Why are true conservative women so rare?
Why are true conservative women so rare?
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Because most of them aren't hateful bigots.
Because women are by nature subhuman nation wrecking animals
Liberalism is feminine/emotional while conservatism is masculine/logical.
Because conservatism is selfish, and women are less selfish than men.
Women want to fit in and be liked at all costs.
>tfw no conservative gf
(((Globalists))) have been very successful in creating an army of mindless childless Marxist post modernist female drones and their numale Pets
No, it's actually because you chase them away with your cum encrusted commie flags and che guevara memorabilia.
Jews, you're talking about the Jews... Right?
>Why are true conservative women so rare?
women have no loyalty
My. Fucking. Sides.
The only thing more jealous than a white woman is a black woman.
In your country? Because one of your degenerate kings founded a fake church and destroyed any sort of traditional moral authority.
Because they can get young attractive billionaires while being used up single mother whores
Cant believe Elon Musk took that long to dump her
Because our women have been destroyed by 50 years of feminism since the sexual revolution.
most women are conservative
they want to perpetuate and maintain the hellish gynocracy we are living in where they make $70k a year working a sincere job in hr while riding the cock carrousel and holding all non chad males in utter contempt
coz liberalism is their dildo
which gives them freedom,makes them important
Is there a more perfect existence than taking birth control, curing STDs with pills and making 70k/year while getting drunkenly sidefucked by chads every weekend after spending 4 years being a total degenerate whore in college?
Because of the media they consume on a daily basis plus their lower intelligence leads to easy brainwashing
Because men are supposed to stop liking and thus promoting degenerate behaviors.
Seriously stop acknowledging whores, and reward virtue instead.
Because we let them off the leash and allowed them to be our equals.
>being an autistic faggot
the same reason why white women who date niggers are rare
they are the same group
There are no conservative women, they're all whores because they are not men, they're women OP
>they can only see a man by his utility
>if you have no value to them, there will be no association, and these associations are typically not sexual for the man...
>because these cunts have the reproductive organ we're all fucked trying to bargain with these psychopaths
Because their with real conservative men.
70% of gen z white girls are conservative. the gender gap is only about 15%
there is hope
We're not rare. You just need to leave the house to meet us. Tinder, Snapchat, shitty one night stand slut sites don't count; you won't find us there. You might have found us here, but you rejected that possibility.
Oh well! Guess you'll have to leave your house then.
>all whores
>coming from a porn-obsessed shut-in male on Sup Forums
You know what you must do, bitch.
>Fishing for (you)'s. Fuck off nigger.
And go where?
here's some logic: the guy in your pic is a kebab
that's a nice lady
Thank me later
Because conservatives are not values which single women support as when women vote they vote for gibs over anything else.
They want more welfare, more free birth control, more feminist laws that punish men and take away any legal power we had, more government, more etc and the only time women vote against it is if they are not being supported by the government rather their husband.
Married women vote republican but democrat taxes hurt their husbands income thereby their income but single women vote democrat because they want free shit.
So the only way you could even make minor victories in this gynocentric system is for married women to vote republican however marriage is going downhill as less women are getting married thereby more voting democrat.
fuck off roach
OP they arent rare, just got to wade through the waters.
You're a faggot
Fuck off canada...you are the Sweden of the Americas
Because it isn't fashionable or socially acceptable in the west. Most women in the world are actually conservative, but they don't live in the first world.
Are you denying history?
holy fuck that's alot of photos. is it even normal to share that many pics?
>He doesn't know
Oh boy
Sup Forums is an anonymous male space you fat piece of shit
>only women here are the losers who can't get chads in the real world
>or worse are over 30+, with 90% of their egg stores gone
Looking for those beta bucks I see
Yes all women, think about it annon. As a man you need #money, #physicality, #social aptitude/game to get sex. A women by default can open her legs in her 20s and a 7-10 chad will fuck her, for women the reproductive dynamic is completely inversed.
>for women its an issue of quality
>women will impose scarcity, won't have sex if they can't get a certain level of man(Hypgergamy)
>women don't associate with males at all if they have no value, its the same in all the relations of the animal kingdom, ie Matriarchy
The Mother's by Robert Briffault illustrates this point very well.
> every autistic robot has the balls to get a fuckbuddy, even if she's a total whore
> every whore is so much of a whore she'll settle for a avg-dick neckbeard instead of a chad
Come on now
the real fucking question is, why are there liberal men?
Because men are becoming pussified and domesticated.
Low testoterone
I think it is because feminism has brainwashed them into thinking that they're sellouts just by following their natural instincts. It is a dangerous and very ingrained meme that has been fed to them for decades. They have been raised to not only distrust men but to hate their very existence. It will take decades to reverse it...if it ever can be.
These silly indignated responses have been coming from rosbifs for years when faced with opposition on this site. We will never make concessions to you, sorry, Becky. Go make a trad-woman """right wing""" YouTube channel and complain about how the bitter virgins at Sup Forums cut you with their edge like other cunts of your ilk who jumped on this movement cause we made it popular.
It's simply impossible. You want me to get married and start having children at 25, while underemployed and underpaid in my 60-hour job (god forbid I don't support myself - who wants to marry a stay-at-home?), surrounded by men who take advantage of slut culture to fuck any woman they want with no commitment. Oh, and maintain a "feminine" appearance that garners no respect from my colleagues (You're seen as an airhead). A conservative woman should behave modestly while being catcalled by niggers in the street, while their friends use words like "tits" and "badonkadonk" to describe your body? While fashionable clothing literally makes you look like a whore?
Even when you do your best, you're invisible because no-one socialises in public. It doesn't matter anyway because conservative men still hate you because you're a woman, and that means that everything you do is part of a stupid trend - nothing sincere or heartfelt about it.
That feel when no hope for the future.
Because women have no ingroup loyalty.
They never answer this question. Probably because those women don't actually exist.
Women want attention, and conservative women are going to get less of it.
With both sexes there is the same tendency of becoming more conservative with time.
Also, just because you're (generic you) an unattractive male doesn't mean you're conservative. It's a strange self-delusion that seems to be quite common among some beta males. Because they can't attract a woman, they hate on women, call themselves conservative while consuming huge amounts of porn. These males are not conservative, they're just cockblocked and compensate for it by indulging in delusional narratives about the self.
Stop bringing Marx into this. He wrote clearly that mass migration weakened the working class. Those gender fluid spoiled brats don't even give the economic system much critical thought.
Digits of truth! They have none whatsoever! This is a blessing and a curse. A blessing for us because, they will never get their shit together. Also, a curse for them for the same reason.
I would marry a stay at home over a career woman.
You realize this is a fake picture, right?
It's literally someone allocating the votes in one of those generators and then adding some random black text on it.
Or were you the one that made it?
Because men allow women to be sluts and make it more rewarding for them to be that way than to be good women. Simple as that.
Real women are meant to be companions not actual people but the 20th century decided to make women think otherwise so that they could double their profits
Could you afford to have children on a single salary? With rising prices and taxes, I understand why women are expected to work. But I desperately want to raise children, to homeschool them, make clothes for them, to create a beautiful garden filled with food. But it's always the money problem.
this actually
Shouldn't worry about that, i mean if you WOW a girl enough, she can be liberal as a communist and she will suck your dick clean
Example: Laci Green and her right wing BF
>Giving a shit about fashion
Confirmed for makeup caked skank
Fuck off slag you're making excuses for why you're a degenerate slut
You could move to an Eastern European country. Slavs are actually masculine and still have gender roles in place.
Also, you're probably far richer than the average, say, Pole or Russian. Westerners who move to Eastern Europe usually live like kangz in comparison to natives.
I could once i graduate. I will also live in and inherit the big family home. Only Thing that is missing ist a cute nonslut female that wants to start a traditional family
Women seek in-group approval far more than men.
It makes sense from a biological stand-point. A stable group provides a safer environment to raise a child. As a result, they'll generally agree with whatever the currently prevailing popular movement is.
Want to bang a liberal girl? It's super easy. Be unapologetically strong and unafraid to state your conservative point of view. Like a dog, she will "follow the leader." Works nearly every time, as long as you're not an ugly, flabby retard.
Good luck buying unfashionable clothes for reasonable prices.
>Inb4 make your own
Oppourtunity cost, nigger.
> Why are true conservative women so rare?
Boomers failed to raise their daughters to be skillful and self reliant.
Media and schooling has cultured an entire generation of welfare queens who seek payouts portraying themselves as victims.
Millennial women were taught to use and abuse and not only that but they were told it was their right to do so.
Look, probably not. Who knows. I'll tell you who hasn't asked the question at all: Africans and their r-strategy children.
Are you going to wait till you're 60 years old old and the world has magically become fair?
No Russia, No Poland.
Tell him to move to Serbia, Bosnia or some other balkan place.
People here are annoyed with Brits, especially in popular tourist spots.
Are they machining engine transmissions
>People here are annoyed with Brits, especially in popular tourist spots.
Seriously? After three million of you turned up here and pissed off our country so much that we decided to leave the EU, you people have the gall to dislike us coming to your country?
British remittance money is single handedly propping up your economy and lower classes.
Don't give a shit. You can tolerate a few loud tourists if we can tolerate your rapists and murderers.
Anyway, one who actually MOVES to your country wouldn't be trashing the place up like a tourist.
There are plenty of conservative girls in every singe european country, so you are either lazy or just full of shit.
>t. Been to UK
>t. Been to Ireland
>t. Been to Goym'smoney
>t. Been to Czechy & Slovakia
>t. Been to Hungary
They're not rare in Poland or in Hungary. And that's because women (like art) are a mirror of their society. Wherever you see shitty art and degenerate women, you know you're dealing with a rotten society full of faggot men.
Yes, well Brits are annoyed at polak economic migrants stinking up their streets.
> stay at home meme
That's not how it works.
I know plenty of stay at home women... guess what? They are ALLLLL gold diggers and they require their husbands to give them an allowance and buy them pretty much anything they want.
If you think marrying a career woman is bad, you haven't seen what marrying an unskilled entitled whore is like.
I'm pretty conservative. Stay at home wife, 3 children, conservative political values, always vote DUP. But I shitpost on Sup Forums so...
Do you not know women other than your mother? Men produce, women consume.
This! Evolutionary psychology mirrors this line of thought. I'd recommend everyone look into it. Men were the providers and were gone foraging. Women were the ones that held the community together. That's why they are more socially involved than men. It was entirely in their and the group's interest to do so. They ALWAYS had to know who was fucking who, and who was getting fat. We don't see much difference today in behavior. People forget that we are a product of out environment and this modern environment has not been around long in the context of things.
This is not a black pill at all, that's just women's nature, it's a harsh red pill.
Men are naturally more calculating/logical where as women are more emotional. Women also are both more social and more perceptive of body language and other subtle social cues.
This means that a charismatic politician who utilizes broad emotional concepts like 'hope' appeals more to women, whereas some nerd rambling about statistics is more appealing to men.
Women are also just less interested in politics in general, so are more likely to be sucked up by flash-in-the-pan movements.
I am a female with a mild degree of autism, so in some ways my thinking is more male than average as well as my ability to pick up on social cues. Personally I think there is value in both men in women and politics should be oriented around the family and a concept and families individually to strike that balance.
Looks like she's an assembler. Probably putting it together,
>Seriously? After three million of you turned up here and pissed off our country so much that we decided to leave the EU, you people have the gall to dislike us coming to your country?
>Don't give a shit. You can tolerate a few loud tourists if we can tolerate your rapists and murderers.
>These arguments again
Okay, IN CASE you have not realised it yet.
There is a White~Red flag next to my ID.
So as you can see I am in Poland right now which essentially means that I could not care less about our
>three million
And yes, I have the gall to dislike some of you.
I genuinely hate young brits.
Brits who are 19~28 years old are ( often ) nothing more than a bunch of arrogant, self absorbed lazy brats.
I have met a lot of 30+ brits and they are good lads. I have spent hours discussing the history of Poland&England with 45 year old brit.
>Brits who are 19~28 years old are ( often ) nothing more than a bunch of arrogant, self absorbed lazy brats.
I can confirm this
Shut the fuck up pshek shekpshsh
Because women care for other people?
1. Women rarely care about politics compared with men to begin with
2. When they do they have a strong instinct to conform because they are much more sociable animals. They find the idea of sticking out painful.
I'd actually contest that women are more emotional. They can certainly use emotional triggers better, but studies have shown that men generally feel emotion more strongly. Men just hide it.
I am sorry, I don't speak Ukrainian.
Care to elaborate what you are trying to say?
all of this was made up by nationalist propagandists in the 19th century but it's funny anyway.
their biological imperative is to be sluts