Suicide is Now the Second Leading Cause of Death for Youth and Young Adults.
Why is the vast majority of the west having such a large suicide problem ?
Suicide is Now the Second Leading Cause of Death for Youth and Young Adults.
Why is the vast majority of the west having such a large suicide problem ?
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More suffering then joy in life.
but shithole countries dont have that issue
Because our society is fucking shit and there's very few incentives left.
You want a job? Go into $50k debt and take a gamble at uni, or get a trade and compete with mexicans.
Women? They're all feminists, neo marxists, hop from cock to cock using apps like tinder not giving a fuck about you looking at you as disposable.
Nation? Your national culture is dead, your history is being erased, and your people being replaced.
Kids? Good fucking luck affording one with your debt and your wife/you working all day.
What is left?
When the world turns against Christ the lost fall because they see nothing but corruption, sin, and nihilism. The soul yearns for more but does not find it in material things, and physical death is the only slowly approaching inevitability because the spirit has already died.
Because white people are taught to hate ourselves. No wonder they're all depressed, they don't love who they are because they can't accept they are white.
they are part of the inferior specimens that nature is taking care of.
I for one don't want to see your lands invaded by the pigs that leave our countries either.
Perhaps necking themselves would be a better option
Natural selection. Good riddance.
turns out man wish more than being an economic unit in a superstate. who knew
that could also be it
>meme flag
opinion discarded, barely read it
Because people expect everything on a plate. Some can't deal with the fact that some people will never be successful and will end up with shit careers due to their poor choices in life.
Look at the spastics complaining about the graduate job market, even though it's their fault for doing a degree in something like history or art history.
>push snowflakery to extremes
>wonder why the associated depression overwhelms so many
leftism is truly cancer
>believing this meme
>society is shit
just fyi most normies are in debt up to their fucking eyeballs its all a facade lol
He's right though.
Second guy
Yeah this plays into it. Many of those people grow up being told they're gifted geniuses and artistic talents, they're usually a suburban middle class only child. They will major in libarts and humanities because they think their thoughts are that important and people will want to hear them, they're smug and deluded because they've been told they're special their whole lives.
shit or not, one can do well enough if they get off their arse and have a crack at things instead of bleating about it like some phd barista
Food. All of our food is processed to shit and filled with chemicals that human beings aren't supposed to ingest in large quantities. Xenoestrogens, highly concentrated fructose, pesticides, fungicides, you name it. That shit is frequently carcinogenic, and wreaks havoc on hormone balance in ways we're only just now beginning to understand.
Who knew that feeding people chemical waste would fuck with their minds?
Our society sucks lets look at some simple things in society you must do
>Get a good job
This is a matter of luck, getting an expensive degree and possibly talent however if you cannot make it without college then you will put your ass in debt for decades.
>Renting an apartment
Apartments are expensive as hell especially if you want to live near the city. You will be at least be working full time at minimum wage with a diet consisting of beans and bread just to share your apartment with 2 to 4 other people who might pawn your shit for drugs while you are out breaking your balls.
>Getting married
Marriage is a death job that no man should get into as the incentives are downplayed by the risk. Most women already have sucked a dozen dicks so your ass ain't special down the line, and when it comes to marriage marriage gives men no rights, no authority but gives us the responsibility.
Your cunt wife can do anything and she will still get half your shit.
>Your country
Full of spinless cucks and imported immigrants where unpopular views are censored by the world of doxing and liberalism. If you go to some Trump rally expect to lose your job as antifa will have no problems contacting your employer.
>Having kids
Most of the time will be spent working and if you have a wife she can threaten to take them away at any time for any reason.
If you are like my ass you will never see them and you will never know them as i am not dealing with the bullshit of family.
>Why is the vast majority of the west having such a large suicide problem ?
Do your two eyes have light going into the pupil?
Agreed. Without Christ there is no purpose in life.
I think it's such a prominent issue in the west largely due to the visible polarity within our society
>go home to rural serbia every few years
>senpai lives in a small town roughly 10k population
>everyone knows each other
>most people do hands on work
>whilst people have enough to provide for themselves they are below the poverty line by western standards
>but everyone is happy
>there is no visibly polarity
>this leads to a heightened sense of community
>feeling part of something
>not necessarily a connection to nationality but community
>we don't have any migrants though so that helps
Whilst i live far better off than my relatives back home they are far happier than me
I see no point in living on this hell planet anymore.
The west can't be saved, germany can't be saved. The only options I see having are living in a mudpeople infested country where I'm increasingly forced to abide to their laws and integrate into their culture or end it before I see my people and my culture slowly and painfully die out.
The only thing that keeps me from an Hero is my family and the fear that god will punish me in the afterlife for committing suicide. And spare me that "hurr durr just man up and throw the mudslimes out lol where is the problem" shit, we both know well enough that this is not going to happen.
I've 'checked-out.' I've decided that since society is fucking kikes and disgusting, I'm going to enjoy myself, be a complete heathen, try and makes tons of money without any morality except no killing or rediculous shit, and just fucking peace out. The west died when they made (((Christianity))) king. This shit was over since the beginning of time.
No, Cars are just safer now.
Suicide is a sin and so is murder, don't do that. it would be useless anyway
It's not just the West, it's the developed world in general.
In my opinion it's economy and demographics. We are all saddled with a large group of people who have held on to their jobs longer than generations before, saved little, and fewer children, and are relying on the government to pay for their ballooning medical costs (I swear people aren't allowed to die of age anymore with how much treatment and drugs we heap on them).
We are faced with weak job prospects (college-educated, have not been groomed for middle-management and higher due to those jobs being held onto by older generations until we are in our late 20's early 30's, at which time they have cheaper younger people and immigrants to fill the gap). Social media has reduced social life for most to occasional nights at a club, where people are STILL glued to their phones. The labor market has made stay at one place difficult, making owning a home and building equity near impossible. All of the above makes settling down and starting a family a poor decision financially.
We can feel our life slipping away as we grind 8 hour days week after week, and let's be honest, all we have to look forward to is whatever hours are left after work, and whatever money is left after bills. There just isn't much left to look forward to.
Living is boring as fuck if you are not attractive rich or famous.
this is the absolute goddam truth. I know it because I read a bunch of russian literture and this is the sense I get. I think the jew tries to separate people away from their family into single room apartments. Single room apartments I think are the number one reason of suicide.
You forsake Christ and continue to forsake him.
Rich and famous people mostly just drive nicer cars and drink better drinks, and for those with time to burn, watch the same shit but on larger TVs.
Wealth takes away some of your worries, but it doesn't necessarily make you any happier.
fuck off with that jew king shit. So tired of all the arguments. We'd have been better off if that kike went to some other planet to spook them.
Because we eliminated all of the other causes of death for youth.
The more advanced we become the more suicide will be prevalent proportionally. Afterall, we don't have much else to kill us.
It's pretty easy to avoid these foods
I honestly think it's decision paralysis. The study I usually cite use jelly beans. They brought in a group and had all the jelly bean flavors separated into different bowls, then told them they could take as many as they want. The people would take one or two jelly beans but mostly left them untouched.
Then they brought in the second group this time though they had all the jelly beans in One Bowl. The people would take the Jelly Beans by the handful.
The conclusion of it was when people have too many choices they tend to freeze and make no choice. Nowadays kids are told they could be anything in the world, anything at all. YOU CHOOSE. Frankly I think all the options are overwhelming, leading to drug use, withdraw from society, and suicide.
Like exodus once said in one of their songs,suicide is only for cowards
If the end truly is coming soon we have front row seats to see the forces of iniquity begin to lose their shit because they know what's coming. You can also convert and help others find Christ as well. Prayer helps the good and inhibits the enemy's magic.
I'd like to see total youth mortality compared with previous years. One of you cucks fetch me the numbers.
This isn't even remotely true, being rich/famous will not make you happy or make your life interesting. The belief that it can/will is the real reason kids are an hero-ing.
This isn't going to go on ad infinitum.
I look forward to seeing Germans decked out in Hugo Boss with the latest HK weaponry taking back their Deutschland.
This is suicide overall.
Most people don't, though
Your culture will not die out, muslims will not take over Germany. Their fertility rate is dropping, they can't have 6 to 8 children anymore it's expensive even with welfare money.
Many are also being westernalized and some are becoming atheists or you'll see muslim feminists and all that shit.
Try living your life at best, do you part find a good wife, marry, have children and raise them right, don't let them become paws of the system.
Because life is FUCKING BORING!
The rates look pretty static. As I already speculated suicide isn't increasing but other causes of death are decreasing.
There's no programme of Black Genocide, nor Yellow, nor Brown Genocide. But you have heard of White Genocide, right? The white people who would be healthy if there weren't a system of genocide taking place against them now have a much harder time.
Young women's rate of suicide is rising. They were sold bs about having it all, when most really want babies and husbands. Hell, that's half of hallmark channel - #boxwinefeminism
I blame sex in the city.
Only because so many muslims come flooding in and they generally believe suicide is a straight path to hell. Everyone here has some friend who has killed themselves.
Nihillism craves for tyranny..
Oddly, this is the silver lining I'm hoping for.
Its the state of the modern world.
People have no spiritual fulfillment. There is nothing with a greater purpose than pointless hedonist pursuits.
There is no struggle to hone oneself. There is no challenge to overcome. We're denied everything that we're made for.
Look at who our celebrities are now. The Kardashian family amassed a billion dollar empire all from being whores. This is who our young women have to look up to. This vapidity creates a profound sense of hopelessness that takes root in the back of everyone's mind.
Stupid to think people just kill themselves because they're mildly pressured, even if they are a "snowflake." There is obviously a lot more going on, more about having no where to turn when you're depressed since most relationships are superficial today
>be me
>26 with a history degree
>work for a major company in accounting
>first year making 50k
>engaged living in an apartment in Denver splitting rent with fiance, 600 a month each
>17k left in student loans, will be paid off in under 10 years comfortably
Are you even fucking trying? Grow up you depressed loser.
Imagine your beautifull world around you destroyed by self hating indoctrinated retards, shitskins and niggers, you can't say or do anything good except to join them in destruction of what you love. If you try to kill them you know the jews will use that against the remains of the world you once loved. It's the easy way out so you don't have to die slowly while watching the world burn
Western people lack character and are defeated by the smallest setbacks.
You shouldn't need to go into debt or even get a loan in order to live comfortably.
Whenever I hear the suicide statistics it always makes me laugh
You know you're the most dangerous person in your life?
>Oldness comes to rile, The youth who dream suicide
I would say that a lot of it is just young men, also young women but mostly young men, being told that they were born wrong, that they're horrible people by default, and that it's their fault that the world is going to shit over, and over, and over again until they actually beleive it.
Once you thoroughly convince yourself that you're a terrible person and that there was nothing you could have ever done about it and there's no way you can ever get better, suicide seems like a very sensible option.
Bring back serfdom
It's per 100k people, so an increase in population means more suicides even if it remains level. US population went from 180mil in 1960 to 323 million last year.
Because there is no struggle in life, or even allowed in life. Anything remotely satisfying requires permits, and licenses, anything too off the path is blocked off, illegal.
We didnt fight, kill and survive to be live safely, and when we do we lose the value to our lives.
Its also why you see so many mass shootings.
We as humans require struggle, and when there is none we go a bit crazy.
Shithole countries don't de-volve into amoral shitholes that ONLY exist for consumption
They lose all spirituality, whether its bullshit or not, it provides meaning to a persons life
Once they lose that they replace it with consumerism but there is no thing they can buy or lease or experience that fills the void of meaning
Devoid of meaning, having everything they thought they wanted (clothes, car, drugs, whatever) they just give up
Shithole little countries where your meaning is to take care of the land and provide for your children and goto sleep and do it over again lack that issue
I blame immigration
We've become too soft. A world war will stirr things up.
This, textbook psychological conditioning, it's the same shit as when you're being raised and your mum tells you to always respect women even if they're wrong simply because they're women.
>ignores the whole post to respond with the dumbest sentence ever crafted
Yeah let's all just buy a house with cash. You're either retarded or underage. Get an actual job instead of whining on the internet.
>Because our society is fucking shit and there's very few incentives left.
Succinct way to put it. The existential despair in the average turbo-autist raised by the internet is overwhelming these days. People really need a sense of communal belonging and a pair bond with a sane female to not entertain the idea of sticking your head into a fucking wood chipper or waiting patiently on some train tracks for your own swift and timely demise.
>Yeah let's all just buy a house with cash
Why not? It's what the boomers did.
It's literally not what the boomers did.
Weak skinned baby fags who can't deal with things not going their way.
>Oh shit, a problem!
>Better fucking kill myself
hey at least in usa you can easily buy guns, to go hunting in australia its a fucking nightmare of paperwork and red tape, Im going to start taking ssri drugs soon doctor says it will help me become more of a cuck
No reason to live
Take away families and faith and what is there?
I was told its all going to be alright, I was lied to.
Nice point and you're right. It's not shitty quality of life, it's a sense of hopelessness.
Not understanding what your point is.
Society fucking sucks rn man.
Especially when teens dont want to take part in the Nigger music and muh weed nonsense.
why do snowpoors suicide? cause its cold?
none of the places on that list, bar USA, are hot climates
The cause of suicide is not life being hard. People can endure hardship, people crave hardship. The best of our characteristics rise to the surface during hardship. People commit suicide because of unbreakable feelings of despair. A feeling that does not go away, cannot be thought away. Feeling and thinking that life is pointless is a very profound thing.
Why work when you don't enjoy life?
Why earn money when everything you could buy will fail to bring you enjoyment?
Why start a family when marriage will only end in divorce?
Why bring children into the world when its so fucked up?
Why bother waking up when nothing will change?
Why see another day when nothing is beautiful?
That sense of hopelessness is modernity itself.
It is not mere weakness, it isn't being a spoiled millennial. This is a sickness brought on by a society structured to minimize our humanity. The spirit, the human soul, needs to be cared for exactly as the rest of the body does.
When people have their basic necessities secured, food, clothes, house,...They end being depresed because humans need inmmediate goals, that's how our brains work.
Without goals to drive you to keep going day by day, you would be just waiting for death, that's why poors/3rd worlders have less suicides, depresions and so on..., they're busy trying to survive.
Where do you live?
Climate has a significant impact on mood I find.
I'm much happier when it's warm and sunny.
Humans are an astoundingly resilient species, so long as they have purpose. First world conditions have been so great for so long that we haven't had to fight for our survival in any significant, meaningful way for quite some time.
Iirc there was a study that took mice and provided them with food, water, and mates to analyze whether or not the survival instinct would be lost over generations. It took about 7 generations for the mice to show no interest in breeding and instead showed more interest in preening themselves.
Lack of vitamin D.
Individualism feeds self-centeredness, and the latter feeds psychological problems that can spiral. Add the incessant comparing of oneself to others via the distorting prism of social media. Add a culture of creating discontent and feelings of inadequacy to sell stuff. Add the alienating effect of smartphones, even couples may be spending time "together" with both diddling on their smartphones and barely even acknowledging each other.
So... Self-centeredness, expectations, sense of inadequacy, alienation.
I actually was at work talking about how there is blatant racism against white people and my two white co workers crept up on the conversation and said I was wrong and that whites ruin everything. I'm not white either, it's just weird to see a someone demean their own race, Ivy leaguers too.
Look around. Do you think this is the kind of world any sane person would like to live in?
And worse, there's no hope left. Leftist degeneracy will keep progressing, whites will become minority and north america and europe will turn into african or mideastern shitholes with sharia. May as well stop your suffering early, before you meet some tanned neo-canadian in dark alley and he teaches you true depth of despair and pain.
Not replyer, but you have a ton of people grinding for a job they want while working in a field they dont want or working below their value because of saturation.
Or maybe it's because jelly beans are fucking disgusting. I'd definitely kill myself if I had to eat those.
>ivy league
>self loathing
>trying to buddy up to the non-white by self hating
Always mate
'YA', or 'Young Adult Fiction'.
The Hunger Games, Divergent, The 100,
All YA now deals with 'Class struggle', literally normalizing Marxist class conflicts.
YA fiction should be raising issues that directly affect the lives of youths: body image, family relationships, personal relationships.
Unfortunately Cultural Marxism has infiltrated even the books our children read now, and those that aren't radicalised are left disenchanted with society,
This leads to suicides.
Universe 25 experiment is quite interesting as an analogy of modern socity
A lot of people in the West have nothing to live for. No faith, no religion
Life wasn't meant to be easy though. Gotta rise for the challenge
I agree too, I'd never take the easy way out and give up, just pointing out some reasons why things are worse than they might have been.
Internet plays a role too, porn/internet/video game addiction and social media I'm sure play a role in making people more depressed.