Why does David Duke constantly talk about his support for Trump?
Doesn't he realize it's only going to do damage to Trump, or does he completely lack self awareness?
Why does David Duke constantly talk about his support for Trump?
Doesn't he realize it's only going to do damage to Trump, or does he completely lack self awareness?
I fucking love David Duke!!
Why does OP constantly talk about irrelevant topics?
Doesn't he realize it's pointless, or does he completely lack the ability to cleck the catolog for the 4 other irrelevant threads on this?
This fucker lied about getting evicted from his home and stole a bunch of donations and blew on a trip to vegas. He's literally a faggot that needs to kill himself.
duke is a good guy
>stole a bunch of donations and blew on a trip to vegas
So he's confirmed /ourguy/
Geez, get the fuck off David's back. You're such a coward. There's no progress of you don't talk about the JQ.
Like Trump, his only focus is his own ego
They deserve each other, really
Both dimwits
Both morally bankrupt
the fuck are you talking about. David dookshit is Soros funded controlled opposition you fag fuck
someone being a named public racist is an attention whore
Duke is based as fuck. Anyone that says otherwise is an obvious (((shill)))
>politics are irrelevant on Sup Forums
This is much better than the one you did yesterday. You don't even have to make a fake tweet. Next time you should try to find some sources, any, then this would be taken more seriously
Whether or not he is a good guy, I find it stupid for him to constantly name drop Trump.
because he supports Whites, and so does trump, implicitly
Cuz the fucker is a Democrat along with all those who pushed racist agendas throughout the history of America.
It's a net win, the media doesn't see it. People will eventually search his name, hear him out see his calm rational well searched opinions and some will be converted.
They love bringing him on throwing the grand wizard, but all it does is spread the gospel.
Everyone I don't like is a paid shill
The emotional child's guide to willful ignorance
KKK is democrat organisation. Duke hates Trump and wants to bring him down.
all nazi's are hurting trump you idiots, you could even argue that Sup Forums is hurting trump at times.
Reminder: If the media constantly covers a guy who is on the far-right, it's because he damages white interests whether on purpose or not.
They give Duke oxygen because he looks creepy and was in the KKK. They give Richard Spencer oxygen because he talks like a pussy faggot yet says all this grandiose nazi LARP stuff which makes normies and blacks see whites as both evil and easy meat.
He's worked his whole life for a Trump figure. He actually gets to see his dream before he dies. Him "hurting" Trump is just (((media))) hype. No one cares.
they only attack him because he wants to be free and names the jew
I hardly ever post on Sup Forums unless there is a happening. I'm mostly on /trv/ and Sup Forums.
I am also of this opinion.
I'm actually listening to a Duke interview right now on Jeff Rense radio and I'm seeing the same shills as OP.
Ever since the Charlottesville rally they've been out in force.
They're fucking scared lads.
True. Even Bannon had to back up his Challenger today because of Sup Forums types.
Have they started paying you guys more than a few pennies per post yet?
Duke does nothing but alienate normies, I know the pendulum is gonna swing back from left to right but it's not going to be full 14/88.
>everyone that disagrees with me is a shill
and one post by this id.
Because he's a narcissist. He needs put in the old toy box and forgotten about. He tried and failed. Now it's our turn.
>Why does David Duke constantly talk about his support for Trump?
Let's see some sources then
>They're fucking scared lads.
they've overplayed their hand
He's controlled opposition.
no i doubt that Sup Forumsack that killed that woman has hurt trump at all
he's been having an a+ week i imagine
Kkk is a bunch of alphabet soups larping as nazis in order to trick people into commiting violent crimes against minorities to justify the "white people are all racist" narrative, like here in germany all of the npd are larping verfassungsschutz to trick the more right people into crimes
He made ANTIFA look like the good guys. You can win the optics war comparing ANTIFA with your average le pepe Trump supporter, but you can't win the optics war comparing ANTIFA with Nazis and white supremacists.
Then again, what do I know? The recent YouGov poll has more Americans agreeing with the "both sides" thing than disagreeing. Even a third of Democrats agree.
He's pretty based. Only faggots hide their power level in these times
GEE I wonder why.
if more people realized these groups consists of communists carrying weapons and wearing armor the "both sides" percentage would increase
it's only in pretend that the nazi larpers are attacking poor peaceful counter-protesters that acceptance emerges
political violence is a very dangerous game to play. you can look at any shithole country with sectarian conflicts and see where it ends. it can be really easy to unleash; after we destabilized iraq, people were cleansing each other.
"In January 1972, Duke was arrested in New Orleans for 'inciting a riot'. Several racial confrontations broke out that month in the Crescent City, including one at the Robert E. Lee Monument involving Duke"
Hey, he wasn't arrested this time. Progress?
Good goys. Keep following David Duke. I know he accomplished exactly nothing in the many decades he has been active, but I'm sure he will start winning any day now.
He is definitely not controlled opposition! Why would you think that? Remember to keep following him like a good goy.
he does and that's his job. He is paid to sink politicians and causes by liking them
>Keep following David Duke. I know he accomplished exactly nothing in the many decades he has been active
he woke up a few million people more than you did
have you not read his books?
have you read his book, "JEWISH SUPREMEMCISM"?
it's pretty well done, how he uses historical sources, the bible, JEWISH authors and others to show how GODS CHOSEN think they are better than anyone else and think everyone else should be their slaves
oh dear? no answer?
I guess you are just shills then?
anime is for chinks, not beta whites. maybe take up knitting, crafts or whittling. yea . . do that....go whittle me a dreidal you fucking kikenigger.