Antifa in Oregon

Found this in my town. Should I be nervous to walk outside?

I work for a large corporation who don't know I'm a trump supporter so it's pretty fair I wouldn't be attacked on the street other than for being white.

Other urls found in this thread:

Also this

Feel free to show up if you know the location

Is Oregon even worth visiting anymore? I used to think so because basically everybody I meet from there seems cool/ outdoorsie, but lately all of the traffic seems to be leaving as I guess commiefornia is emploding and a lot of their filth is flowing over into Oregon

t. Portland resident

This is true.
If you don't see it with the housing market outside Portland, you see it tremendously in the homeless populations. They are continuously growing more aggressive and anywhere in Portland other than richer areas are unsafe. It's a complete shit show and then city is running out of money as the homeless population grow and suckle off its socialist welfare system.

Don't come here.

It's fucking hard not to get triggered by this sodomite town

Is Oregon even a gun friendly state? Hot fucking women, but we have those here in SC too. Only problem is we have WAY too many black people, and like all of ours are walking stereotypes no Ben Carsons like you run into in Michigan/ Ohio/ Mass

put up your own flyers dude

Not many blacks here but they're coming up from cali and down from Seattle.

We can carry. I do all the time. It's looked down upon in urban areas but who cares.
If you saw the crime rates and types of attacks, you'd carry too

I don't want to put the people I love in danger nor do I want to push this retarded Pepe shit and have my career destroyed as a sacrifice to these self hating whites that only want to virtue signal.

This. I really don't get these "alt knight" faggots. Like, if you're over 24 you're too old to get into fist fights. Walk silently and concealed carry, and don't go out looking for trouble. They are almost as gay as ANTIFA

I weep for my home

tfw just moved to Oregon 6 months ago and people are starting to catch on that I might be a trump supporter. Should I be scared or nah


There are more than two Nazis on that poster to be sure. The only thing is that the only visible part of one is the tip of his gun.

Outside of Portland, Eugene, and all the commiefornia infested college towns are great. Eastern Oregon is great unless you want the herbal Jew.

Oregon just passed tried to pass a law allowing family members to ACCUSE you of being crazy, and with that ACCUSATION raid your house and take your guns without first proving mental incompetence in court.

Yes it is. It's really easy to get a gun here and we have Open Carry too.

Another Portland resident.

No. Stay far far away. This place crawls. Be merciful and nuke it from orbit.

Go to somewhere like Idaho instead.

Polish your gun.

Tear it down, toss in the trash and dare any lefty you trigger to do something about it.

Send to the police and the FBI. That's terrorist propaganda.

Do these people actually take themselves seriously?
Who the fuck goes out, looks at a Dude with a MAGA Cap and a Pepe Button, then at some picture of a German Soldier from WW2 and goes "these are the same"?

I found a 'Good night left side' sticker in Eugene. \o

P*rtland is basically /leftypol/ tier trash, I will personally blow Kim "DO IT ALREADY YOU FAT FAGGOT" Jong un as long as that cesspit is wiped on the earth. I'll be sure to post the mushroom cloud

Replace the maga hat with a yamaca and the pepe with a star of david and add Antifa at the bottom and start spreading them around.

Yeah because American WW2 soldiers and modern day Anti-fa are TOTALLY comparable.

Portland is awful live near salem and I'd welcome the after math if it hit.

Never realised it was that bad in Portland. Shame too would of loved to see another blazer game.

>not all political beliefs

How do Leftist expect to defeat [STAND] users

These signs are fucking everywhere.
Fuck any business with them. Just saw a cafe with "RESIST" on its front window. How has this place not Fucking imploded already? I feel bad for the police here. Plz make police state and make parents pick up their children from rioting


Watch the PCC white History Month videos.
The guy pulled his gun in self defense in an (un)related event and is in prison as a symbol to all conceal carry lads

They may act that age but they certainly are not

>m-muh antifa boogie man, halp!

Holy shit you guys are pussies.

>We beat 'em before

This is so fun considering most people who fought in WWII had political views closer to the current Alt-Right than the left and most veterans still alive voted for Trump.

Jesus christ I was going to go to PCC for schooling too..

Fuck me I'm down the rabbit hole now.

do not focus on sjw and their "antifa" bourgeois kids , remove kikes and freemasons from your town , make sure they leave the us as soon as possible remember : there is no eastern front , therefor the "we beat them again " meme is pure bullshit . SS GEWINNT

>comparing the SA and football tier hooligans

pussy is a moral claim
and since morals come from god, pussies like you look like a fool