So explain to me why it's so taboo for whites to have their own country but blacks can have Africa, Japs/Chinese have their own 99% Asian countries, India is 100% Indian, etc?
So explain to me why it's so taboo for whites to have their own country but blacks can have Africa...
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Except it's not. You confuse America with Europe as the homeland for whites. America is the homeland for native americans so infact you should come home.
White people are inherently evil
when the muslims leave maybe
I am not even talking about America. America shouldn't be 100% white, that makes sense, even though it was a predominantly white country for it's whole history.
Europe though, what the actual fuck. Why do you guys have 20% Arab populations and why did it just happen in like the past 10-20 years? Why is it only your countries doing something like that? My mother is Japanese and it is unthinkable that Japan would have a 20% African migrant population for example. It'd be one thing if the people you let in were from succesful parts of the world or had careers/skills but they just seem to be goat farmers and laborers and shit.
No meme answers pls, this is actually really weird to me.
Look up the jews pushing for immigration. Look up the kikes in congress.
Look up Soros.
Because of cat induced Toxoplasma disease
It's the jew ~
It's the jew ~
(unless of course you contrive some mental illness or bizarre gender to claim minority status and yell oppression, of course.)
That's the jews, but I'm just saying no one thinks it's weird as they do in America that Europe should be 100% white. I don't think anyone really cares whether it's 100% white or just 80% white. We don't have people rioting saying Black Lives Matter. Most people here disagrees with what our governments are doing and think we should definetely send some back. The government and the people's opinions are two very different things.
>why it's so taboo for whites to have their own country
It's not so much that it's "taboo" is that (((the left))) wants a worldwide corrupt form of global communism. EU + UN x 100.
That shit wont fly with white nations and western culture still knocking about. Just look how Britain walked away from those maniacal cunts at the EU and Britain has the same politics as Bernie Sanders.
So the answer they came upon 50 years ago wasn't to try to convince anyone that disagrees, it was to replace anyone that disagrees. Replace them with a brown pet that will do what they say.
>blacks vote >90% dem
>hispanics vote >75% dem
>asians/arabs/indians vote >60% dem
Every brown person from ANYWHERE gets them closer to their goal of completely marginalizing white/western resistance to their new world order.
Why bother trying to trick a single white male voter when you can bring in 50 brown people for less effort?
Then why did you fill our homelands with human refuse sven?
I will give you a hint: It rhymes with "juice".
das racist
20% percent arab population? What ass did you pull this number out of?
But that is where we were 30 years ago. "So there's a few minorities now, who cares it's still genuinely the same country." But look at us today, look how much different the US is now just 30 years later, 20 years later, 8 years later. The change is accelerating. Europe is late 80's or early 90's America culturally and politically. Enjoy the setting sun on your culture Sven. You will have a backlash like we have with trump too, except I expect the European response to be far harsher and more drastic.
Whites can live in those countries, they just dont WANT to
Lol, swedes will become minorities in Sweden in a few generations.
>Most people here disagrees with what our governments are doing
>literally democratically elected
Not true. You could easily move to China or Japan and no one there cares. Same with Africa. Just no one wants to move there.
Not True. I it is hard as fuck for anyone to move for japan or china permanently. but niggers flooding europe and staying cuz muh marxism nd shit.
Go destroy europe somewhere else krautz !
>Not True. I it is hard as fuck for anyone to move for japan or china permanently.
No idea about China but I lived in Japan for three years before I came back on my own. You only have to find a job and then you get your permission to stay. No big deal.
b*rger (((education)))
why you came back? (I'm planning to stay there forever since europe will be burning into civil wars in about 60 years)
China and India are multi ethnic.
When did Africa and Asian countries colonize the rest of the world like Europe?
So much this. That's why americans believe in the whole "we wuz kangz" bullshit, too. They probably think that the whole African continent is full of black people, and that the Moroccans/Lybians/Egyptians/Northern Algerians are "white" people (again, stupid generalisations) who have taken the land of the prideful black men and women.
>China and India are multi ethnic.
Sup Forums is retarded and never opened a fucking text book.
I thought we were all African? What are the Mongols? What is south America?
United Arab Emirates, a Muslim arab nation, only 11% of their population are Emirates.
There is no European nation with 11% native population.
Does the UAE have anti-immigrant rallies?
Maybe because White isn't one culture and each individual culture that white americans descended from actually have their own countries and individual cultures.
You're a rube.
India is all fucking brown and china is 90% han Chinese.
Nor does that explain my own home country of Northern Ireland. My ancestors literally stole land for the natives there.
Those people in UAE aren't citizens. Also, monarchy so what would a protest do?
There's a big difference between a place that has always been a clusterfuck of different tribes and a place that has been homogeneous until literally the last few decades.
becuz fuck da white peepo dat y