This really happened
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Nazis be like 'boo hoo! Antifa terrorists are on our case!"
In reality all kinds of people attack them if the opportunity arises.
This is because we are traditionalists.
Lefties should learn chivalry. Did you think we'd rape them?
>outgunned by liberals
Highly fucking doubt it.
Edit: London
Badgers are fucking mean, man.
The power of the badger spirit is formiddable
dont lump vegans in with libtards. animal liberation is a totally different topic than black power or whatever the left is "fighting" for
That's actually kinda cool
>This is because we are traditionalists.
Lefties should learn chivalry.
Archive it, nigger. I'm not whitelisting that shit.
Wisconsin here. Can confirm. Fuck badgers. Saw two at the zoo on Saturday. One was trotting circles to the point of digging a trench in the ground and the other was staring viciously at everyone looking at it. Fuck badgers.
snaaake oh its a snake
Good innit, tell your friends
Badgers go Cicken huntin'
girls chase after nazis all the time, it is flattering and degenerate
Well.. that's Britain for ya..
British women are notoriously repulsive.
What do you call a badger in a hijab?
>theres enough people out on the street up in arms over different issues that there are battles between protesters protesting completely separate issues
HAHAHA truly these are the final days of the west.
Soon is now
They only like the uniforms, chicks love gay fashion designers from Europe
the autist-right
>rant about how alpha u are for months on end
>walk outside the uni campus
>get chased out of town
A Bomdger?
Has Nordbro forsaken us?
>tfw you will never be chased by cheerleaders wearing badger hats
rabbies is a serious illness
They didn't even throw piss bottles
This article is 4 years old. When will you people be relevant? What a waste of time.
>see badgers running at me
>they are m'ladys
>fight or flight
>wouldn't be able to fight back, or else id be on news for punching women, and I respect women
>decide to walk away
>What do you call a badger in a hijab?
I don't know
A Modest Mammal?
A Righteous Rodent?
Looks like a juggalo meetup but somehow more cancerous.
Holy fuck lol OP is reachin'
If Juggalos were vegan tree huggers and kept fit with rambling
a hajji cunt badger
This reads, "crazy cunts follow young attractive men after being rejected."
that look of satisfaction, I want that. If I do anything in my shitty life I hope it's punching commies. Maybe if I get lucky I can assist with helicopter rides.
a snake charmer
I'm skeptical.
Why were neo-Nazis protesting against animal rights? Nazi Germany had some of the most stringent animal rights laws in history.
>Nazis be like
Stop talking like a nigger
I think the line is drawn when a masked, hairy smelly 'woman' is trying to glass people in the face with wine bottles
at a glance, she probably just looked like some scrawny antifa fagboy - too bad he didn't fuck up her nose, teeth or jaw. He hits her square in the forehead, and does no lasting damage except making her cry
really shows how violent the left is in comparison to the right
It was after terrorists killed Lee Rigby.
Imagine the alt right had a political party with a 'send em back' policy decided that was a good time to march and EVERYONE with a sense of decency thought 'fuck you ghouls'
That's a reason why they got got their asses kicked, blatantly exploiting an incident for their 'send em back' agenda.
Now that more people are watching the alt right, more people will see that's been going on online for years.
>leftists get hit by a car a few days ago
>dress up as badgers
your link is shit retard, not turning off adblock for a bunch of cunts larping as something intimidating.
maybe their fannies will be enriched soon.
antifas are exclusively white teens-30 either looking for a way to rebel against their parents, or to commit crimes and get virtue signaling points for those crimes. they have no real understanding of the political theories underlying marxism or anarchism. ask an antifa to explain anything at all about marxist or anarchist theory. they will know absolutely fucking nothing. it's just a game to them. antifas have the minds of children and behave like children.
Really shows how delusional the 'Antifa are international communist terrorists' conspiracy theory is.
All kinds of people decide they've had enough BS and demagoguery and decide to do something about it.
It's also about protecting the vulnerable who could get recruited. Most people know someone on psyche meds or with suggestibility issues who could get sucked into manipulative nazi BS or end up reading KKK propaganda in prison.
The alt right's brainwashing victims literally believed 'an antifa did it' after the car of peace incident.
That says it all.
It was after Lee Rigby got hit by a car and machete'd
Neo Nazis tried to exploit his death and it backfired on them.
honey badgers confirmed for ruined
>The alt right's brainwashing victims literally believed 'an antifa did it' after the car of peace incident.
wouldn't be the first time this year alone the left false flagged
that says it all desu
>says there is no communist conspiracy
>posts international anti-right agitprop to propagandize an unrelated incident 4,100 miles away
you sure showed them delusional, retarded political dissidents what's what!
I wish that would happen to me here because then I'd shoot her and rape her in the name of stand your ground laws my god that'd be hot.
>wouldn't be the first time this year alone the left false flagged
7.1 billion people in the world
A small % have Munchausen's Syndrome
"The left false flagged"
Meanwhile rightie will back anyone who says darkies raped them.
>deranged pareidolia
>communist conspiracy controls furries and all who speak of them
>denying the conspiracy is proof of the conspiracy
So this never happened
>'fight in meme wars' making zen like self control necessary to refrain from punching them.
>Get punched
>"It's a communist terrorist conspiracy REEEEE!!!!"
This the Insane Clown Posse?
>communist conspiracy controls furries and all who speak of them
strawman, accusing someone of delusions that you yourself manifested
>denying proof the conspiracy is proof of the conspiracy
you're the one spreading communist agitprop on a community where it's sentiment doesn't exist. I don't care what you think, what you believe in, or what you deny - but you are spreading propaganda for the specific purpose of agitating your ideological opponents.
what happens when they get you? are those guys faggots or what?
violent leftists be like 'you have an opinion on welfare or immigration less than 100% let everyone in and completely pay for them with your taxdollars? I will now physically assault you in a large group while claiming a phony moral high ground!'
you'll get yours
user harvests your salty tears at the merciless furry paws of vegetarians whilst Obama breaks the world record for likes with an anti racism quote.
>"Communist agitprop"
don't tread on me
it's because deep down they're scared little bitches.
I guess you could say, much like the traitor-in-chief, he [spoiler] Blood and Soiled himself [/spoiler]
>In reality all kinds of people attack them if the opportunity arises.
You can have free speech or violence. That is the choice. Pick one.
If you choose violence you just made a Faustian bargain. Violence begets violence. Violence escalates. When you initiate violence, you just justified the use of violence against yourself. There is no reason for someone you attacked to not use violence in return. You made a deal with the devil. So don't cry bitch when the violence comes back around to you and you get turned into a red smear on the pavement.
This is now a shill/raid thread
Is that an original native talking to an invader, BLM?
I love that theory, it's the best matrix buster I've heard all year.
imagine being this fucking guy
You should have told that to the Drumphkins when they started the violence
All Bongs are poofters.
That is why bong women import paki men to rape them.
Bong men only like to fuck their sons and nephews.
That's a very hard sell, given that all violence is committed on legal demonstrations where the right defends themselves from a large mob that is masked and armed. By the way Fields will not be convicted of second-degree murder, he had no malicious intent to maim or murder, he'll walk away from other charges including 'fleeing the scene of an accident' because the mob was armed and trying to kill him. He may even walk completely unless he cucks himself with a plea deal to lessen the charges - involuntary manslaughter, maximum. The only thing he is guilty of is being a scared asshole, trying to leave the city when an armed mob wouldn't let him. Go ahead and chimp-out when he walks, as if you need any motivation to act like a petulant savage to begin with.
They deployed the only thing that Sup Forums neckbeards are afraid of: attractive women
>far right extremists
so homeless drug addicts looking for cash and a few teenage memesters?
Nice link user
He didn't look like he was in any danger after he dropped his shield and stick.
cool story bro
"Throughout his election campaign, Trump appeared to encourage violence toward anti-Trump protesters who showed up at his rallies, telling crowds of people that protesters should be escorted out more roughly, and offering to pay the legal fees of any of his fans who attacked them.
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," Trump said at an Iowa rally on February 1, 2016."
>say "send them back"
>they dont send them back
>one of them beheads a soldier in the street and dances around his corpse holding his head
>say "send them back" again
Just admit we were right all along
>antifa aren't communist terrorists
That's literally the entire point of them.
*unzip pants*