Does Chinese Propaganda get into Japan?
Does Chinese Propaganda get into Japan?
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Yes. I've seen it firsthand at my University (Waseda). Every week or so there is a truck that drives through my school with pro-China anti-America propoganda on the speakers.
Also, there are Chinese who pose as Japanese protesters in Okinawa to protest American influence.
so that's what that is... i was wondering why japanese people would be protesting that... makes no sense...
i always laugh when people in the US try to tell me about china as if they have facts... i'm like the only thing you know is what the ccp told you...
what else is going on there in regards to this? how do you speak such good english i know some japanese people and their english is only soso at best
I'm an American, so take that how you will. I'm half Chinese by ethnicity and went to Waseda, so I have plenty of Japanese friends. I've seen and been a part of plenty of things here, some of which disgust or sadden me. I know I had to deal with a fuckton of Anti-American sentiment from the Chinese, to say the least.
There are times when Japanese will get upset about a rape or something that occurs in Okinawa on a military base, but it is really the Chinese that are fanning the flames and say "see? look how terrible the Americans are...the Chinese are much better!" They are the ones staging protests, blasting propaganda everywhere, trying to spread anti-American attitudes however they can.
Its a phenomenon you don't really see in American identity politics. Here, the Chinese use their ethnic similarity to pose as other Asians. Its probably more like medieval Eruope politically.
As for other things, there are always rumors here about Chinese spies. And I'm pretty sure I've seen it. They are basically sent to conduct surveillance on any Chinese study abroad students who are trying to escape, as well as the Taiwanese, and anyone else really. They try to stifle freedom of speech and enforce CCP authoritarian attitudes in the name of "community" and "harmony" and shit like that.
What's really sad is they only do that because their government straight up brainwashed them. I feel like Chinese are driven insane with jealousy because they wish like hell they were white and European or American. They see us as Gods and they highly value the humans as Gods thing
As a half, before I had come here I would probably get pissed at you for saying something like that, but its actually kind of true.
They seriously do not understand what it is like to have freedom of thought or freedom of speech or anything. They all bow to their superiors in a chain that links all the way from the lowliest peasant to the most corrupt government officials. Its a ponzi scheme hive-mind. I dont want to sound arrogant, but all the Chinese guys at Waseda fucking hated me because I started hanging out with one of their "best girls," and because I had "individuality," while they were all crooked teeth fish people with the same glasses.
>they only do that because their government brainwashed them
lol, why do westerners always make this assumption? Nationalism/patriotism is an inherent part of people, not a government artifact.
Even overseas Chinese like me want to Make China Great Again, anything less is being a cuck.
Maybe because whites are naturally cucks, thats why you can't imagine Chinese to pursue their own national interests without being "brainwashed" by government.
Isn't there a load of Korean illegal immigrants in Japan? I wouldn't be surprised if that shit ramped up with Trump and Kimchee both chimping out recently
And by the way, the girl I started hanging out with started to face persecution as well for even talking with me. Other times, Chinese girls would try to talk to me to see if I liked them, and when they realize I wasnt interested in them that way they would remove me from their facebook. The reason for that is if you even talk to an American in an unsanctioned way you are seen as a traitor and will get trashed by their hivemind power structure.
>race traitors get shamed
>a bad thing
why are whites such cucks
maybe if you behaved the same way to coalburners your race wouldn't be dying out
Yep. You're Chinese alright lol. Don't even get me stated. I'll demoralize you so fast you'll throw yourself of the foxconn roof
I'm living in the west buying up property and colonizing your lands, while your country is 50% white on the verge of civil war. Nothing you post on Sup Forums will change that reality.
The US needs to purge China like you did to Japan and South Korea. I say this as a Chinese.
Also, ignore the /sci/--I'm too lazy to take another pic.
Dont feed it.
The US wants to, but it can't. This is the reality of today's world.
Opium wars round 3: China jumps up to get beat down
The difference is Americans and others in the west are brainwashed with at least some semblance of freedom embedded into their idea structures. Far as I can tell, that doesnt exist for the Chinese. At the highest order of hierarchy it is always the CCP.
Probably. Though Chinese propaganda in East Asia is mostly "kick out the white piggu Americans!" and "become isolationist!" so it's hard to get really angry about it.
>Its a phenomenon you don't really see in American identity politics. Here, the Chinese use their ethnic similarity to pose as other Asians. Its probably more like medieval Eruope politically.
Reminds me something.
Im moving in with a Chinese guy and girl. Its like he doesnt understand personal space or maybe is a closet homo. Hes always coming in for big hugs and fuck, I dont even hug my good mates. Ive tried extending the hand but he doesnt fucking get it.
Also he gets uncomfortable and "forgives" me whenever I say something slightly critical of china. Involved in chinese student politics etc.
I think I'll drop some knowledge over a long period of time and gauge his reaction.
A delusion. Drug use is rampant among youth in the United States, not China.
koreans and chinks are basically the jews in Japan. They always pretend to be oppressed but are pushing some narrative.
Source: lived in japan, japanese waifu.
China spikes Mexico with drugs that get into the us. Obama was too busy being a dumb nigger with a vagina for balls to do anything. America got too relaxed. It's gearing back up though.
Supplies*, not spikes
>a literal nigger gets elected to president
Behold wonders of democracy and freedom
He is half Chinese.
Yes and North Korean and Russian propaganda as well but it is nowhere near the level of Western propaganda which is the dominant form having infiltrated many aspects of everyday life such as entertainment. None of these countries has Japan's or anyone's really best interests at heart not even their own people's. But that is politics. In many ways all of their programs are congruent seeking to weaken Japan as a country. No Japanese cares for their messages except the usual cases since the people here are bright and strong but I am most afraid for the children. I worry that this generation or the one after will go down the same path as the West. I want more than anything for the current government system to remain in place and for the Japanese to stay culturally strong.
You didn't understand the comment you replied to.
How does it taste that your poopy country is oh so strong due to nothing more than western tech, industry and money? You'd be still in the bronze age if it weren't for us. China also didn't even hit a bronze age in their own. There are well known Caucasoid mummies in eastern China due to established trade routes that brought bronze to China.
It's a sad short for the Chinese. Nothing more than a branch of nigger the like of the sentinalese and abbos from Australia who ventured across the middle East from Africa.
Think I'm a liar? There are well documented African tribes that match identically to each Asian type. Even those Budda statues have nappy nigger hair
Shit man, I see anti-trump anti-abe posters at the main campus and I laugh my ass off every time a see them. Fuck the leftists
The funny thing is, the actual japanese normie does not care about China or SK, but the Chinese and Koreans are running high on anti-japanese racial hatred.
Not a single chance those rice niggers achieve anything like the kikes in JPN because they're too openly tribalists and hateful.
Sad story* for the Chinese
Do you ever fantasize about destroying Waito-piggu ching-ching?
You are absolutely spot on. It's sad how much Normies don't give a fuck about politics let alone world politics.
Haha, very typical, a lot of empty words on Sup Forums to make yourself feel better, anything to distract yourself from today's realities.
The reality is:
>your country is 50% white
>your white children are destroying monuments of US history in Charlottesville
>your own children are celebrating white genocide
>you get called a nazi in your own country for daring to stand up for yourself
Your Pivot to Asia failed spectacularly. There is nothing you can do to contain China's power. Your country is on the verge of civil war, and your argument is 2000 year old mummies? LOL
keep whining on Sup Forums, it wont change reality
No it's great cause they don't have to.
Being around only your own race is D A N K
Right, ping-pong?
Maybe instead of hating on China, you fix your own country first.
Stay away from the Chinese hivemind. Lock up all your social media and everything. Hide who your friends with. If you add the wrong person on facebook you will get doxxed. If you are a part of the hivemind feel free to disregard.
mainlanders see Whites as self hating retards
>Russian propaganda
Lol those drunk fucks are too incompetent to do anything to our country; if anything we should always seek to have a good relationship with them because they are very potentially useful against the Chinese and Koreans. But you are right about the North Korean menace. Their espionage can never be underestimated.
The most important thing for our generation to do is to spread the internet/MSM redpill as far and wide into the older generation as possible. Get them off the fucking Gooked up television and they will offer our current patriotic but cucked administration some breathing space to not get cucked by the left.
China can't be fixed
Part of fixing our countries is expelling CCP loyal filth.
Yeah... no
You're about as misinformed about chinks (especially the youth) as they are about gweilou
America please do not "talk smack" as your dusky youth are wont to say. I have no love for China but your country has a long way to go.
Hating china is one of the essential aspects of fixing our country you stupid fucking leaf. Day of the rake when?
Imperial scum.
What are you gonna do about it? Post on Sup Forums? That will surely get rid of the CCP.
USA has been trying for close to 70 years now, yet CCP keeps growing stronger. Keep dreaming lmao
>The reason for that is if you even talk to an American in an unsanctioned way you are seen as a traitor and will get trashed by their hivemind power structure.
Yeah, no.
I don't particularly befriend any of my Chinese peers, so I should be fine.
What is the secret to China's vitality?
Perhaps there's a "chink" in the armor
There are plans for China to formally annex Vancouver by 2034.
>implying I'm a leaf
I'm an overseas Chinese colonizing Canada for my motherland, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Who's gonna stop me, Trudeau? LOL thank you democracy for giving us Justin Trudeau, truly the greatest political system in the world
>I'm an overseas Chinese
You're embarrassing us, you fucking traitor.
>i'm an american
no, you literally just said that you're a chink
That's incredibly ignorant.
Your civilization has accomplished nothing. Zero Asian countries ever hit an industrial revolution in their own. China was given industrial tech when they were humiliated for having a famine in the 1960s. The 1960s!!!!! That's worse than your nigger brethren!!! And you're STILL not caught up to the west after merely INITIATING your industry 200 years after Britain. Remember when a white man discovered electricity? Remember when a white man invented the telephone? The automobile? The airplane? Guns? The real gun powder recipe that China falsely claims as theirs?
What are your so called great inventions? The printing press? I don't think so your language doesn't allow for that, especially back then. White Germans invented that. Your compass was useless with the sextant and the Vikings used a solar compass to explore long before your unusable wet compass.
Your language also disables the possibility of inventing a computer.
What else China man? Come at me. Tell me about how you jerk off to posters of your government officials. I'll tell you why they're not what you think.
Or anything else your ever so proud of
The CIA out Mao in power.... What are you talking about get rid of the ccp? Get over yourself
Falling for obvious bait. Its a shitty LARP, he presses all the buttons and you respond like the retarded yank you are.
all these empty words to make yourself feel better
but it wont change the reality: you're 50% white, most of your population are niggers, spics, and leftist racetraitors, brainwashed by the jews to genocide you in the coming civil war
yet you're on Sup Forums whining about China instead of trying to save your people
You're not convincing anyone to turn on democracy. Your childish government officials throw tantrums like that but ah only cucked Asians buy that garbage. No Asian country has ever overthrown it's government. Not even once.... That's the embodiment of cuckery and there are no greater cucks
So you've got that going for you, China
Which is nice
Banter time has commenced.
This photo was taken in Tokyo.
They say they are "citizen" that opposed new laws of the U.S.‐Japan Security.
The message looks like Japanese language, but Japanese cannot read some words.
Because they used the font that was developed under the Communist China.
Eh I wanted that Info out there. It's probably some white dude pressing buttons but now they have solid facts to defeat the criminal Communist Chinese.
nukes wuz JOOS
Why do they stick with a hieroglyphic like language? Seems very limiting
Or the chicks just dont like you
Are all white betas with yellow fever this autistic?
this is the kind of nonsense Chinese ALWAYS do and since they are just coming out of the stone age they don't understand how stupid their tricks look.
It is much faster and easier to read, but much harder to learn, but that is not an issue because Asians are not stupid.
Fuck you actually are retarded.
I can't even be mad at high quality bantz like that
China should know who's the fucking boss. Hint: It's not China
how does it taste to be soon surpassed by said poopy country?
If there's crime in Japan it's usually a Roppongi Nigger or a Chinese.
t. Zhang
lol it's almost as though they are doing it on purpose
what the hell is wrong with china guys
why are they like that
what are those creatures
Like those Hollywood movies made about Japan, once you enter Japan, it is like the rest of the world doesn't exist.
This is the reason why Japan has so few expats compared to other countries and why Japanese prefer traveling in Japan rather than out of Japan.
I guess this is what happens when you have a history and culture of successfully isolating your country from the rest of the world.
Hieroglyphics are actually very deep and expressive, but I understand that its not easy to grasp for ebonics-spouting simpletons.
Explain. I'm retarded
you're american
The only thing the chinese leadership fears is the democratic virus infecting the middle class. At some point, it will happen though.
They have a history and culture superior to any white nation over the last 1500 years.
>hollywood movies
>being even slightly resembling of our country
lol, you don't believe that there are panty-vending machines on every corner, do you?
>muh Isolation
That's only the 250 years under Tokugawa you historical illiterate. We welcomed plenty of talented Koreans, Chinese, and Persians among others into our country in the years before.
Do you love your CCP gov't?
Yes it will probably happen in the future
Its not that Chinese people have anything against democracy, but it must happen organically and not be subverted by (((foreign))) influences like (((CIA)))
jez, it is as if all my chinese friends are not chinese; have a couple of friends at Waseda, and generally speaking I dont think they,boy or girl, will be interested in you anyway
So foreigners have a harder time infiltrating Japan and vice-versa which shields Japan from leftists ideology from other countries.
Just look at any virtue signalling being shared on social media on Japan and guarnatte you will always find white people pictured or shown on video, very likely English teachers showing their leftism to the camera lens, completely forgetting why they choose to teach English in Japan rather than some foreign shithole or their own native country.
Can we agree Whites are dank and leave it at that?
you used to be. sad
Shame Japan has a hard time deporting those Nigerians in mass because it would make their position in the UN weaker even though they are illegal immigrants.
Also, I feel like Japan should go Mussolini on the gangsters in Japan.
They never been more weaker than they are now.
The yakuza can't even attract much new members anymore no matter how poor the male is, since even the local 7-11 offers paid holidays and health insurance, something the yakuza does not provide at all.
>you fucking traitor.
>see first post
It seems we find a target to spend all of our soon-to-expire tokarev ammo on
Das rite
We'll need to use the WEWUZ narrative to get ahead
wtf japan has nigerian illegal immigrants ?? since when
Chinese revolutions are like clockwork, they just need the right precipitating factors in place. Most people have been brainwashed, but it will not last forever.
>it will happen
it had happened, or what do you think we went through in the 80s and 90s.
and no, democracy is not the problem, only that we have too much at stake to risk a potentially toppling (((westernization)))
The funny thing is that results in why Japanese monster stories aren't as scary as European monster stories.
Due to Japan's isolationism and the fact that nothing really happened much due to those peaceful centuries, story tellers couldn't really make a living, selling horror stories in such peaceful times, so they decided to add humor to their monster stories, instead.
yeah but Sup Forums told me they were screeching yellow monkeys with a demonic hive mind influencing their every thought
it has nothing to do with the u.n.
they maintain a strong bargaining position over the u.s. and dont eant to Treaten it
japan used to literally sterilize half blacks and send them to work colonies abroad
it will return
fucking lel