Why hasn't a shoot out happened between antifa and the nazi's?


Other urls found in this thread:


They're both white.

Throw a couple niggers in there and you have a party.

pussy's and they're afraid too die

Antifa doesn't have guns


This faggot is crying now, serves you right.
He is going to Jail.


Because whoever fires the first shot loses the propaganda war.

No use yet my boy, not yet.


Look at the video faggot.

I hate it when baldlets shave their head, thinking that they've now solved the problem because we somehow can't tell that they have inferior genetic features. You can still tell that some parts of his head are darker and others are thinner, he's even made it more obvious because the hair growth is now directly and clearly exposed for everyone to see.

The only Sup Forums approved solution to balding is to maintain a highly elaborate combover such as the one that the God Emperor Trump has at all times.