saying they were Egyptian KANGZ because they found red hair on mummies a couple months ago.
So, slaves, sexual and otherwise.
No, no. Whites do have culture. It's just not Mediterranean Culture.
They need to be aware those aesthetic as fuck statues are from not from the Aryans they love so much.
the profile of that face
eye sockets, cheek bones, jaw lines, nose, brow
they all look very muslim.
white lips eyes and hair...
invalid point m8
A Gnathia-style ceramic vessel from ancient Magna Graecia (Apulia, Italy), depicting a blond winged youth with a Phrygian cap, with lion head spouts, by the "Toledo" painter, c. 300 BC
Complete modern fabrication, read the Iliad for once and you will see even Helen of Troy, the most beautiful women in the world being described as blond literally every time she is mentioned.
Also. Pindar described Athena as fair-haired. Hera, Apollo and Aphrodite were also described as blondes. Pindar collectively described the Homeric Danaans of the time of the war between Argos and Thebes as fair-haired. The Spartans are described as fair-haired by Bacchylides. In the work of Homer, Menelaus the king of the Spartans is, together with other Achaean leaders, portrayed as blond. Although dark hair colours were predominant in the works of Homer, there is only one case of a dark hero, and that is when the blond Odysseus is transformed by Athena and his beard becomes blue-black. Other blond characters in Homer are Peleus, Achilles, Meleager, Agamede, and Rhadamanthys.
To be clear, I don't have whites. You do have culture, it's just NOT MY CULTURE. I am not a blonde blue eyed Aryan, and you are not a fucking Med.
>I don't hate* whites
>Asian Pride
>just the Chinese
Bitch please, compare the average Aryan man composite face to the greek statues. You guys don't even have Curly hair.
Alexander the Great (left), wearing a kausia and fighting an Asiatic lion with his friend Craterus (detail); late 4th-century BC mosaic from Pella[94]
Greeks are part of the Aryan family, blond and red hair still exists in Greece like it did 3000 years ago you absolute degenerate, nothing you divide and conquer anti-white shitheads say can deny that.
>Greeks are part of the Aryan family
>nothing you divide and conquer anti-white shitheads say can deny that.
They're just trying to fit their darker skin into history, and don't want to face the fact that they're Semite mixes.
A man confronts his problems, and they aren't.
i hope you get die you fucking nigger lover. this is Sup Forums
For example, I'm pale as hell with light blue eyes but black hair.
The hair comes from the Celtic part of me. There's no point trying to fit the Celtic part into the Nordic part.
Fuck you, Greeks are about as white as dog shit. Yeah, give props where it's due but white you ain't.
Welcome to the stupidity known as "race theory".
Your punishment for following it is to get on an endless bickering about those shits.
>white people are solely blond blue eyed 6ft tall models
Germans truly are the cancer that never dies
Ethnic groups is a real thing, user.
Semites moved up into Europe and the mixing made the Euros they were in contact with browner.
You can literally trace it with DNA.
The further north you get in Europe, the less mixture.
White is generally white skin. Anglo, Celt, Nord, and yes, Slav.
Semites, Persians and others, are "brown". Mixes with Semites and whatnot can produce "white" people, because you know, mixed.
They're all Caucasian, though.
Yes, ethnic groups are a thing.
But trying to classify as black/white/asian will just fail every time because it's a too small set of definitions.
A per country base simply work a lot better at predicting the average behavior etc..
Also it avoid having to classify the Portuguese as the same thing as you when you're white.
Fuck off niggers, whenever a guy with med features without blonde hair our blue eyes gets posted, he gets told he is not white.
YET, when it comes to GREEKS you make an exception because they were actually IMPORTANT.
Means literally shit, my father had curly blonde hair like the greeks in his Twenty, once he reached 30 his hair went dark. Statues of greeks with blonde hair means ZERO.
How about you just shut up until the debts are paid? Could you do that?
How about you stop fucking dogs, you maple syruped artic Chink
Funny, because it's true.
Even Hitler tried to steal Med culture and claim it as Aryan. How fucking pathetic is that?
As a person of Greek descent, I do consider myself European (read, white), but I do find it odd how germanic peoples, celts and others have appropriated my culture as their own simply because our land barely made its way to the "boundaries" of Europe.
Divide and conquer thread.
4 letter word in the options field
Shills rely on Europid infighting to keep control. We are many nations, but one race. Don't be led astray by the (((eternal enemy))), the Master of Lies.
greeks and Italians are considered white.
You guys are ones dividing Europeans for not being blonde and having blue eyes, fuck off.
some of the Egyptian kings were descended from ptomely who was a greek-macedocnian. so its not surprising some would look white
Yeah, whenever convenient. When it's not, they are just southern lazy European subhumans.
>>turk detected
how is your cultural appropriation going on roach?
when its not convenient any white ethnic group is derided. I regularly deride germans as a cuck race now. same with swedes. doesn't mean they aren't white, just means I think they are shit white people.
fact of the matter is, if you would take one as your wife, and your children with her would look like you, and look like any other member from your ethnic group, and you would feel a tribal kinship with them and they with you and your tribe, then guess what, she is white. you only get this with people of European descent.
whites have curly hair
show me your flag shitskin
he looks like a Greek
show me your flag shitskin
Greek influence on the human race is stronger than you think
show me your flag shitskin
>Curly hair
Really, nigger?
they dont
arabs are subhumans
there is no aryan man
original aryans were steppe subhumans
like the slavshits today
Phenotype doesn't mean genotype for I don't recall classical Italics and ancient Greeks having negro and jewish admixtures
they are
show me your flag shitskin
they arent
you have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks
Plenty of Latvians have curly hair, shitskin
We had a word for them before we knew niggers existed
I know perfectly well how relevant Greek culture has been for western nations, which only makes my point more imperative. Do fucking Italians take pride in Nordic gods and statues? Of course not.
Then why should Germanic tribes use Greek Aesthetic status are theirs?
shitskin in america with inferiority complex
jealous of Greeks
they didnt
you are a shitskin with inferiority complex
jealous of Greeks
its not
you made that up
there are no celts
you are a shitskin with inferiority complex
jealous of Greeks
They had curly hair it's obvious they weren't white I never understood why this was ever an argument.
shitskin immigrant in canada with inferiority complex
jealous of Greeks
Greeks are the hardest working Europeans on the planet
subhumans dont understand that germans were always euromongrels
curly hair is not rare
It's an argument because pictures of Hitler and Greek statues with aesthetic filters are being used as symbolic representation of the heritage of white people, who affiliate themselves with Aryan based-white supremacist ideologies.
It's like if a fucking Spaniard decided to use Irish Folklore mythology to as a symbol if their heritage. Makes no fucking sense. Hitler didn't even like Meds.
Who says that they were Nordic? People barely say that their genetics are not the same
who can be proud to be Italian or whatever from the Mediterranean area?
>be Med
>never really care about racial purity bar the Anceint Greeks
>create several multiracial egalitarian empires
>try to invade racially minded Europeans with those empires
>get cucked into irrelevance
Nothing White about Mediterraneans. Today they are reduced to lazy bums and diasporas that locals in the rest of Europe dislike
Greeks are white
you have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks
Greeks are the hardest working Europeans on the planet
Good, stop using aesthetic Greek statues are representation of your heritage.
>look, I cherrypicked one vase
You are Turk
He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek (difference lol?) because he was rejected by his kin on Sup Forums. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming
Here is his story
Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"
That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life
>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine
If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?
show me your flag shitskin
What the fuck am I reading?
mediterranean is white you dinwhit nigger fuck
The whole WHITE PEOPLE thing in US is cringy as hell in general. They're all mutts, they have no actual culture they belong to, so they're trying to appropriate everything "white" from around the world. Nobody cares about skin color outside US. People care about nations and ethnic groups.
Non-Hellenic Europeans have more in common with Anceint Hellens just because they are not mongrels like modern Greeks. Ancient Greeks were very concerned about racial purity: they would denounce modern Greek abominations just like WASP Americans detest spic and euromutt hordes today. In a way it's good that statues get removed - this way mongrels won't squat on the ruins of European man's civilization like the do all over the Southern Europe
you lie about Greeks because you have a heavy inferiority complex and are very jealous of Greeks
>about skin color outside US
t. shitskin
Russians are hell bent on term of paleness and fairness like Varg.
Fuck off, whenever Meds post pics of themselves they get called subhumans/non-whites unless they have blue eyes and blonde hair.
Are you going to fucking deny it? Hitler didn't even like med, he considered them below North Europeans. He despised Italians and the Med heritage.
>mediterranean is white
Comparing to full blooded Africans maybe
Doxx on Ky2Ifb
Dudes dick was huge god dam
nobody calls them subhumans
i call them subhumans
its because they are jealous of Greeks
hitler tried to copy italy/rome because germanics are subhumans
the whole german history consists of being jealous of rome and france
i know german history better than you
show me your flag shitskin
He looks exactly like my uncle, penis included
That's because modern Meds are subhumans. Nothing good out of that region except for few Northern Italian nobles and artists (god knows Roman negro legacy wasn't that spread in 16th century) with their works in art during Enlightenment
>he considered them below North Europeans. He despised Italians and the Med heritage.
Who doesn't?
So stop using Med heritage to represent your fucking culture. Have you missed the fucking point of this thread, redneck? do you know what your uncles penis looked li... Oh
Nudist beaches are a thing in the Mediterranean coast, son.
you are very jealous of Greeks and have a heavy inferiority complex
show me your flag shitskin
Alexander The Great was BLONDE you nub,
you are a stupid shitskin
you must be american if you dont know that most of those subhumans are from holland and germany
show me your flag shitskin
He has a fucking confederate flag. What the fuck is he going to be, a fucking Chink?
Jesus Christ, dude.
but he still touched you didn't he? My uncle told me it's normal
You are pathetic, dear Ikibey. I sincerely feel sorry for your dumb roach ass.
So was my father in his 20's. What's your fucking point?
there are many sneaky shitskins behind (western) flags
there was a candian who pretended to be a 1,90m white anglo
turned out it was a sneaky korean
i busted him because he made a small mistake
show me your flag shitskin
turkey is richer than bulgaria
slavs are subhumans
>It's like if a fucking Spaniard decided to use Irish Folklore mythology to as a symbol if their heritage
Except there were Celts in Spain too, illiterate memeflag.
>stop using
Not a single Med insectoid today can match the bloodline of Classical Italics, Ancient Greeks and Northern Italians of 16-17th century
Those whom (you) want to claim, are not your ancestors. Well, they are in a perverted way, just like George Washington is an ancestor for one out of two hundred nigger in the US.
I can do tha with photoshop too. Give me your photo and I can balloon your moobies.
You are a good man. Really showing the shills itt.
Nice delusion
you are jealous of Greeks and have an inferiority complex
show me your flag shitskin