Did anyone happen to catch this thread? It was a little creepy!
Google 2018 Novemeber
Other urls found in this thread:
link to the thread?
No. It was in Sup Forums and thought it might of been here as well. Says another 48 hours they will post more. Future communications through online platforms etc etc. Nov 23 2018 must stop Google. Coded message attached but couldn't open and see it. Weird shit
>might of been
What did the illiterate faggot mean by this?
Wait what? What the fuck are you saying?
Speak normal correct English, you monkey.
Can you please explain a little bit more clearly?
Probably Sup Forumstards LARPing.
We won't know for sure until someone finds that thread.
>might of bean
It was a typo.
It was bizarre, I don't know how to explain it. I'm trying to remember but the op language was fucked up too. There was a picture attached that op said had message but it wouldn't open to the picture. It would say error, which I've never seen happen. He was naming dates and corporations and said Google must be stopped in November 2018 and the world will forever change in 2019. Named a a couple places and said he only had 1 minute left and would return in 48 hours. Exactly 1 minute later, thread was gone.
>Sup Forums
Read a book. I suggest "Mary had a little lamb".
Dude, read a fucking book. Get the fuck off of your phone, and learn to speak ENGLISH. I have no fucking idea what you are trying to say.
From today?
>WW3 in 2019
I can't wait that long
So Jewgle basically becomes Skynet and fucks us all?
Kinda saw that one coming...
>I'm from the year 2037 and this is real!
Smells like a larp alright.
ill go ahead and bump
r u guys srs?
>might have been
Ι Checked the thread he seemed like a troll.