When the inevitable war breaks out who will you be fighting for?
When the inevitable war breaks out who will you be fighting for?
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America is the only correct answer
muh liberty
Jesus Christ
I hope ALL of you sinners roast in hell forever!
What if I just want a capitalist white ethno-state?
>nat soc
>far right
hoo boy
Reminder to all libertarians and ancaps that you need NatSoc to get rid of the degenerates, communists, and shitskins before you can have your freedom.
NatSoc is literally that. Just no usury.
Hello civcucks
I've thought about that. If things get bad enough, where do we go? There's no white ethno state in existence so like what do you do
Newfags answer liberty, but look were liberty got us...
natsoc is literally just nonjewish soviet communism
Liberty as an ideal is not wrong, but practical concerns force us to use authoritarian solutions.
Shekel for a good goy
Where is the fascist option? Nazis ruined everything last time, why join them again?
capitalism is a jewish plot
>captcha "zone of white men"
If you've been on this board for more than a day you would know that's wrong.
I'm not an American why would I fight for America?
Newfag detected. No NatSoc didn't nationalise like Soviet.
NatSoc = private industry working together with a gov that directs the country to a better future... improve it's citizens (including genetically improving them over time) and advance the country (large tech projects like space exploration etc.).
Somehow that's the least cucked thing written by a chriscuck on Sup Forums . That's an improvement
A Libertarian/AnCap paradise is impossible to maintain without first comprising it of people who are best suited to maintain and create ongoing Wester Culture
Protip: it's white people
>almost 60% libertarian
Alright, which one of you fags sent this to r/t_D? This board has always yielded even splits.
>Nazis ruined fascism
Last time I checked, America ruined it by sucking Marx's teet
Nazis and Commies are equally fucked in the head and need to be destroyed.
The choices are technically different.
"Freedom" means anything other than far left and far right so they'll get more than usual.
Literally buying a plane ticket out of here and living off my crypto earnings
No pol, there isn't going to be another civil war, at least is less likely than the other scenario.
You see, two things can happen, but one is the most probable, either.
>countless more riots and civil unrest happens, they get more violent but not war scale big, eventually something forces people to unite
>outright civil war breaks out between the commies and the right wingers
The first is the most likely to happen, while the second one it's not impossible,however it's very much less possible to occur.
So the Violence is gonna get worse, you'll see the calls from violence go from "nazis" to "whites!" Soon, you're gonna se them go from "torn down confederate monuments!" To "torn down all monuments of whites! This is already happening but it's gonna get worse, and it's gonna expose to more and more people the left's violence and unhinged behavior, swinging more people to the right each day.
More and more whites will flock to the right as they realize the nigs are "taking over" the left and their movement becomes less inviting for them.
Things are gonna stay there for a while until something big happens, I suspect a muzzie terrorist attack or a nigger gang trying to kill a lot of whitey, either way it's gonna be very big, and it's gonna be the final wake up call for all whites.
You're gonna know when it happens, they're gonna realize all of the last years anti-white propaganda, all of the undermining all of it, ans they're gonna snap.
So it's not gonna be an all out left vs civil war, but a "left gradually getting more violent and losing support until whitey snaps and physically removes them without resistance"
So to make ir short:
>left keeps being retarded, gets more violent/antiwhite and loses tons of support
>something big happens and makes whitey finally snap
>even former leftists get massively redpilled
>what's left of commies gets purged once and for all
You already won this pol, just wait and you'll see.
I'm fighting for the empire.
>wanting to try the same system that brought us to this point again.
It's literally crumbling before your eyes, stop being retarded.
Feck off with this meme already
any talk of war is an obvious shill attempt.
white nationalists just want to be left the fuck alone, we don't want to fight anybody. discourse is what matters.
friendly reminder that any talks of race war or some vague inevitable war is highly correlated with NazBol Duginism shilling.
do not allow Spencer, Heimbach, and Duke to control the discourse for their Russian master Dugin. de-escelate their rhetoric because they WANT the US to break down and specially crack down on hard right opinions.
NazBol shills fuck off.
Where's my box?
>Oy vey, don't become Nazis again, goy!
>Another one of those wars, that is our greatest fear
>Whatever would we do?
>>it would totally not be just the excuse we needed for us wipe out you and your ilk once and for all!
Can't wait to legally start killing Nazis and Commies when the Civil War breaks out. :)
(((civic nationalists))) get out REEEEEEEE
Fuck Nazis and fuck Commies. You can both die in a fire, although I'd rather get rid of the Commies first. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
>when the American negro is out-striding your superior Aryan specimen
meth is one hell of a drug
As a theocratic monarchist I'm feeling quite un-represented
>implying I'll fight
what kinda fucking idiot puts his life on the line for something as lame as political ideas?
Race traitors like you should be burned alive. Assuming you're White, which is far from certain. The only thing that matters is race. If you're White you should fight for other White people.
>The only thing that matters is race.
Hell yeah, being a merc to go around killing retards on both sides to truly make America great again.
>inevitable war
Fuck off Soros
We need to meme Putin into taking care of Soros for us.
Even if there WAS a war, everyone knows how it would go. The left has disarmed themselves, while the right has been hoarding guns and ammo for years.
If you have to ask that question it's already too late...
Still I will answer. It's a gut feeling that you fight for your tribe. I have many tribes. Scandis>Nords>Whites... You look after your tribe and your tribe looks after you. Jews look after jews, japs look after japs etc., so if Whites don't look after other Whites we're going to lose. That being said... at the end of the day it's just a gut feeling to look after your people.
If civil war breaks out in USA, Im coming down there to hunt niggers. Its gonna be awesome.
I can literally see Olympic peninsula from my back deck, I have a boat, a nice rifle and several thousand rounds of ammo.
Do a little fishing, come along the shore, waste some coons, head home for dinner.
Let the good times roll.
No, more and more white will go to the liberal to avoid getting fired or getting hurt, thinking they are "safe" on their side. Most of the people that is liberal or antifa are whites who feel like they need to protect their little brown brothers by killing whites. And some are over there to not get fired, I am trying to get hired and companies can back trace my whole record online (pretty sure either you guys or gamestop is holding me back). We are more likely going to have people give up to save their hides than to prevent the coming enslavement.
Race, culture, tradition > Country
a country is worthless without those
This is very true. Civic nationalists want this
What if I realize that the weak links of my tribe are attracted to authoritarian ideologies out of insecurity and mental illness, therefore removing them from the gene pool ends up being beneficial?
>no "enjoy seeing Americans kill each other" option
Loaded question, y'all posting in a divide and conquer shill thread.
NatSocs and redblooded Americans share a common enemy much greater than the threat they pose to each other right now. Only after this battle is won will we have the luxury of fighting amongst ourself.
That's not true. Also if you won't stick together you're not really a tribe, so it's a self defeating argument. Jews help other jews and that's a big reason why they have been so succesful. Other groups will work together so if Whites don't Whites are fucked.
It's people like you (people without that tribal instinct) that has caused the problems for the West and all of you should be killed.
>be Germany
>be cucked beyond belief
>unable to speak of your past under penalty of law
>have a culture that has already been killed off and shamed to a larger extent than practically any other nation
this, they deserve to suffer
you realize he actually congratulated Jesse Owens, meanwhile your "based" American government shat all over him.
>authoritarian ideologies
>>muh liberty
How is that working out? Do you really not realize that your liberalism has led to where we are today? Say someone thought that only white males should be able to vote. Say this person wanted to deport all non-whites in favor of a clean ethnic European homeland. Say I this person also wanted to forcibly remove Jews from positions of major power and influence. Would you reject that person as an authoritarian who is against your ideal of pure liberty?
You realize America is having its identity ripped apart BECAUSE we're supposed to be a White nation. It won't be America when it's no longer Europeans. A country is only a reflection of the people who live in it, Africans make Africas, Mexicans make Mexicos.
America is dead, demography proves it.
America is not a liberty. America is republic.
hello FBI
That is why globalists want to mix races and erase culture and tradition. They want to turn countries into pointless things, thus making world-government a sensible thing.
Make no mistake, if you are not an authoritarian, you are unwittingly a globalist.
Germany tried to save the West from the kikes. But anglos and burgers fought for the kikes and now we're all paying the price for it. Look at the West and tell me that anglos and burgers won at the end of the day... No we all lost.
I don't want to shit on anglos and burgers. You were mislead, but don't make the mistake of shitting at Germany. The Germans were the good guys ---- don't believe the propaganda against NatSoc Germany. Not perfect but they were the good guys.
This is very true. Cicero is my favorite Roman after Aurelius.
Meant to say nationalist.
"A nation can survive fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive the Jew. An enemy sandnigger at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the Jew moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly kikery rustling through all the alleys, controlling the very halls of the government itself. For the Jew appears not a Jew; he makes up lies about his heritage to tell to his victims, and he controls their minds and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the society, he infects the media so that the people do not like to resist. A nigger is less to fear."
>your "based" American government
if you really mean it, pray that the economy collapses
You best not of voted, you kiwi farmer.
>if you don't support a government with a lot of power, you're a gloablist
>shitting at Germany
>That is why globalists want to mix races and erase culture and tradition. They want to turn countries into pointless things, thus making world-government a sensible thing.
you get it
Idiotic poll. There will not be three sides.
Of course they were the good guys Swede, I wasn't shitting on them because I thought they were the bad guys. I'm well aware of how overrun my country is by the kikes, I was just expressing my disappointment with how Germany has turned out. It's a shell of its former self. They were the good guys but now they're dead.
>muh false dichotomy!!
Nazis and communists will be stomped under the same American boot.
For my people and that means Germans don't really care about the rest desu.
it's just shit-posting--hopefully, but with the burger you never really know since the cuckservatism runs strong even in the alt-media
Natsoc is far left and right at the same time desu senpai
This guy gets it,just like in Germany most of the liberals and other people around the center will side with thoae who will be able to rid them of the commie plague.
No, they won't be. There will not be three sides. Either the left will seize government, or the right will seize government, and the common man will pick the side that more closely aligns with their own predilections, but either way government will be weaponized for the service of one of the two sides and it will obliterate the other. This is how every major ideological conflict of the 20th century played itself out. This is Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, Castro.
There will not be three sides.
National socialism is a sane ideology. You would know that if you weren't pozzed up on Jewish media.
NatSoc is Liberty from societal degeneracy, poll is fucked
There isn't going to be any war, because the govt will step in at some point and shut this shit down real quick. Meanwhile I'll enjoy watching you fools make asses of yourselves on the news.
Whoever is killing the commies, I'm not picky.
>I was just expressing my disappointment with how Germany has turned out.
Yes and it was the anglos and burgers that did it. Sure they were controlled by the kikes but still. Germany was doomed the moment they lost the war and not just Germany but the West as a whole, which is what we're seeing right now.
The government would not simply suppress the ideological war - it would pick a side, if just as a result of the wrangling over state power that is bound to happen.
This. enjoy ruining your young lives to aid Dugin
Both sides will be fighting for the globalists and they won't realize it until it's too late. Don't fall for their tricks, stay out of any violence.
America now and always.
sad that the far right doesnt win hands down on pol. I think the ''natsoc'' part might skew it a little though
511 people voted on that thing OP posted America gets 53% NatSoc gets 40% Commies 7%
This is all Churchill's fault, time and time again Hitler wanted peace between us but Churchill wanted annihilation at all cost.
>implying AntiFa and America aren't allies
Oh, I'm laffin.
Your kids will be nappyheaded jiggaboos burgercucks.
Was this the plan in the beginning? To get rid of both idiots on each side?