Um guys? We're fucked.
Um guys? We're fucked
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>drinking that shit
I wouldn't be surprised
disgusting shit
Lame-ass niggas
Was the study conducted by his fag haired bf in a labcoat that once visited MIT and now hocks Jones shitty, overpriced supplements?
lmao these two faggots don't sip
I'd believe it. I think a lot of it would have more to do with people that start drinking them have drug seeking behavior.
>Caffeine is a drug
>Sugar is basically a drug in large quantities
Who knew?
I tried that nasty shit when it first came out. Tasted like the sweat off a kangaroos asshole. I do like red bull though. Don't drink it very often.
Energy drinks are retarded, just drink coffee.
This is fucking retarded, it isnt a gateway drug, the reason most people that do drugs drink energy drinks is because theyre both favourites of niggers and chavs
I heard people say this 10 years ago
pleb tastebuds Monster Energy Ultra would be my death row last meal request
>Headline is a statement that ends with a question mark
The absolute state of American "journalism"
It's true. I'm hooked on adderall now. I read a six foot pile of books this year. Feels good.
You should start drinking it often
Alex Jones is fucking retarded. Don't ever post his shit here again
Because he works at the university that did the study...
Coffee is retarded, just drink water.
Patrician taste
drink your own piss
No thanks, I'd rather drink straight estrogen
Caffeine buzz wore off and i took to alcohol, this is true
Water is in literally everything you drink.
people that abuse drugs have untreated mental conditions like adhd this is 90% of the time
This month only...InfoWars Monster Masher ™ energy drink blocker.
30 day ultrapure supply, only $399.99
Only 10,000,000 bottles available at this price.
>Not isolating pure caffeine from green tea leaves
are you fucking gay or something? get the fuck outta here you fucking niggers.
Buy our new natural super male infused energy drink instead.
Not true, mercury is waterless
>Arrows on the back and not on the hip
>That weak ass stance will result in arrow shaking if he tries to nock it hard
Confirmed for weekend archer...
Do you drink mercury?
>calling others gay
you sound weak af
or stupid
no definitely stupid.
>muh stim wore off better take a depreseent!
t. 12 year old kids
Caffeine is an BACE1 (β-secretase) inhibitor (alzheimer main factor)
Not sure if you're trolling or not, it's used in literally every thermometer
>gateway drug
nothing but buzzwords
>not just drinking tea
Green tea has the highest concentration of caffeine in any natural compound.
>mfw you've never even extracted pure caffeine and then snorted it like a line of coke.
quit spreading bullshit summerkid
Just drink black coffee or non-artificial unsweetened tea
what did you really expect from a nord cuck
speak for yourself, i don't touch that fucking shit. Also if you do ingest the sugary jew drinks you're fucking pathetic
Energy drinks are aspartame containers, but Jones is just fucking demented.
I drink almost all sugar free energy drinks but I don't know how you cunts can bring yourselves to drink zero ultra
Wouldn't it just be easier to buy caffeine powder or is that illegal in your country?
You aren't supposed to drink from a thermometer.
only for labs and businesses. plus it's cheaper than buying it from retailers in shitty energy drinks.
I really really miss the times when caffeine actually had an effect on my mood, It was phenomenal when i was 15 and first tried it the effect was profound
If I had a steady supply of Adderall I would probably wind up an addict -- I just get so much shit done and it is a powerful / euphoric high for me. Luckily I'm able to stay away from drugs for the most part.
It would not surprise me at all if 70% of this place was retard gen Z kids who have been guzzling soft unregulated drinks since the age of 8, thanks to their shit parents. Do you put the sticker on the back of your hatchback too? Fucking homos, enjoy a rotted brain to go with your teeth.
Dexies are fucking AMAZING i took 5mg i think and the effect was amazing i would be a functional person if i had easy, regular access to it but, no
>Mountain Dew
>Red Bull
>Fucking Powerthirst
Some grown people actually drink this crap? Your post is the strongest reminder of the quality of the people posting here
All I drink is lemonade. Basically sugar water, but it's better than Coke or energy drinks, both health and taste-wise.
hope you heard that one bro, come knock a few back with me at Mt Albert train station.
cheers cunt
I drink sugar variety of sugar free rockstar almost daily since 2010
How fuck I am
i prefer iced coffee
Maybe you guys should stop being edgy faggots, man up, and drink coffee instead of energy drinks that taste like a hyperactive sugar addict 6 year old's liver
who owns monster? are they jewish?
If you boys aren't drinking the zero calorie Rockstar with 240 MG of caffeine then get off my fucking board.
energy drinks taste like shit anyway
BASED REDBULL! why is there shit so expensive though?
my man.
I also make Mate tea myself and put in a bit of lime and honey and drink that ice cold. really nice.
I don't drink energyy drinks. I drink coffee like you should. From whole beans nonetheless.
From wiki:
Hilton Schlosberg
(President and COO)
its been 2 years and i still think about the time i took half a dexamphetamine pill, the effect was that profound never felt anything like it before
Only girls drink iced coffee. Do you also wear dresses?
Well slap my nutsack and call me goldberg whaddya know
Pretty sure I took MDMA before I ever had an energy drink
i was told that Michael Savage's son created Rockstar energy drinks is that true
>that first sip of the day
only losers and 12 yeard old consume energy drinks
>drinking this shit in the first place
Fuck off, faggot.
Ew no thanks.
Pre workout and thermogenics braah
They must of giggled crazy watching all christians/muzzies drinking this stuff hahah
really? before i was addicted to caffeine they made me feel good and basically gave me mild euphoria
Rockstar is owned by Michael Savage's son
I use hard drugs recreationaly but wouldn't touch these energy drinks with a 10 foot pole. Fuck caffeine and all the other shit they put in them.
what is better with amphetamine than caffeine?
Nobody should be drinking that garbage anywah
also: the letter 'O' in 'Monster' has a cross in it. when you drink the cross is reversed.
literally every kid I went to middle/high school with who drank Monsters everyday has become a bunch of "DUDE WEED LMAO" burnout unemployed druggies.
Always stayed away from that heart attack in a can nasty bushit.
>President of Monster Beverage is Hilton Schlosberg
every time
Oh my.
>need to drink something to be energetic
low test babbies go outside
Energy drinks are bad tasting memes.
I tried a 5 hour energy once after I pulled an all nighter during finals, and definitely felt something, but it only lasted like an hour, not the advertised 5.
More like cancer, heart attacks, and just being the type of dumb cunt that would ever drink that chinese horse cum.
because its self medicating for mental disorders
This. At least if you value your body.
I know joke like the taste of Monster
Red Bull can go suck massive dicks tho
I love the taste of all the energy drinks, but if you drink it just to get energy then you probably have some underlying problem. Is there any drinks that taste like energy drinks but won't give me a heart attack?
Finland is rekt.
>addicted to caffeine
Addiction is for pussies, it became your little ritual to drink it daily, you can simply stop now.
Can schizophrenic take Adderall without averse effects? If I'm bouncing off the walls on 2 liters of diet Coke, then I shouldn't be messing with it, right?
Monster energy is fucking trash. If you have to drink an energy drink, then just go with amp, full throttle or rockstar. 5 hour energy is the best.
Also, the Christfag edgelords who think it's satanic are retarded.