this is what perfection looks like
Perfect world
>World covered in human trash
>Not vegetation
That's the opposite of perfection.
Perfect earth
But, we know that will never happen. How do we improve the world with the current ethnic distribution it has now?
Replace pakistan, bangladesh, and afghanistan with a few craters.
Earth 2045
My body is ready.
So one half of the world is 1984 and the other is The Road Warrior.
Sounds fun.
Im down as long as i don't see any un flag
>raj of loo
>Greenland belongs to America
new swabia when
>Give the Lungs of the World to ancaps
Well I hope you bought the Silver Oxygen Packageā¢.
>this is what autism looks like
I would be okay with this.
>runs sweatshops/opium dens in Ancap S. America
>live in a nice plot of forested land in the Rockies
>take money to house nazi spies as pretend hookers in my brothels.
Sounds comfy
Shouldn't put nuclear waste near the kingdom of jerusalem.
Imperial Japan should get Siberia too
>Not giving Constantinople to the Kingdom of Jerusalem
This means war.
One can dream.
Memes aside, this is what the west coast might look like in a more realistic version of this world.
Cuntlandia is glorious
East vs West
About time we start fighting Imperialists and Collectivists.
A near infinite almost flat plane of earth dominated by a purified nordic race of trillions of whites who have an empire consisting of unlimited continents and resources beyond the antarctic wall along with portals to connect to other dimensions and also spacecraft that can transverse beyond the artifical earth plane itself to colonize all the galaxies, solar constructs, and dyson/lensman style megastructures created by aryan abramhamic-alien gods.
But tinfoil/autism aside, I'm fine as long as the world has whites in charge of lots of resources
But why are there jews there at all?
India just gets to be india?
For once my dear ancap, I approve.
Because there are thing so much worse than death.
Why not exterminate Indians? They are abos in denial? Persians toom they are praxfically negroes.
>Caucasus, Turkey
>Danish Greenland
Without cleansing the Mediterranean and Balkans coast from mongrels, united Europe doesn't make much sense
Nazis GTFO, my grandfather didn't die for those closeted fags to influence us. We don't need you we can do it ourselves. We'll nuke you this time if needed.
Argentina should belong to Jerusalem
I'll move to Europe before I live in that nationless leftist hellhole
>implying inland empire wouldn't be an inependent economic powerhouse
Somalia on that map should be renamed libertarian paradise
all hail cuntlandia where all the people have warmth and depth to them, but smell a bit
>Ancap retard doesn't understands that Confederates were small farms and small businessmen
USA is retarded. Republicans and Democrats are big business, but really they should be the smallest business.