While many aspects of the JQ are true, is it somewhat understandable that the main reason people refuse to accept the truth on it is because the jews are typically viewed as such an easy scapegoat to blame?
The JQ's validity
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No. It's because people who come from individualistic societies with low ethnocentrism and a bloody History have a hard time imagining other people (whom they see as individuals) working hard to achieve tribal goals.
kikes worship satan
Do you guys believe that every jew is in on this?
This and they've springloaded the whole narrative by saying at the front end "this is just what crazy goyim think about us, get a life" etc.
So when they actually do what we're saying they're doing they're like "look see we told you, other sane goyims--this goy's fucking insane lock him up, shut him down!"
Plus the jew's whole life cycle depends on his oppression, but that's another story.
no but theyre apathetic to the jews that are
Isis - Ra - EL - Israel.
Sabbath - Saturday - Saturn - Satan
Saturn ate chilren
Saturn has the lowest vibrational sound frequecy emitted.
---Black Cubes---
Graduation caps.
That cube thing kikes wear
Black Cube (in Hebrew: בלאק קיוב) is a private intelligence agency, which operates out of London, Paris and Tel Aviv,[1] and is the trading name of BC Strategy Ltd.[2] The company was founded in 2010[3] by former Israeli intelligence officers[4] Dan Zorella (in Hebrew: דן זורלא) and Avi Yanus (in Hebrew: אבי ינוס) and draws its manpower from elite and secretive Israeli intelligence units.[5] The company’s personnel are known to maintain close ties to the Israeli government and intelligence agencies.
Mind expanding on the "oppression" bit? I'm interested. I'm reading Kevin MacDonald's "Separation and its Discontents" on the reasons for antisemitism.
Oh it's just that many people (even on /pol) think the jew's favorite currency is shekels, when in reality his favorite currency is >muh oppression. He does this with every race as a D&C tactic, and uses it in tandem with the strategy I described above, to basically give himself cover to take over any government imaginable under the guise of 'tolerance' etc.
jews also brigade money-making and interest-yielding organizations and use nepotism to promote themselves to the command and control sections of the government and economy and news and entertainment industries.
The JQ is only backed by brainlets who have never read a world history book.
you fucking kidding me? Read Ezra Pound's Cantos, or Dostoevsky or any fucking book written prior to 1900 sometime.
youre a kike. kikes control the history books. we found the truth.
I love it when blacks wake up to the JQ, you can still be on right side of history by allying with us, we only hope to destroy the Khazarian mafia for the betterment of humanity. What's stopping you from seeing past the black-white shit and seeing your real oppressors.=?
So muh oppression is just a tactic. A means to an end (the end being shekels and ultimately control)?
>fiat currency
that's also part of the lie. Jewish money is usually debt currency and built around usury tenets--it's literally built into their religion. You'll notice faggots like Rand Paul are the only ones on capitol hill tuned into this shit, but it's too late for their kind. America's dead. It's a zombie country that was killed by the jewish parasite ages ago and only serves to send its war assets into zionist wars for it now.
>a poem and novelist are the equivalent of history books
the ABSOLUTE STATE of antisemitism
>primary source
>versus kike second hand source
Gee I wonder which would be more accurate
My JQ is 200
>second hand source
That's called a secondary source, and no, you obviously do not know what is source analysis.
>"Hitler dindu nuffin", stormfag video #40381
top kek
A poet who lived in Europe and wrote about kikes as they were instigating war all around them is not a primary source REEE sure starnigger. Same with dostoevsky who wrote the House of the Dead about his kike caused internment at a prison camp, or Solzy who had the same (((problem))). Fuck off kike. Tired of your kind. The existence of your whole game is very fucking questionable.
it's not a conspiracy, it's an evolutionary strategy: their group succeeds if they stick together while eroding the togetherness of the host nation
this is the science behind it:
He never said jews were instigating war. He said jews would emerge when the status quo collapses, not that jews would be behind the collapse itself.
Besides, you're only proving that irrational antisemitism is an immense wave of jewish persecution and pogroms swept Russia in 1881- the very same year he died. Of course jew-bashing was real. The ochrana was behind a lot of it too, since it was convenient to blame early separatist/nationalist eastern-european movements on MUH JOOS. Also the Dreyfus affair. And the Damascus affair. And the elder of zion fabrication. And the fact jews were still not emancipated in Russia til 1917, or in Germany til 1871. Etc, etc. All primary sources are documented, of course.
I doubt you even know what you're arguing for. Sad desu senpai.
No (even Sir Oswald Mosley said that it was only "some Jews," not "all Jews"), but at the same time, the Talmud explicitly calls for the preferential treatment of fellow Jews and discrimination against non-Jews. I don't think the admission statistics to Ivy League universities in the United States a mere coincidence.
I recommend that you look into Kevin MacDonald.