How can one group of people be hated by every civilization in history for thousands of years?

How can one group of people be hated by every civilization in history for thousands of years?

Even the Japanese who were pretty much isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years ended up hating the Jews.

How is this possible? It cannot just be envy and scapegoating. The answer must be deeper than this...?

never forget

>Because Judaism is a supremacy ideology not grounded in reality. They're more or less delusional but persistent.

it’s the germans the world should hate

they are fucking everything up since the beginning
>not the jews

>since the beginning
nigger what

The Jews are literally pure evil user. These people were known as the "Tabernacle Of Satan" for a damn good reason. They have cheated, murdered, raped, stolen, manipulated, schemed, and lied their way to power all throughout history. It is well known how evil these people are, and many nations closed their doors the moment they found out about what the kikes did when no one will looking.


Sure thing schlomo shekelstein


if you ARE looking for some jews fucking up
>look up the rhine askhenazi jews (germans)

who gave us socialism?

who gave us national socialism?

who is in historic deep friendship to the islamic savages?

who failed to create god out of man (hitler) and failed?

who will adopt the religion of peace to be openly the savages they are?

who invented the fucking 4th reich called EU?
>germans (read up friedrich naumann’s ‚mitteleuropa“ -> the whole EU blueprint lined out 1915)

and this shit goes on
and on
and on

germans are the worst of all people




The reason why the media is attacking the alt right is because the alt right is fervently anti jewish.

This is literally the only reason.

The whites are waking up to the jewish tricks.

Luckily for jews they know how to manipulate the sheep

Don't forget that Karl Marx was half German.

don’t you get it retard?
>whomever they visit they will deceive with flowery words of deceit

IF … IF this would be part of their agenda. then sure as fuck they would not let the muslim savages into europe to what? ensure the existence of jews and the white race? you gotta be fucking out of your mind. germans want to destabilize and islamize europe so they can be the savages the have always been.

Kicked out of 300 countries yet they insist we're the problem.

and he studied in bonn
>askhkenazi jew
>converted to lutheranism
gave the world socialism with all its spin offs


but hey
>we can thank the germans for letting muslim savages into europe, r-r-r-right?

you idiots have no fucking clue


I'm both greedy and smart
Master Race

They never stop being jews

You need to take the Christ pill

It's because they're too moral and the goyim are jealous of their morality

well you're quite the good goy eh? Doesn't matter what nationality they are when they're jewish by decent. & the 'germans' did not give us (marxist) socialism, it was implemented first in during the Bolshevik revolution of 1917