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Give me some whitepills
Hungary will never fall to Marxism.
Is Ben wrong?
>Meme flag poster
>Thinks the economy was doing good 30 years ago
Kill yourself cuck
Hungary is more than 95% Hungarian.
Is Conservatism being hurt?
>Postmodernism is ug-
Ben is the Nate Silver of the right- a young Jewish guy that bitches mightily about Trump but is pretty much always wrong about everything.
Conservatism is stronger than ever, that's why Ben and others are upset, because what they call conservatism isn't.
So he had at least five generation that tolerated visible mongrel breeding. What would you know about being European, Hunnic invader? Get back to your steppe
Now who told you that Meds are European? Spencer's nig blood can be from his Italian side easily
>>known mongrel
>He is 0,2% north african
>Which means 500 generations ago he had one half-white dad
>Being a mongrel = One out of your 2^500 ancestors was not caucasian
No no no no, I have less than .1 percent Japanese in me which means that was some 30 generations ago and he has some .4 percent nonwhite in him so that is much more recent and much more. He has actual sub-Saharan African in him, actual nigger blood. I don't have a fucking nigger ancestor at least. The dude is actual part nigger.
Is Bannon the problem?
> Being this autistic
I love Kellyanne.
>polls show that people agree with Trump on his handling of Charlottesville and that Conservatives in general want less immigration and more jobs
No, but faggy Jewish bullshit is being hurt
80% barely and Orban is a corrupt half gypsy thief
No, he's the solution
The Final So- *fired from LBC*
Great shitpost mate. This building looks like a stack of trash
>Being a fucking nigger
>Worshiping white-supremacist niggers
You guys are jokes, find an actual fully white person next time.
>Maltese arabic animal
>polls show that people agree with Trump on his handling of Charlottesville
Can you refute this?
>Italians aren't European
>neither are Hungarians
>said the Slav, whose people originated in the swamps of Northeastern Europe
Now THIS is shitposting
Richard Spencer is white. The point at which you need to start questioning someone's whiteness is at the point where they have 1/4 or greater non-Caucasian ancestry and are visibly niggerish-looking. Even then it doesn't really matter all that much unless Jews have opened up interracial breeding camps to force white people to orgy porgy with niggers until everyone is a shade of Obamaish yellow.
>juggalos are pro-trump
Ben's weakness is similar to Ann Coulter's, they believe most everything the media says, at most maybe believing some events are reported in a skewed way.
They can't accept that the MSM's outlook could be completely wrong.
Bannon is literally a scapegoat. Kushner has also become a scapegoat. Trump keeps these guys around because liberals freaking out and screaming that Trump isn't the president makes them look retarded.
Here's a fully white creature for you. It's about as real as what you're looking for.
If you hate us so much stay in your own country, fuckheads. Balkan niggers are hated here because they're the fucking worst, most violent hooligan scumbags.
You're like an entire fucking nation of chavs.
>The point at which you need to start questioning someone's whiteness is at the point where they have 1/4 or greater non-Caucasian ancestry and are visibly niggerish-looking.
Are you joking? If someone is a little less than a quarter nigger then they are white to you???
What happened to this place?
Now take it out of that beautiful landscape and let's see how she holds up
Literally from NPR, one of the faggiest liberal radio stations you'll ever find.
Tfw you realize our best, most consistent bread bakers are probably FBI agents just doing their job
I posted that myself earlier, but that's not about Trump's handling of Charlottesville.
No I'm saying it doesn't fucking matter unless you live in South Africa and your race is under threat of being raped out of existence by wild niggers.
Orban is protecting his country
He could steal half their GDP and I wouldn't give a fuck as long as the nation is safe
Kill yourself for being so damn petty in times of such a dire tone
Poll from the liberal talking mouth itself showed 60%+ saying the statues are historial monuments and shouldnt be touched.
Oh right, woops. Doesn't matter, people oppose liberals and niggers acting like faggots so Trump wins and all these cuckservatives going "w-we should consider taking down the statues" lose
Ben says that Trump's approvals are so low Republicans will be BTFO in 2018 and Trump will lose reelection
I don't believe you in the slightest. Bannon isn't taking any heat away from Trump, he's just pointing out that the Democrats will continue to lose if they keep going down the progressive path.
Jared Taylor but he is lenient on mongrels like Spencer publically and call jews "look white to me".
>purest untouched enclaves of Europe can be compared to shitholes of Africa and Central Asia
Amerishart education in action
>Richard Spencer is white
If you consider people like Richard White you may as well close the borders, mix it up, 400 years later call those who say that you are not Anglo-Saxon or White European a D&C kike shill, although the person making an accusation most likely would be a 1/32 Jewish himself
>Here's a fully white creature for you. It's about as real as what you're looking for.
I'm more white! He is more nonwhite by a factor of ten to me!
You have an actual part nigger fronting your pro-white group, holy shit you guys are absolutely delusional. You're defending nigger blood in people.
Go to Estonia or something, there are actual fully white people in this world.
It absolutely 100 percent matter. Any amount of nigger blood is very concerning to me.
Ben is a kike who thinks that the USA could be Republican if it was 90% black. Ann at least wants to gas the shitskins.
He said the exact same thing in 2016, and not only did Trump win but the Republicans held the Senate against all odds.
They're destroying themselves.
Who cares
He's looking more and more like the villain in a batman movie
>Americans ITT engaging in their famous "one drop rule" policy.
>Jared Taylor but he is lenient on mongrels like Spencer publically and call jews "look white to me".
>*If you look white enough then fuck whiteness man lets do some socialism together, genetics are racist
>50 posts in and 40 of them are filtered
Mongrels and shitskins that believe they will avoid a DNA based citizenship or get into ethnostate by looks alone. Note how they use "Caucasian" a lot. It's not a thing. "Caucasoid" as a term was brought up by a crazy idiot who felt in love with a skull. Convenient way to put pure Europeans, shitskins and mongrels into the same category.
nigger spotted
Oh look, it's the exact same shit we've seen a thousand times over in the election.
Comfy time is best time
>Ben says
(((Ben))) says all types of shit.
"Gonna be lit af when Trump has Hillary indicted next week"
>pls go away Trump
Will this end Trump's presidency?
Was everyone memeing and I was the only wone who actually wanted Eugenics and preservation of pure whites?
It's... somewhat tasteful, but likely only due to it's location.
Except Benji isn't a race traitor and isn't an attention whore
Most Europeans score 100% European on DNA test, but Med dindu most likely will never get how that can be possible
Anyone else remember when magic was real?
>WTF? why did you disavow?
>Mongrels and shitskins that believe they will avoid a DNA based citizenship or get into ethnostate by looks alone. Note how they use "Caucasian" a lot. It's not a thing. "Caucasoid" as a term was brought up by a crazy idiot who felt in love with a skull. Convenient way to put pure Europeans, shitskins and mongrels into the same category.
What the fuck is the point then??? People are still genetically this or that. That is just throwing genetics out the window.
Muh dick
They're at the begging stage. Nothing is working.
Is it really that high?
It was about negroes there, in Europe it applied to all shitskin ancestry. You don't mix milk with shit
For a guy who keeps repeating facts don't care about your feelings", he sure is a petty little bitch
>he needs to go
or what?
I can't pick a favorite Miller or Bannon
>isn't an attention whore
Nigga please
He's all about selling that next book and making that next sheckel
Mongrels are this or that. Europeans are European
fuck that hill shill
>look goys, she can open a pre-opened jar of pickles
>oh, you thought it was staged, drumpfkins? pssshh, wow, like wow, so pathetic, it COULDN'T have been staged, because... well you're just virgin losers. im with her.
Magick is.
>those murder eyeballs
jesus christ user. please fuck off with those.
Is New York Times correct?
I wish there were more of Bannon speeches. I could pick if there was more of that to peruse through.
No he isn't
He is about one thing and one thing only, Zion
Everything he does is to further the goals of Israel and the Jewish people
That's not being an attention whore, that's being good at your propaganda post
I didn't even know the Maltese nigger was actually part nigger, kek. No wonder he is such a dumb cunt.
When did it stop being real, heretic?
ye its prob because i have all meme flags and Poland and Finland flag filtered. reason for last to is because both are a problem on this board
Do you realize how fucking stupid, on the human level, just the you know, basic human level, this anime shit is, and you're a fan of a saved animated .gif of a waging tail to boot? What a pathetic loser! (Watch this kid will think I'm anti-Trump now like the two have a correlation..)
Not possible, Soviet and Soviet thralls didn't eat pussy because showering wasn't always a daily guarantee
The author sure is interesting
Don't you have a dog to fuck?
this is the most kike filled bullshit i have read in like 5 minutes. and that's saying a lot given the absolute state of the media.
if they bathed once a week i'm sure it was a miracle
I don't blame you, but you're only blocking the trouble poles and the two bad Finns right?
You're not blocking the good ones are you(that would be mean)?
Did besides Hannity some Insider, for example WH user, come back?
Btw. did someone encrypt Hannitys tweet yet?
Is that counting the mass-rapes?
Yawwwwn oh i'm so tired user, aren't you?
Miller is a jew, but is probably smarter.
Bannon is not a jew, but isn't quite as smart.
Does she look jewish to anyone else, or is it just me?
Trebec, I'll take what was the Soviet sexual revolution, for $800.
Women led this revolution and the same women who led it - shocker - REGRETTED THEIR DECISIONS AFTER. Turns out when you're a fucking whore nobody ever wants to settle down with you and you're left husbandless and old with cats
That thing also has had some serious renovation work due to being a structural nightmare wanting to be swallowed by the creek.