Do they have a point?
Do they have a point?
Who the fuck is the alt-left philosopher Karl Popper?
yes everything that applies to ISIS also applies to the alt-right
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
>any movement that preaches intolerance and persecution must be outside of the law
good, that means we can finally get rid of muslims?
lmao Hitler and the Nazis were put in prison and not democratically elected you fucking moron
Ask them if it applies to Islam.
what a bunch of pseudo intellectual trite
honestly its less than that its pure propaganda
>hitler wasn't democratically elected
just because your school had more shootings than books doesn't mean you had to learn nothing
So liberalism fails on first principles, because by refusing to tolerate intolerance, it itself becomes intolerant.
Also, why is Islam ignored? The ideology is clearly intolerant (look at Muslim attitudes towards gays, minority rights) why won't liberals accept that tolerating Islam is contradictory to liberalism?
But who decides what is or isn't intolerant? That's where the power lies.
>Thinking consistency of a simple linguistic formula is what matters when forming political ideas.
And this is why people in the real world will never take pol or neo-nazism seriously.
They do, which is why we need to get rid of Islam. Glad they finally see the light.
except the intolerant are labelled intolerant for not agreeing to tolerate the intolerable
t. retard
Yes, they have a point in prosecuting those who preach hate; however, that point is expressly forbidden by the constitution and recently forbidden by the Supreme Court.
Hate speech is important.
only when it applies to white men
they're fine with muslims
fucking leaf is succinct.
This is not how the nazis took the power.
Back 2 school burger.
They never seem to get it.
If they are intolerant of intolerance because intolerance has no place in society then logically there is no place in society for them.
Muh leftists love islam meme
>But who decides what is or isn't intolerant?
I vote 8 year olds since I sure as shit knew a Nazi when I saw one back then and 8 year olds are above political reproach.
In the free market of ideas the strongest ideas always win.
If your ideas require an artificial monopoly via censorship to stay afloat then your ideas are weak and deserve to die.
Survival of the fittest, bitches.
If your ideas are good they'll hold up to debate, shame leftist ideas don't
>liberals: "Islam dindu nuffin, it's a religion of peace, it's probably Western imperialism that makes them throw fags off roofs"
This, the part about Hitler is made-up
We live in democracies dumbass
NO because the left supports Lenin and Stalin.... SAGE
When I was right I didn't know what a nazi or Jew was outside of the fact you shoot Nazis in Wolfenstein
>tolerance tolerant tolerance tolerance? tolerant
What about the race to the bottom with spectrum gender, pedophilia and just plain old erasing or rewriting whatever history they feel like that day?
>American education
All that oestrogen in the water must make it hard to learn anything
>and not democratically elected you fucking moron
you wont believe it, but ze germans really thought an autistic austrian painter would make a good warlord.
we shouldn't tolerate the intolerant
whether they're nazis, muslims or communists
they all need to go
Literally find any ANY source of a liberal defending ISIS-type islam?
The idea is you don't hate people solely because they're religious, you're only misrepresenting that because you're too desperate to ignore the reality
>don't tolerate intolerance
>but you have to tolerate my intolerance against what I deem intolerant
Representative democracy is flawed in this way and power is not evenly distributed even so.
>If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?
You can either attack those you disagree with or you can have the moral high ground
You cant have both
pic related slightly maybe
His party got them out of poverty and they had nice aesthetics while doing it.
Would have been a decent choice if world Jewry wasn't so keen on destroying Germany.
They literally state "it's okay that we're hypocritical because we feel it strongly".
They worked backwards from their own logic, found that it was flawed, and embraced the flaws instead of working through them.
How come this same logic doesn't apply on muslims? Sure it's all about #PUNCHNAZIS when it's about nazis or any sort of "fashy" group... but when it's about islam, it's tip-toeing around them so that they won't get radicalized.
Seriously, what the fuck? I get called nazi all the times because I don't want my home to turn into Mini-Pakistan, just because I'm against taking in rapefugees. Muslims are billion times worse than nazis on any given scale, yet people look in the other direction when truck of peace squishes couple of pedestrians every month! These fucking liberal faggots even keep bringing up crusades to excuse their slander against christianity, but then they screech ISLAMOPHOBIA when you point out the muslim conquests and Muhammad's pedophilia etc.
Fucking hypocrites. What I like about nazis is that at least they're honest. If nazis have a problem with something, they're going to tell you they have a problem with something. No pretending or dancing around the issue, they will say what the fuck they think is wrong with the world. But with these "anti-fascists" it's a whole different world. They hide behind their facade of "EQUALITY" to justify their retarded bigoted shit, and all criticism against their stupid shit is going to get brushed aside as "anti-equality".
Want to get whites extincted and Europe filled with brownies? Fine, that's your opinion, but at least be honest about it you fucking pussy ass faggots!
Well you managed to get a retard to represent your countries' retards, so I'd say it's not that broke.
Sad naive little boy.
>*smacks lips*
>bix nood
>hol up
>shieeet isn't that shit like racist?
>*grabs crotch*
>don't we like need Jordans and rims more than school?
>proceeds to vote 90% one way thanks to propaganda and handouts
Democracy is a meme.
They have mental gymnastics
If you cant convince people that your ideas are better than theirs, then grab a gun and win a war.
>The majority should decide what opinions are legal
That's how to stop having a democracy, dipshit. Without freedom of dissent, no matter how unappealing, you have a one party tyranny of the majority.
>Retard shutin makes retard noises
>more at ten
They pick their goal then make up the evidence rather than using the evidence to identify a goal
No, this is just justifying hypocrisy.
In that same example, Hitler could say "You're intolerant!" because they ARE and the roles are then reversed endlessly.
It doesn't seem paradoxical, it IS paradoxical and illogical.
So the entire argument can be sumarrised to: "We should outlaw people I don't agree with, because other people might agree with them and end up outlawing me instead." Democracy and the republic are a joke.
>Do they have a point?
No, literally what they are advocating here is illegal. Hitler did not rise to power because of his speech. A frightened Germany elected him to squash the same left wing faggots that are busy rampaging through our streets.
Democracy doesn't begin until the will of the people is carried out.
Our talking shop governments rarely carry out that will.
A new political machine is needed if the people are to get what they want.
Zinnia Jones (popular trans-sexual activist) completely ignores homos getting roofed in Muslim countries as suicides because it doesn't fit in the "muslims dindu nuffin" narrative.
>(((Karl Popper)))
Who else is fucking tired of neurotic kike philosophers like (((Ayn Rand))), (((Sigmund Freud))) and.(((Karl Marx)))
The US is not a Democracy, in fact it is designed from the start to defend against democracy.
Well then maybe we just all agree on the notion that if your group is regularly killing people and talking abput killing people, it's a hate group and should not be allowed.
Oh look neo-nazis btfo wow
No. It's funny how they said "paradox" because that's exactly the argument that they made. Being intolerant of intolerance is intolerance. Their argument is "free speech is okay as long as I agree with what is being said" and that isn't free speech. The only times you can't allow people to speak freely is if they are making immediate threats of actual violence towards people, then it has to be investigated.
someone do an islam edit
checkmate leftyshills
Yes, it's time to ban Islam and Judaism. Intolerance is unacceptable.
Read a book. 20th century American analytical philosopher. He's known mostly for philosophy of science.
>Literally find any ANY source of a liberal defending ISIS-type islam?
Friendly reminder that your average Muslim is much more sympathetic to "ISIS-type islam" than they are to what you imagine True Islam™ to be.
>"Gee, practically every Islamic country engages in relentless persecution of foreign missionaries and homosexuals, must be another legacy of imperialism I guess"
This is true for Islam, but they've been conditioned not so see it
Nah senpai, we need more insane kikes to fuck our shit up
Some fag that invented "Falsification" thus cementing "Science" as the only true method of "Knowledge".
shut the fuck up racist fascist nazi drumpftard
we are coming for you, and we are going to kill ALL OF YOU
the amount of ignorance it takes to agree with any of this is staggering
so does this mean we can finally start deporting the muzzies
and then you get to decide whats tolerant or not and control what people can say excellent.
If anything this image just proves how retarded the idea of tolerance is, rather then trying to convince the audience how you can hold two conflicting opinions without having cognitive dissonance
sage, whoever created that sad thing show so little understanding I would be surprised if they have the mental capacity to dress themselves
>using low-key like that
Find a fucking non-retard
I keked
Fucking prime example of liberals using their own frame to make a statement. Who said I give a fuck about tolerance? I care about freedom, and there is no paradox in freedom and allowing intolerances. A free society does not discriminate. Tolerance is such a gay word. Let's say I allow intolerance but that means I have also allowed intolerance of intolerance. So it all cancels each other out. Go fuck yourself
Maybe if you're a literal child who sees everything as black or white.
When you live in a society with free speech you have to accept that not everyone has the same ideas as you do, aplying these sort of rules about not tolerating others just leads to having big brother censoring others because of wrong think but I guess that's what these autistimal echo chamber dwellers want.
>The idea is you don't hate people solely because they're religious, you're only misrepresenting that because you're too desperate to ignore the reality
this actually makes no sense
>muh Nazis
That doesn't work when you call LITERALLY EVERYONE A NAZI.
That is LITERALLY what they are preaching in this very comic. Is this satire?
This poster is at every left wing protest or rally and it was designed by the same artist who made King Nigger's propaganda.
Yeah, sure. But it works both ways. Stop giving the commies and ISIS sympathizers power.
Nope. It's also based on a strawman.
>Nazis = "intolerance"
It's been proven time and time again that Germany embraced several other cultures and races. Hell, he was allies with the Japanese. You remember, the japanese we put in internment camps and nuked without a care because of how subhuman our leaders thought them to be?
And on it's face it's moronic.
>It's okay to shut down people with opinions I don't like because those people might shut me down.
>Oh, and I'm still tolerant!
This is an attempt to have their cake and eat it too. To pretend to be the "tolerant" side that is "open minded" yet still have the power to exile/kill/destroy any dissent under the guise of "they would end up disagreeing with me or one of my allies eventually."
>as paradoxical as it seems
As paradoxical as it is. Just come out and admit you're a commie and going to send everyone that disagrees with you at all to the gulag. Quit pretending to still be tolerant while you do it.
Racism and intolerance would have stopped hitler from getting into power.
Not to mention the picture is based off Linda Sarsour, a "liberal" muslim activist who led the women's march and promtes sharia law as progressive and saudi arabia as a women's rights paradise
Seems that leftists oppose the free market in the sphere of ideas as well.
What makes you believe Muslims won't recreate the same societies they come from should they gain sufficient demographic momentum?
>muh magic soil
Who is calling everyone Nazis?
Just because your fucking tiny monkey brain can't comprehend that people carrying Nazi flags and killing people are FOR SOME FUCKING REASON being called Nazis, doesn't mean shit
Who decides which group I belong to? It seems like it isn't me at the moment.
>Austrian Jewish-British philosopher
Well, well, well.
>leftist don't love islam
You are out of reality.
>The idea is you don't hate people solely because they're religious, you're only misrepresenting that because you're too desperate to ignore the reality
>Karl (((Popper)))
Is this comic actually about Islam?
Yeah, the ignorance is astounding. Of all the problems Weimar Germany had, the lack of leftists fighting nazis in the street was not one of them. Instead of forming a stable and democratic government with the social democrats, the left tried to foment a communist revolution, and the monied interests and army allowed Hitler to take power so long as he dissolved the SA (brownshirts).
They are literally recreating the conditions that brought about the nazis, not the ones that destroyed them.
>(((Karl Popper)))
>Do they a point?
No. Since the left is "intolerant towards intolerants", that makes them intolerants as well.
>Do they have a point?
You can choose free speech or violence. Only one. When you choose violence over free speech, like the left did at Charlottesville, you've just made a deal with the devil. A Faustian bargain. At that point, the other person has no reason to not also use violence.
So don't cry bitch when the time comes to pay the devil and you get smeared on the road.
What makes you believe white people won't suddenly start burning people for catholicism