Is TRS spearheaded by high level freemasons who have led white nationalists into a suicidal trap?

Is TRS spearheaded by high level freemasons who have led white nationalists into a suicidal trap?

The white nationalist narrative and userbase was growing smooth and winning daily. Were the torches necessary? The moment the TRS leaders saw that the police changed the areas they would block off on the day of the protest, it should have been a full scale retreat and cancellation of the event.

Why did this have to happen at a liberal stronghold like charlottesville? Why maximize casualities? Why arent you holding this stuff where you will actually have ears hearing you like red states or small white majority towns.

I dont care if im reddit spacing right now btw, this play that TRS pulled seems suicidal and absolutely retarded. Eli and them are saying they plan to go back to charlottesville. What?

I think the best thing we can do is go absolutely silent for as long as it takes for this to die down, go back to just podcasting, stop all live events because even fox news is trying to kill you. When things are back to normal, whether that takes a year or whether that takes a few months, do live events without torches at red states and white majority towns. You need whites to wake up and redpill them to get them on their own side.

Imagine if richard spencer or enoch got killed at charlottesville or gets killed in the near future as a result of it by some high level jewish freemason who pays for their assassination. Do you think its a game, you know that the jews hate you, you know they are super rich, do you think they wont use their power to kill you? These guys worship satan and are trying to bring the antichrist into the world. You needed to be more patient.

It's not too late
Got to lose the jew fast

This whole thing was a huge over extension, people on our side are nowhere near levels we need them at.













TRS was only a small part of the rally. It was called Unite the Right for a reason.
The National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Workers' Party, the League of the South, Vanguard America etc. etc. are independent groups, and certainly don't answer to TRS.
Jason Kessler organised this event, not Dickie Spence, not Mike Enoch.

Also, stop talking about freemasons. At its height, more than 10% of American men were freemasons in the early 20th century; they weren't some shadowy cabal. Freemasons don't have all that much to do with the current trajectory of the USA and of the West in general. In fact, their numbers declined radically as a result of the 1960s counter-culture, that very same counter-culture which now dominates the public sphere today. How about you concentrate on real problems instead of esoteric imagined ones.


















The organizers were naive thinking the police answering to a Jewish mayor were going to do their jobs. Or maybe they knew but they didn't care. The torches were kind of cool but they were ultimately a provocation.

None of this matters. The toothpaste is out of the tube we will be fully engulfed in civil war after the black sun rises on the 21st. The Jews are ramping up on the propaganda hard.











That's because fash the nation went awol for a bit
we all did dumb shit in the past
I agree greggy needs the rope (hypothetically)
>marries jewess
>becomes redpilled after
>doesn't want to divorce because divorce is degenerate
>gets doxxed
>wife divorces him






>Imagine if richard spencer or enoch got killed at charlottesville or gets killed in the near future as a result of it by some high level jewish freemason who pays for their assassination.

Their deaths would be pretty useful, to be honest. All antifa has going for them right now is that they haven't literally killed anyone yet.

I want to see Dem talking heads on MSNBC saying that offing Spencer was OK because he was a racist.





There was a movie called the right stuff directed by a jew

thats not really a clue but maybe





>being this much of a cuck



Sup Moarpheus how are you dealing with the fact that Twitter suspended your Twitter account?

gullible / retarded







Yeah for him to go out to these events after saying that is some fed-tier shit.











None of the nazi larping was present at any similar rally in the past, and suddenly this one was apparently full of it, seemingly out of nowhere.
I'd bet my left nut that the whole thing was a setup to discredit both the right and Trump, in particular.






that's... that's the joke




>it's another divide and conquer thread






