I was on a pretty good No fap streak. I feel strong on them. I feel closer to christ as well...

I was on a pretty good No fap streak. I feel strong on them. I feel closer to christ as well. But less than 10 minutes ago I failed again.
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just keep on HODLING to the faith

pray in times of temptation, if you're truly serious, you would pray during temptation, catholic prayers.

I am a lutheran, but I prayed the "Da Pacem Domine" chant. But my temptations got the best of me and I feel ashamed. I asked God for forgivness, and I want to stop this.

You are created to conquer and achieve. Fap stops that. It's why you have no drive when you fap regularly. You say you were doing well. You can again. Get up. Try again. Next time you want to fap, go run or lift some weights.

>yes goy the fight is between atheists and Christians. Don't rediscover the original religion of your people goy

Nazis are the lowest of scum. I pray you find your way to Christs light


It's necessary to fap from time to time. Your balls were not meant to remain full.

Thats what a wife is for


Cut it off
Cut it off
Cut it off

Get a wife then. But don't risk prostate cancer and sperm decay by not releasing semen.

In all seriousness, read your Bible. Whenever you fell tempted to (insert sin of choice here), read your Bible. Two reasons. One, you should be doing that anyway. Two, it makes it hard to commit your sin of choice at the time.

Oh, BTW, the end is nigh, so tell your friends and family to get busy believing in Jesus, Son of God, Messiah of the Jews, and how he died for our sins, was buried, and rose again according to scripture.

I hope you have good luck with that. Most people seem to have already picked a side. See you in September!

there's nothing wrong with masturbating once in a while
just don't do it to porn, think of real girls you know and like, or just zen out and enjoy yourself
and be healthy, eat well, exercise, work hard, get out and socialize with real people

>read bible
>within 2 minutes feel like falling asleep even though I wasn't tired at all before
>this doesn't happen with any other book I've ever read

Why is the bible so long-winded without saying anything? I just finished both books of Kings and wanted to shoot myself in the head afterwards.

Whats all this I hear about september?
In the Bible, its said that none will know the exact date of rapture?

Christianity is internationalist
Christianity is shared with spics and niggers
Christianity is Jewish

You are psychotic. Go find medical treatment.

Cause Bible is the opiate of the masses. It is meant to lull the sheep into sleep.

>All equal in Christ.