>Ethno-nationalism - it's losers. These guys are a collection of clowns
what did he mean by this?
>Ethno-nationalism - it's losers. These guys are a collection of clowns
what did he mean by this?
That he's no longer a supporter of Israel?
Ethnonationalism is a flawed idea. Europeans do not have every positive or superior gene.
Civic nationalism is nice, basically the contention that
>our system is remarkably free
>free open systems are something to be proud of
>trying to collapse this system is an act of authoritarianism because it's free
What everyone who isn't a complete moron already knows, that explicit ethno-nationalism is utterly retarded. What you want is implicit nationalist policies, albeit this is hard in the U.S due to it's majority population being closer to a majority-minority it's still a far better solution than whatever fascist system 110 IQ morons like Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch believe in.
pretty much this right here desu
if anyone truly believes any race is getting their own land these days they're fucking delusional. a globalized world is inevitable. what we're (the sane rational people) are trying to do is slow that process down so that states can still maintain establishment and a sense of culture while that happens, and people can find lands that suit their wants and needs, and vice versa
of course like everything else Americans will find a way to ruin this for us. Literally the dumbest superpower country there is. Bar fucking none. Proven with stats too. Americans are fucking retards.
Except they do.
>When is Africa going to space?
>When will mudslimes discover plumbing?
>When will the slavs and chinks stop being commies?
There's a reason whites live in the first world kiddo.
i mean desu i don't really mind having neighbours that are a different colour than me, but i want them to watch hockey and smoke weed, not have their wives in veils and being fucking religious nuts. that's what the majority of us do here in canada, so be like that or get the fuck out
>Ethnonationalism is a flawed idea.
Ethnonationalism works in a country where the vast majority of people are one ethnicity, i.e. it's a perfectly legitimate philosophy for European nation-states. But not the US. Non-Hispanic white pop is a bare majority and declining, and "white" isn't an ethnicity regardless.
Dare I say it, there is no "white American" culture other than pop culture... and that was created by our Jewish friends.
Degenerate. Only Ontario wants weed hockey and mudslimes. Great post justin.
>Ethnonationalism works in a country where the vast majority of people are one ethnicity
stfu, just look at the state of Africa. ethnonationalism is not the silver bullet
>Ethnonationalism works in a country where the vast majority of people are one ethnicity
So you mean it will work in 150 years when the US will be mostrly hispanic? This is more cucked than >at least I still have the constitution.
What he says, and he's right.
>the most genetically diverse continent on the planet with randomized garbage borders that cross-cut over ethnic areas is ethnically homogenized
you honestly sound like a tutsi roach that needs to be macheted
I'd like the igbo intelligence gene, it's basically social skills cranked to 11. East Asians also have a quick gene that's interesting but only really means they can crunch numbers fast.
I do not want "my own land" but I'd like somewhere I can compete freely and equally. Marxists refuse to allow that to be a western nation, so they have to go.
Then you just have regular nationalism using ethnicity as a hook, you can do the same thing with culture, just not as well. You can even do the same thing with citizenship if your population has a low enough intelligence.
There is white American culture, in fact there's a few white American cultures.
don't tell me what provinces want what i've been across this country you faggot
you sound like a nigger lover
Ethno-nationalist who say everybody without pure white genes should be removed from society are retarded. If pajeet manages to become a doctor it would be a waste to send him back to his own country. I want my country to become more white but I don't consider myself an ethno-nationalist. Closing the borders and kicking out the criminals will probally solve most of the problems we have with immigrants.
that's just the first generation, their kids will be assimilated because they don't want to be shunned. i got to college and see tons of guys in with towels on their heads and women in hijabs, but they're pretty much american and only do this for their parents. they still get drunk and smoke weed, but keep these stupid religious garbs because its means a lot to them, like how jews don't eat pork even if they're not religious at all. its like how bugerland "irish" drink whiskey, or any other bastardization of a culture. its for tradition, a lot of them don't actually believe in it.
that's very true and makes me feel good you know of ethnics that do "american" things.
my town is like 99% white so i dont know what other cultures really feel like outside of our chinese restaurant
Ethnonationalism=/=racial absolutism.
Either way, civic nationalism is doomed to fail. Hopefully Classical Liberalism collapses as well. The only reason Bannon is saying this, is because he's in a position of power, and he's already public enemy number 1. The GOP wants him gone (Can't tax millionaires!), the Left wants him gone (muh racism), Kelly wants him gone (WH power struggles), etc. It would be entirely moronic for Bannon to NOT denounce ethnonationalism after this. Almost as moronic as going to UTR with Swastika flags.
You really should use a trip next time Justin. More fun then crashing weddings and the pride festival put together.
Bannon is a Kike
One rule for jews, another rule for everyone else
Fuck him, worthless cunt
>Americans are fucking retards.
We didn't elect a drama teacher so who's laughing now? The joke is on you and your joke of a country.
He's lying to live, they're trying to force him out. He's sucking up to the Jews for self preservation. He's still /ourguy/.
Just because you are wog-viet mongrel and have to go back doesn't mean that garbage you typed out makes any sense, mongoloid. Well, apparently intelligence, height, looks, health are not tied to genetics at all now. Allowing racial foreigners is the most fucking irrational think you can do. How does it feel to get BTFO by basic biology on a daily basis?
The only way to keep it as natural as possible is radical exclusion. It's literally unnatural to care about those who are not of your own. Empathy towards those genetically dissimilar is literally a sign of genetically inferior individual good only for sterilization. Genetic altruism fails the evolutionary group strategy greatly.
Civic "nationalism" is multirculturalism. Culture is a racial ethno-linguistic product alone. That's about it. One way to deal with it: In Europe DNA based citizenship within the subracial group only; in USA - Balkanization. A multiracial society is just some bizarre perversion dreamt up in the minds of marxists with sad childhoods and literal rootless jews (not even a conspiracy, look up the ethnicities), biological organism following their biological perogative when inserted into it is not strange or surprising. You guys act like Brazil, USA, Russian Federation and South Africa don't exist. Population groups compete for resources; bringing a bunch of different subspecies of primate into one administrative region and saying "okay, you're a country now" doesn't change that.
But once again, you being a racemixed mongrel is a good explanation why you can't understand what it's like to have genetics worth preserving in the first place
>ex-Soviet country
I don't believe a word you say.
>mongrel the_cuckold flag based bantz
>not fucking over Stalin and going his own way the first moment he could
The Euro mongrels here created a better country in the space of a two hundred years than Slovenia could ever dream of.