Do you guys ever get nervous for President Trump? Half the country wants him dead and now the media is literally making him out to be Hitler. I wish we could do more to help him, Sup Forums.
Do you guys ever get nervous for President Trump...
He'll be fine. Kek confirms.
What are you talking about
>Half the country wants him dead
more like 2/3 doesn't care and rest is either for trump or wants him dead
Honestly? I think going in that he knew it was a one-way trip.
The media has leverage?
Here, borrow mine. Digits for imminent Hillary Clinton BTFOing soon
They have leverage with insane leftists. Just look at the congressmen that were already shot up
Nervous for a classic huckster who grifts my tax dollars to enrich his family? No, not really.
So rogue elements inside metropolitan areas mean we must expel our president. thanks fake news.
You mean the same media that compared him with hitler before the election and said Hillary would win??
>oh shit.jpg
Everyone needs to do everything they can to stop Soros and his armies from pushing the country into civil war.
a bit, but the media has been doing its worst from the very beginning and hes still alive
It gets me fake MAD magazine website tries to be taken seriously.
>americans can even choose a president
Well I can't even defend him on goybook anymore without being called a fascist sympathizer
I doubted him until he won his first primary
Never looked back since and neither should you
And if you need more help just don't talk politics in public, it's harder for certain people on this board to do that.
Only if it were Jeb or Cruz. Our privilage now must be revoked.
I've lost around 10 followers on Twitter since the trans military ban. Actual friends not just randoms
Switch to Minds and tell the shitheads in your circle you are making a move.
he's an autistic retard who's bad at his job, even with people trying to prevent him from chimping.
he isn't making america great again, he's making america look like a spoiled trust fund child. supporting him only proves your underage or suffer from sever brain damage.
Yeh, there are moves afoot for a coup by the Globalists, they'll use the excuse that he is physically unfit for office.
Yep, the knives are out user, unless he purges all the cultural marxists from the establishment then things are going down the path of civil war.
So he should take the gloves off already and fight back full-stop.
I do. There's a lot of chaos being stirred up. Eclipse is a good excuse for electric/grid chaos LARPing. Trump is moving from NY to dc... then the lynch investigation being reopened, assange talking, and the sheiks testimony ruled admissible today... yea. they're scared and that's not good for him.
If there is civil war in America I will say right now that I will leave for their to fight for Democracy and the men and women fighting against globalization.
Straight up. The battle has started in America and the first war against globalisation and communism of this age will be won or lost there. I'll fight for a lot of causes but the freedom that true democracy and capitalism brings is by far the greatest system humanity has deviced and to not be willing to die for that is to do a disservice to my fellow man.
>Get me a fucking coat, anons.
I have no doubt he or his family will be attacked/killed in the coming years.
Im gonna laugh my ass off when it happens.
Summoning some digits for Trump. Not that he needs them. If anything happens to Trump, THAT'S when Civil War 2 will begin.
They know for a fact what will happen if they touch a hair on his head.
Unfortunately, there's not gonna be any civil war anywhere in e.u. cuckland nor in the states.
A civil war is going to make the overlords lose control of the country....
Do you think that the 2% ((the jews)) that controls the millions of the usa-ians via jewbook, cnn, e.t.c., are going to let the military or any armed whitey mess with their silent brainwash?
I don't doubt him at all. Its just he is clearly at risk whenever he steps outside though. He already had two attempts at violence during the election and the hysteria is more than it's ever been right now.
Yes, I do. And I also feel sorry for him and his family. They had to give up so much, and they get so much hatred.
i dont think its an unreasonable fear but i think he'll be fine. trump knows whats up
Wait, whos exactly is nervous?
Literally Nobody
Just a bunch of Alt-Left larpers thinking they can raid a meme board
He will not only survive, but thrive!
Just keep standing up for him user, never back down no matter how much lefty cucks squeal and call you stupid names. Loyalty is admirable in a man.
I trust the Secret Service.
As long as he don't go after the federal reserve, he will probably be fine...