This high-T bearded antifa caved in an old disabled /ourguy/'s head from behind with a metal bat at Charlottesville.
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
This high-T bearded antifa caved in an old disabled /ourguy/'s head from behind with a metal bat at Charlottesville.
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
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Why are leftists so fucking fat and disgusting?
Should we try get him like the bikelock bandit? His face is kind of visible. Too bad i'm a useless piece of shit and have no idea on how to identify him.
Here's a second shot.
Tons of photographers on the opposite side of the street so there's probably other angles floating around
That hook nose
The nose knows.
Also, has he been doxed yet? That angle should be good enough for a doxxing.
>1967, Get drafted and sent to Vietnam
>Spend a year wandering through the jungle shitting in a field and get shot at by charlie
>watch your friends die in meaningless ways, as well as many random and unspeakable horrors the average person wouldn't ever understand or believe if you told them about it
>return home, get shat on by leftists for being an imperialist babykiller
>live a hard life
>2017, check out a demonstration that you think might be aiming to bring back the America you vaguely remember as a small child, something to be proud of
>get sucker whacked with a pipe by a cowardly fat neckbeard who has never had to lift a finger for himself and yet still thinks he's hard done by and living in the worst place on earth
Tag it with 'alt left'
The only way to disprove the lugenpresse is to ensure Normie's can find the truth about the alt-left everywhere on line.
Anymore pics?
Jesus i fucking despise these fucking vermin
(also why the fuck are blms flag colors red black and green, when i see it i'm reminded of watermelons)
I can't wait until we can shoot commies again
Face profile is pretty clear and he has a tattoo on his pudgy little arms near his left wrist.
Is he dead? do we have any way we can see if a person has been admitted with a head injury in a nearby hospital?
it's disgusting seeing how they all stand by and watch an old man get whacked and do nothing but take pictures. If the alt-left increase their violence in public, will these people still stand by and do nothing?
I feel a sudden boom in the blacksmith stocks.
How dare you bring up violence on the left you fucking Nazi
>shlock shlock goes the knock knock
We don't even know if he didn't miss.
Also who says that cowboy mong is actually disabled and didn't start shit?
Just because he brought his pimpcane?
Still waiting for facts unlike pol.
I'm sure there are other pictures with him
Is this what it means to be a photographer in this day an age?
To stand by and watch as thugs assault old people?
i want to go full heavy knight now
Please this
In what possible circumstance would it be alright to blindside an old man with a metal bat?
if we can't find a picture of him off the bat we can start with tracing all the people around him.
He is bound to be there with friends, all posting on social media how they're bashing the fash
If he had started shit these commie fucks would have ganged up on him and beaten him half to death.
He's German, he's cucked by nature. Ignore his posts.
Fuck off, Mehmet.
Any Cville fags know what part of town this was taken in?
>cucked by natur-
any vids
What a fucking disgusting world we live in. These people think they are heros....
Do a location search on Instagram for Charlottesville and scroll back to Saturday. I bet all of these faggots were posting all day about Nazi scalps
keep working on this guys, we will execute him publicly
>Still waiting for facts
u have cognitive dissonance facts dont matter to u
Do a location search on Instagram for Charlottesville and scroll back to Saturday. I bet all of these faggots were posting all day about Nazi scalps
Fucking wew. Look at Germany now. The bravery of his ancestors doesn't make him any less of a cuckold. Now show your flag, europoor.
I don't know if anyone pointed this out yet, but you can see plain clothes cops sitting around watching it. Sam Hyde was fucking right.
>all the non-cucked germans are either old af or dead
>"c-cucked by nature, eh?"
Modern Germany has nothing to do with old Prussian Germany of the World Wars era.
Man US cops are fucking pussies
Jesus christ.
Fag looks like an obese Eric Clanton.
Same shitty long cuckhair, same Ray Ban-y sun glasses.
Please for the love of God make this happen
Tattoos on both arms down to his wrists.
Another pic. Note the undercover cop (badge on belt) standing by doing nothing.
The police were ordered to not protect right wing protestors and to make it easier for the leftists to attack them. The local government is, like most governments, full of traitors.
>that badge on the fatty
that's not a bat
>What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
That its legal for his kind and you poltards can do absolutely nothing about it.
Right by the park that the protest was at.
Because everyone in america is fat and disgusting
damn he left a hole in his head, that's fucking brutal
Leftists are pushing conservative's shit in NON FUCKING STOP and all you faggots can do is bitch about it online.
Enjoy dying out, retards
maybe he's incredibly bigoted, that doesn't justify beating him, or harming him in any way, however if he was on fire, i wouldn't even piss on him, i also wouldn't try to put it out with a metal bat.
no one on the left would defend this guy, especially because he's bound to die soon anyways.
Holy shit thats beautiful.
Fake News because our news agencies don't report anything about it. On the other hand this will now be the end of Drumpfs Campaign, not a single republican supports him.
That is what photographers always did. That is journalism. It is not much news if the assault is stopped. If they let him then they might get a murder out of it, think of all the clicks "Anti-fa kills disabled nazi" would give.
He means "shoot me in the face".
Meta data: Photo by Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
so what did the undercover cop do to the guy? dudes flashing a badge in the background
oh my god
>no one on the left would defend this guy
wow a retarded anarchist lying whoda thunk it
You faggots actually have to start defending yourselves. You will turn into Cuba 2.0 if you do not squish the communist threat infesting your communities.
What is even the point of having guns to fight tyranny if you are just going to watch tyrants literally trample you?
Journos in general are scummy leeches but i understand why they don't get involved. Photos like these helped catch eric clanton
its called a lantern shield
so context?
is dude really disabled(not mentally) was he being an edgelord how old is he
I hate to use tumblr words but ya know >ableism
srsly who the fuck beats on the disabled
let me rephrase, no one on the left who isnt fucking retarded would defend this.
Wtf. The neckbrace is real? I guess he really did crash that Ford Edge lease. Damnit Sam.
The entire MSM is defending these retards right now
>it'll turn communist
No, it'll just be a massively corrupt shithole with tons of wealthy enclaves, a Jewish elite, and millions and millions of brown and black hordes used as useful idiots for the ruling elite to use against the ever shrinking white middle class.
Everyone who's not anonymous wanker is defending that guy. MSM, Dem Party, Anti-Fa, BLM, Greens, even Republicans.
Activate autism. Find this guy and fck him up on social media. Someone said he had a hebrew tattoo. If so, so much the better. More fuel for the fire. This guy is our target. Lets so social media what the Alt Left does to the disabled during protests. Do we have any more pics?? We did this for the ulock bike guy, Eric Clayton now were going to shine our own light on this guy as the media protects alt-left antifa... We've been in the middle of this war since Trump was elected. Find this guy and we feed him to FBI and LE...
>this is what commies believe
wew lad
>The entire MSM is defending these retards right now
specifically this one guy, show me
That's why they're there, they're so fat and weak they have to pretend to believe in a cause so maybe they can fuck some hairy legged hippy type with purple hair and pierced flaps.
You can also tell they're gutless beta's by the fact that they're always doing the sucker punch, using hidden weapons like bike locks and bats as flag poles.
What's most disgusting is that the Alt-Right pussies are scared of them.
>no one on the left who isnt fucking retarded
You watch too much propaganda
Indeed under cover cop. Anyway we could get badge numbers?
>however if he was on fire, i wouldn't even piss on him, i also wouldn't try to put it out with a metal bat.
no one on the left would defend this guy, especially because he's bound to die soon anyways.
Ironic, given the left markets themselves and their platform on the notions of compassion and respect
>no one on the left isnt fucking retarded
ooo but this guy specifically this guy noone is defending him oooo yeah they all are dude fuck off
There are many cameramen in the O.P. even.
The entire media that isn't Breitbart is defending this
I doubt any of them have a legit job or it's just a hobby. Not just journalists, people always take out their phones and record or take pictures
Look at how many people are taking photographs. I spit on those human scum. Noone is helping the old man. Fucking disgusting, they should be ashamed of their existance.
Nope its not. But it in this instance is classified as a lethal weapon just like the bike lock from Clayton. Weaponize autism is a GO!!
specifically anyone who commited violence against the protesters, yeah, the msm are defending
Doing god's work, keep it up user
dude wat
They are not the breadwinners of society.
All the smelly low quality aspects of society band together under the commie banner, and try to force all other successful groups to give up their resources by force or peacefully and spead it evenly. This disproportionately helps those with nothing - and they complain muh racism otherwise when you can out compete them with your non-nigger tier iq.
Weak whites, blacks, losers band together for a disgusting dysgenic ideology which is the cancer of the world
How fucking sick and twisted do you have to be to just stand there and watch a defenseless old man get the shit beaten out of him?
boomers BTFO!
>specifically this one guy, show me
They're attacking Trump for saying that bad people were on both sides. So essentially they (MSM) say that alt-left did nothing wrong.
nigga what
we got first blood
>all those people just standing there and taking pictures instead of helping an old man
I'm mad as fuck now desu
Nice photoshop fag enabler
How long will you buy this entire bullshit the media pour on you, you stupid Americans?