>average Sup Forums user
Average Sup Forums user
He looks better than 97% of the fat blimps that call themselves antifa.
Meanwhile, he will go back to his mansion and the people threatening him will go back to mcdonalds to rummage for half eaten leftovers in the trash can.
SS + GOMAD forever
when is our next reunion guys?
I had a great time.
This video would appear to add yet more evidence to the case that the mentally-ill driver of the car that ran into the crowd of leftists was provoked and disorientated by attacks beforehand? We can plainly see from this video that the leftists were chasing this particular young man with weapons simply because of the clothes he was wearing. They would have recognized the man in the car for his clothes also, and it is reasonable to infer that they would have assaulted him just as arbitrarily and readily.
Is your whole fucking country LARPing at this point? jesus christ.
poor kid
Drink your monster and join your party chat with the same 3 people and when the 4th guy joins only 1 person talks to him and usually he dips. You know who I'm talkin about.
what a pussy
like all white power losers
tough in a mob
weak as baby shit on their own
kek. almost feels staged. too good to be true.
have you never played paint ball or air soft? it's all fun in games until they get hit. an extreme character flaw that many people have.
That's not a Sup Forums meetup, you retard.
He got surrounded by enemies and he outsmarted them. There is absolutely NÅTHHHING WRÅÅÅNG WITH THÄT
Do you even realize the levels of retardation you're reaching with your post? The irony levels are through the roof.
that is though, however it was never officially posted / started on Sup Forums, they were just all trolling HWNDU at the same time for our entertainment and then got food as a group later.
/ourguy/ and this video doesn't even make him look that bad.
wow totally 100% real thanks guy who absolutely isn't an alt left cuckhold
He's on his 2nd prestige 50 first day already has everything unlocked you know what I'm sayin? I can see the headset already.
Those cunts don't even see this future for them. It makes me laugh knowing that if they are successful and win they will eventually lose.
>Average /pol user
>Average american.
im sure most of the faggots there just go there because it looks like fun.
>When non-whites from all over the World meet up on a South Golden-Horde-State Ponie Ranching board to safe the white Race and Europe
You faggots making me all emotional
He's just a kid getting out of a tough situation
glad he made it ok
it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt
I'm sorry to break it to you. Pol is literally more diverse than it's enemies.
Kek, the nazis are recruiting children now. Kid sounds like 19.
What a time to be alive.
I bet this guy is a paid LARPer - he is clearly not a true participant - the tell is when they chase him and he pulls off his shirt and gives it up - he had the look of someone who completely gave up his conviction when cornered - a big tell for a posing LARPer - if I had the time, I would match his face and see
Where else he comes up - sure as shit and taxes he comes from somewhere else -
>Master Race
>Please dont hurt me I was just playin.
His uniform is a polo shirt?
True. In my opinion you aren't a real man unless you fight 10 or 20 people at a time. I mean probably the upper echelon of white supremacist men could fight 30 or 40 at a time. Basic knowledge.
>Stand up for you beliefs and take an ass whoopin.
>Deny you believe in it and run like a coward.
Pick one.
>an ass whoopin
lol yea just like Emmett Till you fucking clown
Decepticons Retreat!
>hahaha I was just kidding please don't hurt me
Nice """"""""convictions"""""""""" you got there righties
pol got BTFO by pic related
wow this is really fucking bad...
at least antifa has some conviction
Dont get mad at me because he is a pussy bitch,
even Peter denied being a follower of Christ three times.
I ain't mad at him. He is outnumbered and saved his skin by getting out of there. He's more useful to the world alive than dead. He looks young and stupid desu he should hang around his group or he is gonna be killed.
the internet was a mistake
read a fuckin book!!
please!, there is no excuse
Rich coming from the type of incel who would burn books
Everyone knows that puff pastry loves nigger cock
I know, his buddies in antifa convinced him to be the jackass actor for the big larp exposure vid, now everyone knows he's a phony.