When we will nuke evil jewish empire
When we will nuke evil jewish empire
When the American congress is no longer nearly 70% Jewish.
as soon as you take your schizophrenia medications, dear
Never. It's a drawn out battle of good and evil and at the end Gods chosen. Reign victorious in Jerusalem his eternal city. How does it feel literally being a pawn to fulfill a prophecy as an enemy of the only people with free will in the world. It must make u a sad goy.
Israel isn't too bad DESU, it's too bad they've been leaning towards the right the past 20 years, and it's too bad our government is too cucked by Nasrallah to have some peace
>When we will nuke evil jewish empire
So Russia does want to nuke America?!
But why are they so angry?
(Wants to remove Islam from the earth)
(Also wants to remove the removers of Islam)
why not
As a Lebanese christian, removing Kebab sounds like a good deal, we were almost there during our civil war untill the world told us to stop
if someone could prove something that would be nice.
As a Lebanese Christian, how do you view the IDF?
It's time to stop
well then mommy won't help you kill all the jews
but if you take your medication now with some honey, then we can kill as many jews as you want
just somebody prove something. just one fucking thing.
You can not stop me, Cia murderers
Fuck you,Cia faggot
Jews are not removing Islam, they are driving it to Europe to make them more living space in Middle-East.
we cant even take down a bunch of retarded liberals.
How the fuck are we going to stand up to the fucking kikes?
A bit too overconfident, and a bit less ethical than they should be, but I can't blame them honestly, when you literally feel like you're surrounded on all fronts how could you NOT act like the IDF does.
Don't get me wrong, they;re a whole lot better than the PLO, I just wish they would stop annexing bits of our land, right under NATO's nose none the less
*Sorry meant to write UNIFIL, don't know why i wrote NATO
A Nuke is a little overkill for Trump's businesses and family, don't you think?
Proof for this claim? The vast majority of Palestinian "refugees" remain in the Middle East. Are you attempting to hold the state of Israel accountable for the Syrian Civil war and consequent migrant crisis?
I understand the depth of CIA murders, and international coups, but pinning this entrenched operation on the average person of the Jewish religion or the average Israeli is ridiculous.
why are all the ruskies so autistic?
dear, I want you to see that nice man at the hospital
he has some nice gifts for you if you go
hi cia.and fuck off
Fuck you hillary.go too hell bitch
amen brother.
Soon (((they))) will do to us Christians what they did to the Jews
Fucking Saturn worshipers
Fuck advisors too
They think this shit is some kind of a game of conquest.
They wanna end up as leaders of the world in the name of their god which is the Demiurge.
They wants alien to rule over them
do not fear evil. you are not meant to be a coward.
I don't fear it, I don't even fear death anymore
I do fear pain though, might take a while to get over that
The Arabs seem to be pretty smart on the subject, I'm sure they'll be helpful in taking the ZOG down
ahh, is the eternal ruskie again, nothing to see here people, he spergs out hard.
when you are injured you dont feel it. it doesnt hurt. the trick is removing what is causing the pain as soon as possible. its why they say cowards die a million deaths. the Adrenalin keeps you from hurting but you only have a small window of time. Its scary but it really doesn't hurt. the fear of dying is worse than the pain.
>its why they say cowards die a million deaths
Way to totally miss the fucking point of of that saying you brain-dead retard.
Muslims will have a final say in the jewish question. No way it will be solved by the west.
I know what it means but it also applies to pain. Its something I have talked about with people after bad fights. where they get thier first bone broken. and everyone always cant believe how it doesnt hurt. you have never been injured badly in your life I bet.
not many realize, we already have.
but it was with a biobug, one that is lying dormant in the unsuspecting askenazi population of israel. things are about to get interesting boys, 2019
gotta go
you want to know a real problem? fertility rates have gone down 40% in western men. fucking playing around with this bullshit when theres a real epidemic. cancer rates are up 30% for men under 40. this is real. this is the shit you should talk about.
You won't have to nuke the Zionist entity. When the race war starts, the US will be busy fighting itself, and won't be able to stop all the Arabs from driving the kikes into the ocean and drowning them all.
If I said CIA=Mossad
would you take it as a given?
Because at these point Mossad is basically a CIA daughter company
>you have never been injured badly in your life
I've received an inch deep, 3 inch wide laceration to the palm of my hand from jagged broken glass, I've dislocated my wrist bad enough that the bone was breaking through the skin, I've fractured bones and torn tendons multiple times. I'm just calling you a dumbass because you're using an idiom that just doesn't apply to this context in any way whatsoever. Cowards dying many deaths refers to the many "inner deaths" a coward faces every time they do something inexcusably cowardly or avoid opportunities to be courageous. It refers to "dying inside" and living with numerous regrets.
This pretty much has nothing to do with what you're talking about.
When you disable their samson option.
>promotes terrorism and violence
letting someone know injuries dont hurt initially like people think they do is making him courageous. this is a simple fact most people arent told. It makes people scared. people shouldn't be scared.
uh ya think? no shit shirlock.
>This pretty much has nothing to do with what you're talking about.
>uh ya think? no shit shirlock.
Glad we're in agreement. The saying has almost nothing to do with the fear of death or pain.
I'm telling him not to be a coward you fucking faggot I understand what the saying means but to people that have been injured badly they would understand what I mean as well. you are a fucking faggot making up bullshit injuries and thinking I didnt understand the concept of a simple saying. when really you should have not butted in to the conversation in the first place.
Oh vey! vat did da jeu do to yeu?
I do understand what you meant, once you've been injured badly you realize that it doesn't actually hurt as much as you thought it would. I know the feeling well.
That feeling has fuck all to do with that saying though you brainlet fucktard.
Its a concept of my own. I use it with the people I know. and it does have to do with it. not worrying about pain is the same as not being a bitch when you are actually in a fight. just fuck off faggot.