Second year of uni hasn't even started yet and my soon-to-be housemates, who I've never met before, have already found out about my alt-right views.
I am fucked.
Second year of uni hasn't even started yet and my soon-to-be housemates, who I've never met before, have already found out about my alt-right views.
I am fucked.
Be yourself, faggot.
How'd they find out?
They're like radical leftist types
you browse Sup Forums, we are not the alt-right we are the chaotic right. Do not let them label you.
best case scenario: nobody rooms with you and you get a whole dorm to yourself
worst case scenario: you are expelled or murdered
you have to finesse, outsmart, and only talk about things you know about
You're the alpha here bro, show them how to be good little cucks
so redpill them you fucking moron
i suggest you show them that globalist neo-liberals fund the radical leftist groups
if there's one thing lefties hate more than nazis it's muh classical liberals
No, they should be the ones fucked. Why be a pussy about it mang? I don't see how this means you're fucked unless it's a literal fucking from zer's dodecasexual cock.
Weakness is the absolute worst trait you can have. People can sniff it out, and will abuse you for it.
If they criticize your beliefs, double down on them. Do not allow them even an inch. Do not attempt to meet them half-way, but also don't say anything that could get you evicted.
Stand strong, soldier!
Don't be scared user. If you are smart, well-reasoned, friendly and nice MAYBE you can save them from themselves.
And if things actually do go to hell you can always request a roommate transfer.
Welp, maybe you ought to be more mindful of you social media presence
oh, just like at home
just dont talk about politics with them
What the fuck is that thing?
Antifafu is c-cute, cute!
Infiltrate their organization and subvert it.
go to you housing registrar and claim politicil persecution for having patriotic views, go sjw-ish on them and ask a (lone tender) grad-student flat or you will seriously consider dropping out or applying elsewhere, give that in writing and stir some shit up about political intolerance.
>it's mid-august, how did you find out aabout future flatmares yet ?
Just make sure you look like this when they come over the first time
this is the most beta thing i've heard
how did they figure out? did you post your views on social media like a retard?
> chaotic right
I like this Baldur's Gate style political nomenclature. I'm keeping it.
Find a new house if they can't be trusted.
Ask Tommy Robinson to hook you up with some of his mates.
This won't work yet, but do all of this just
Pretend you're a tranny.
its called a girl
Fuck them my bigger nigger. Fuck you don't give up you piece of shit. Your people love you fucker.
Gay granny ftw
>Baldur's Gate style
Dungeons & Dragons, you pleb.
Red pill them. It's the only way.
Stand up for yourself faggot, don't be a cuck and sulk around.
She has hacked noodz floating around. I've seen them.
She has those "I'd suck you off for meth money" eyes. Learn to beware.
Why the fuck are you fucked? They're fucked. Man up, Spit some truth and stand your ground.
You little fuckin abscess.
OP has to be a woman
You better be working out faggot. Be stronger than them and confidence will soon follow. Also get a lock for your bedroom.
They will most likely see you as one of 3 things:
1. A misguided loner who should just be ignored
2. Everything that they have been trained to hate, your food will be stolen and your property vandalized.
3. Some pleb that they can "convert" to their cult. Its up to you whether you want to play along and work as an informant (not a bad idea) or just find another home.
Who gives a fuck at least have fun with it and scare the shit out if them
"The Psychology of a Radical Leftist"
Write the book bro.
>Post memes on social media
>Be shocked when people look at your social media profiles
Why so horrifically retarded?
What university?
How'd they find out?
>Pretend you're a tranny.
Better still, actually dress as a tranny and maybe even start some HRT meds. Then argue that because you're going through a gender transition, you need a specially protected and safe space for your accommodation. This should secure you a private room in which you can masturbate as much as you need to, or maybe even have the occasionally mixed-gender sex party. Going the trannie route will be a great way to make some new, open-minded friends too.