How come you don't go to beauty salons every now and then, user?
All red pilled men should look as good as they can.
I just bought milk scented perfume, even
How come you don't go to beauty salons every now and then, user?
All red pilled men should look as good as they can.
I just bought milk scented perfume, even
Kill yourself faggot
Haha, what a FAGGOT.
How come you don't go to gay bath houses every now and then, user?
All red pilled men should look as dress like dogs and fuck each other.
I just bought some new dog masks, even
This is actually really hot when it involves qt3.14 twinks under 23 and not whales.
Pups are the best people around.
Because I don't have enough money or willpower to put any serious thought into my appearance
Nice digits.
Nice pic too. Got any more like that?
>tfw I am a girly bastard who gets his eyebrows waxed and wears female perfume
Meh, my life is awesome, I am a married property owner with a decent profession, never had any trouble getting laid either.
>I just bought milk scented perfume, even
Milk does not smell anything. Or if it DOES then it's off.
Ya and I bet you got a Brazilian wax job down your airport runway too ya fruitbowl!
Shia are kuffar.
Unironically kill yourself I pray you die you demon.
I go to my barber about once every 2 weeks, I've been trying on new styles until I find something that looks good, I've bought their vanilla scented product for my hair because my GF likes it but
>milk scented perfume
You are extremely gay.
I was gifted with ambidextrousness. I cutmy own hair and I look like a god. Been dating for the last 2 years with stupid fucking bitches. Still waiting to find 'the one'. Every single girl I have dated has been a liberal fucking retard (welcome to ontario)
Once I find out they are incapable of raising my seed, I cast them aside. Where are you my conservative goddess?
I let my hair grow shaggy and my facial hair is always a 5 o clock shadow.
Have gotten way more attention from women like this then I ever did with a clean cut and shave. Especially since GoT started and that look is what girls gush over.
I need cum scented perfume.