water filters won't do shit against synthetic estrogen.
wtf is this shit
Biological warfare waged by the elites against humanity
This article is a joke.
I think now is the time to sleep, goys.
You're so tired.
This is real. They really want to start putting oxytocin in Germany's water.
We are truly living in a dystopia hooray!
Turns the fish gay.
Reverse osmosis people
I heard about this study on the radio yesterday. The host said we should force nazis to take this.
That's interesting. I also remember reading somewhere that oxytocin makes people more warm towards in-groups and more wary and hostile toward out-groups.
The idea being that mothers of newborn babies become more racist because interacting with your children makes you produce oxytocin.
I'm too lazy to translate anything but long story short.
It's nothing
if you get a blast of oxytocin while interacting with your in group then yes, but these people were dope'd while being talked to about refugees, so the bonding went to browns
but then you need to add the trace minerals back in, plus RO units are fucking expensive
No amount of chemicals will change my hate for myself or others.
I was hoping Sup Forums was wrong about women
>against humanity
no, against white people
well yeah, against humanity
grind up rocks and ingest?
>Germany at it again
Why do they do this?
Why not just give everybody E instead, like in the 90s.
They will if you get the osmosis ones
Get it from your food you dumb fuck and they're not expensive at all.
You can't simply grind up any sort of rock for this to work
... yea I hear that.
>No one has taken the Urine Pill yet
this is the most retarded shit i've ever read
2/10 what were you thinking
dors oxytocin break down though?
this is important
its more likely they will just dose us up, the way they dose white kids getting stabbed by niggers on antidepressants when they get sad about being stabbed
German Taxpayer Money was used to fund this study.
And you thought Germans were nothing like last two times.
They just can't stay away from having fun their weird way and as always, ideology is just a tool.
>tfw they dump this in Japan's water supply
>herd mentality is amplified hundredfold
>pic related
Fuck, a whole row disappeared.
I wonder what would happen if they tried it with "Eastern" people.
i really wish wikipedia wasnt run by niggers
in a chemistry article "inhibit" is about as informative as a 4 year old talking about turtles and smacking blocks together
And that explains everything about political discourse. High test right-wingers are trying to use logic against a bunch of feelings-based high estrogen leftists.
I read this in Norwegian news too. Its real. The future Will have Soma which makes everyone happy and feel good. Its brave New world all over again.
>His team assessed 100 people's attitudes to migrants and gave them 50 euros which could be donated to locals or refugees.
>In the first control experiment, experts found that Germans were more generous to migrants than locals.
GET THE HUG BUG Seven ways to boost the hormone oxytocin that helps you fall in love and lose weight
>"We were surprised that the participants in the first experiment donated around 20 per cent more to refugees than to local people in need," said Nina Marsh from Professor Hurlemann's team.
The people in this experiment need to be identified; they are literally traitors and should be punished as such.
Also this explains why they are so overtly violent all the time. Oxytocin has the opposite effect in that it causes xenophobia towards an outgroup.
i doubt the niggers are gonna get soma'd up
in america they have been giving kids depressed about getting assaulted daily by niggers and threatened with guns antidepressants
of course the gun weilding monkeys dont get drugged up
I put drugs on "water filters"
check mate /x/
There should've been a consent form for this. Until they release it I'm not buying this.