You retards are actually driving women away from white men with your LARPing.
You retards are actually driving women away from white men with your LARPing
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Nothing of value was lost.
When what she should be afraid of is the nigger rapists when White men leave.
>Burn the coal pay the toll
Do you think fat positivity and rampant anti white male Marxist feminism didn't already do that? White female social infertility and/or inability to even relate platonically with white men was designed by the Soviets. This is how they remove the white female matrilineal haplogroups from the gene pool. The real victim of genocide are white women.
I doubt she thought this up on the spot.
Sounds like she believed it for ages.
Also, a strong white man would change her mind practically overnight if he was dating her.
the fear response in women is joined at the hip with the pussy wetting response
>all this denial
Tell me faggots, how many women were at the rally again?
Your nazi LARPing is pussy repellant.
Lmfao, let that brain washed nutjob of a women be scared. She's just doing that for attention anyway, just like all Women.
Stick to latinas boys, waaaay better than these liberal White women.
White women are subhuman. The future belongs to White men and Asian women. By breeding with Asians we will increase the IQ of the gene pool. Whites will gain improved intellect and Asians will be tempered with White ingenuity. Asian women are courteous and traditionally-minded, white bitches are promiscuous and entitled coalburning whores. If you date a White woman you might as well admit you're a bugchasing cuck who gets off on kissing the mouths of gutter trash that have been filled with other men's semen.
I'm not larping
The only reason you'd want young white women fat is if you wanted them to sterilise themselves. The true victim of genocide isn't white men, they'll date Indians and Arabs when they're desperate enough, it's white women.
Yes goy, yes, hate the people subverted to hate you. Blame them for being impressionable collectivists.
>Fearing all white men
Well, at least she has 13 cats to keep her company until she dies of old age, eh?
>subverted to hate you
White women don't hate white men you fucking idiot. They hate nazis. Everyone hates nazis.
I have a feeling she was a lost cause long before the alt-right entered mainstream discourse.
>Yes goy, yes, hate the people subverted to hate you. Blame them for being impressionable collectivists
If you hold any affection towards modern white womem then you're a brainlet simpleton. They are crass and sanctimonious despite offering nothing in return. Most modern white whores can not even cook or clean anymore. People like you who zealously defend them from any and all criticism only serve to enable their out of control behaviour further. They have sunk so low that any rational minded person can see they are indefensible, stop making excuses for these debased, parasitic creatures.
Dont care, asian girls are the true redpill
there are almost no real actual nazis
most of charlotsville was not nazis
many of the nazis in the crowd were undercover leftists
the media made it look like everyone there was a nazi and all trump supporters are nazis, and trumps a nazi, and basically nazis are everywhere.
the truth is, the are more fake nazis then real ones by a significant factor. most of the nazi shills on Sup Forums for example are clearly not legit as i'm sure many of you have noticed
HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit libs are truly delusional. Hard to believe people like this really exist. What a time to be alive.
>White women don't hate white men
I'm just going to quote this. You're not actually serious, are you? Resentful hate is very real and if you're an ugly cunt who doesn't wear a suit then you'll never notice it.
>They hate nazis. Everyone hates nazis.
They don't even know what national socialism is. They literally hate anything that doesn't enable their resentment, which includes meritocracy. When your idea of Nazism is literally anything not outright dysgenic, you're guilty of believing everyone right of you is Nazist.
Pic related. HR whores literally denying white men their right to pursue happiness.
I hold affection for some of them, I recognise sexism is an expected reaction, since it's what's used to dissuade us from white women, so I take measures to prevent sexist thoughts.
I do try to judge them as individuals, but the fat positive Marxist feminist needs pity and not hatred. They've been designed by Soviets to be basically useless humans without a purpose and now their only ability is making things unbearable for others.
no, niggerkike, they're literally driving over women IRL.
How could this be interpreted as anything other than the ramblings of a crazy racist?
>bringing women to political rallies with a chance for violent disruption
We don't hide behind girl like commie scum.
Okay but as always she will go black get her face kicked in a couple times, past around to all the niggers homies because they love sharing women, and then get knocked up and left.
Soon after she will come crying to us like we should help her and thats when we tell her nah fuck off bitch.
You don't understand, these losers already can't get girlfriends. They don't care if they ruin it for the rest of us
maybe she should try walking around a black neighbourhood in Baltimore at 2am wearing a short skirt fucking really? these white sellout virtue signalling pieces of shit make me sick
It doesn't fucking matter, women are not needed for a political movement, the fact that you even think they are betrays your bluepilled mentality. Women fall in behind the victor, whoever he is. All any political movement needs to do is win, that's it. Then women join the victors, it is in their nature.
Gooks are disgusting, all the decent looking ones only look that way because of plastic surgery, you will be creating a disgusting race of un-aesthetic mongrels. Especially since most white males who like asians are utter betas.
OH man. I guess she'll date a nigger and become a single mum. She wasn't worth marrying in the first place.
Racist as fuck. Always call out how fucking racist these people are.
>3 mins
Makes you think.
She's like a perfect reverse-Zimmerman
>driving women away
>one old kike
lol no
stop believing what women say, look at what they do
This nigga is still living in the cold war.
Shut your fucking mouth Naziboy.
Every white nationalist gathering is a sausagefest.
Even ISIS has an easier time recruiting women than you losers.
Why are you upset it's a liberal cuck woman not worth anyone's time she'll end up with Jamarion as a son and marry some Jew lawyer 10 years from now
fuck women
We don't want women like her breeding.
This SJW nutcase was probably indoctrinated into hating her own race at birth. I doubt the alt right had much to do with it.
>It doesn't fucking matter, women are not needed for a political movement, the fact that you even think they are betrays your bluepilled mentality. Women fall in behind the victor, whoever he is. All any political movement needs to do is win, that's it. Then women join the victors, it is in their nature.
This is so painfully deluded... But what can I expect from a Nazi retard.
Women are 50% of the voting population you dumb cunt.
White women are morally bankrupt. They are systematically favoured and coddled by society and the state yet still cry about inequality at every opportunity.
I truly pity you, it could be 10 or 20 years from now but someday when you're being financially raped in divorce court and forced to pay alimony for your white whore ex-wife to go on vacations with Jamal you will understand their true nature. Modern white women are soulless sociopaths with no scruples or moral compass whatsoever. They are void of compassion, empathy, critical thinking skills, and are one of the biggest problems holding back the advancement of society.
This is a good point that she makes. And after all, there's not much less attractive than fat autists in cheap khakis and polyester polo shirts carrying tiki torches.
Cool I got two dates this week,
This frigid cunt is simply rationalizing why she is nearing 40 and still single.
Women voted overwhelmingly conservative until shitlibs started winning the culture war dipshit
Oh no what will we do without this crazy lady who actually posts shit on Facebook in 2017
Because that matters? Also, why would I want women involved in politics? The political realm could do without the constant appeals to emotion that just end up fucking everyone over.
Women follow the winners you huge faggot. It might take us awhile but we're gonna make it count. Shave your neck so the rope won't pinch.
Women are the destroyers of civilisation. They cannot be trusted. They naturally suffer from something called "stockholm syndrom". That means when a invading army came to a community and sacked it, they take the women and the women accept it.
>Women fall in behind the victor, whoever he is. All any political movement needs to do is win, that's it. Then women join the victors, it is in their nature.
This is emblematic of their sociopathic and vapid nature.
>most white males who like asians are utter betas
If you equate higher intellect with betahood then sure. The writing is on the wall and any man with a semblance of dignity has moved onto greener pastures. White women are finished, let them wallow in the filth they have so eagerly brought upon themselves.
>implying that the problems facing the west will be solved by votes
demonstrably false. They vote for bigger government and gibs every time. That's why (((they))) pushed for suffrage so hard.
The actually conservative women realized that their demographic would self-destruct, and campaigned against the 19th Amendment. Those women were true conservatives; true heroes.
>Shitlibs getting themselves killed because they started spending more time with POC is a bad thing
yeah who wouldnt be afraid of these guys. just look at them, all walking and shit. the garden decorations give you PTSD too
Why don't you answer the more important question bong???
>when are you going stop larping islam.
While in town today, not only did I fear the Arabic man in robes and suspicious demeanor. More than that, I distanced myself greatly from the well manicured Arabic man with starched jeans and a polo shirt. I learned this weekend that evil can be organized, dressed up and even "nice" (if youre arabic). But make no mistake. The unassuming Arab is this nation's greatest threat.
Come home, white man.
>needing a womans approval
>Every white nationalist gathering is a sausagefest.
Having women in the same role as men is disastrous in any situation. Especially in focused, disciplined settings that thrive off of masculinity. Women being there means the men start focusing on them, rather than on actual tasks. Not to mention the women are usually useless at best.
she is just trying to justify being a nigger lover
only white woman are capable of rationalizing their own insanity.
at least blacks admit that they are crazy
'The women will fall in line behind the men; trust me, I havent had work or seen a woman since 1953'
Hi Jill.
White women have been throwing us under the bus for decades. No one drove this stupid bitch away, she had already made up her mind.
>giving a shit what some assblasted roastie thinks
No one gives a fuck. Women know nothing about politics and frankly they are the reason why we're in this mess.
bump for truth
When a woman says she's frightened of something replace that with "aroused by"
i usually laugh at posts like this but now im genuinely confused
how the fuck do people become like this? this is some kind of collective none existent paranoia that terrifies millions
All black gear with masks is fine though, I suppose.
She cares not for the nation. Who cares.
how did it take her so many years to learn that evil can be "dressed up and even nice"?
must be retarded
Yeah than she'll fuck some blacks get used up and come beggin for whitebois.
Think back to the Salem witch hunts. This is essentially the same thing on a grander scale and it's white men instead of alleged wiccans. Tell yourself this then it begins to make a bit more sense, at least it does for me.
Marxism is a demonic ghost that preys on your dislike for being reminded there are people better than you. The real cold war are the angels against the demons of human personality.
I actually give it a decent 10% chance I marry a really red pilled white woman who basically goes full hypocrite when she's bored with me. Actually, she's accused right now of being a hypocrite and not a real conservative or even a real Christian.
I invite this day, due to the circumstances, I might actually be favoured here. I'd prefer it didn't happen and I live happily ever after with her, but the simple plans or mice and men oft go astray.
You mean weak minded Feminist cunts?
That's kind of are goal.
Only the strong pure women are worth breeding with.
thots be gone
Jordan Peterson describes that mindset as victimization. Communists and Nazis both expressed it (according to him). If you feel like a victim its very easy to justify retaliating against your perceived oppressors. That was a good post leaf.
Nazis will never be the winners.
Dude please shut the fuck up. The likelihood of a violent revolution taking place in America is less than zero.
Even if you stupid Nazi faggots formed an organised militia you would be BTFO so hard by to police, military and CT forces. It would be hilarious.
They're weren't many at the rally itself since they knew antifa would be there, but there were a decent amount at the torch march.
however on this board,
there are almost no real actual leftists, most are just trolls, not even shills.
in-group thinking, women are terrified of being social outcasts.
>strong pure women
All 3 are taken.
Women literally always turn to white men the second things turn south
I cant tell you how many times they've come to me with their "why aren't you helping him/her/xir", bullshit the second the situation gets even slightly out of hand
>the side whose been and women believe women should fill traditional roles had less women at the combat zone
Really makes you activate
Was anybody from Sup Forums even at that fucking rally? The only user I've seen claiming to have a firsthand account of what happened is that one with the hawt wife who photographed the wrecked challenger in front of his house, and even he must not have been there since he was taking photos of the car from his lawn.
shitty women you wouldn't want anyway*
Women need to be put back into their proper place. "Women's Lib" and sufferage is part of why the West is in the shit situation it's in now.
Okay faggot and how do you propose to do that?
You'll never revoke women's voting rights now.
So she has Androphobia?
>implying the military, police, and CT forces wouldn't be on the Nazi's side
>expecting anyone who has had extensive experience with shitskins to have sympathy for them
Lol I'm engaged faggot. If you're attractive you'll pull women no matter your political affiliation. Women are, generally, weak minded followers and will bend to their partners political inclinations. I've fucked tons of leftie women and they knew I was LITERALLY Hitler.
fuck off chang
Stop Whiteophobia
women weren't invited
>implying the military, police, and CT forces wouldn't be on the Nazi's side
How are you Nazi faggots this delusional?
I pray that you dumb cunts are stupid enough to start and armed conflict in the US. I can't wait to see you scumbags get fucking killed en masse. Please start the war already.
Women beg for my nazi dick
>implying we need their permission
Nah. We'll just beat them.
I don't believe you user... Only rich men and military chads can pull women on a scale of the magnitude your talking.